Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

Logging in now, you have me hyped to do it!!!

Nothing about this patch makes me want to play. Everything makes me feel obligated to play. This feels like it has been the whole theme of BFA.

1.The zones are geographically annoying and the monster density is bad in the wrong places.
There are too many tightly packed changes in elevation that block me off from an herb node, quest objective, or rare mob I need to kill. The quest indicators (little circles) are right on the edge of a steep cliff that I jump off of, then find out the objective is up top, and its like a minute long run to get to an access point to go back up.
There is a monster like every 10 feet, and half of them I don’t need to engage. Bounty: more murlocs? Ok, there are like 4 murlocs on the whole map, and when I try to get to them I get chased and attacked by like 3-5 monsters I don’t care about. Bounty for elite Naga? Ok, there are like a couple spawn points of rare naga absolutely surrounded by useless trash. Its sluggish and irritating.

  1. The azerite grind is ridiculous, and there has been SO much feedback about that in the forums and streams of players who literally get paid to play this game. It feels like more moving goalposts to have the azerite requirement extended to unlock MINOR passives, which already require you to obtain and level up essences. We already farmed 50 levels worth of azerite, and now it’s more azerite grinding.:roll_eyes: I would say forget having any alts this patch, but by the time you have farmed enough azerite to get your main characters essence slots unlocked, they will probably reduce the requirement significantly so they can say “we’ve been listening”, and all your time will be wasted.

  2. The rewards still don’t feel rewarding.
    Ok, I got a piece of Benthic gear, now I have to grind a bunch of manapearls to upgrade it a bunch of times, in a zone that’s annoying to move around in and find quest objectives. I would rather fish for titanforges in mythic plus, but I cant, because the benthic gear has benefits I might need in Eternal Palace.

All of this stuff feels obligatory to do for players wanting to push endgame content, but none of it feels fun.


I’m wondering where the Pirate hats that were datamined as far back as March 2018 are.

I’ve made several threads bringing these items to light, they’re in the code for the game, and I’m dissappointed they’re not implemented, at the very least as a rare cosmetic drop from some Freehold Pirates. You have the Garland of Grain, which is a Cosmetic head slot item for Brewfest, but nothing for Pirates’ Day.

And Aside from hiding Armor slots, sans pants, I’m trying to figure out exactly HOW you loosened Transmog restrictions. Many items still require a Holiday to use, as an example, and I have not seen any major ‘Fun’ Items appear in weapon slots.

Going to my Priest, who unlocked the Bloodsail Admiral’s Hat, to see if the White Clothing set that was also given to me upon earning the achievement, with the hat, is cosmetic or not.

Alright, the Bloodsail Pirates’ Outfit from ‘Dressing the Part’ Is still White Cloth pieces, that do not appear in my Wardrobe collections tab, worth 1 Copper vendor.


Might come back if you deliver on the stuff that’s readily available for NPCs.

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Played for like, 30 minutes. Then logged off to get hyped for another game’s expansion coming around this Friday. Mostly waiting for the raid to come around and for add-ons to be updated before bothering on WoW.

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I’m quite enjoying this patch and the new content added with it. The Mechagon area is definitely my favorite zone this patch.

Looking forward to unlocking flying here in the near future!

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And this happened to me… imagine putting all that work in for the quest bag and to literally just get 1 chum. I was like are you kidding me?

Yeah. They are certainly afraid of other mmos right now…
I agree. If they added enough to keep us held over, that would have been GREAT. I would have love this 8.2 pre patch. But, we cant even do keys because other then a dungeon being something to do, the loot is bad compared to how easy upgrading a benthic item is. I wish they would have at least upgraded the loot in keys or made more obtainable essences for this 8.2 “pre-patch”


I AM LOVING THIS PATCH SO FAR! Mechagon is literally a blast I am having so much fun with it all. I have already almost got my 4th essence unlocked as well. I am still working through some Naj story quests but overall I am enjoying myself.

I kinda have to share my gripe with some of the Najzatar WQ though. I spent almost an hour at the Jellyfish one and gave up. It may be worth looking into if yall find the time.

Unfortunately too many people whined about it here on the forums. I honestly saw no problem with the weapon being a 400 weapon.

But, you know, people can’t let others have nice things.

On topic:

The rep system really needs to be changed. 50-75 rep for a regular quest is just really low, considering we start at neutral with factions these days (even back during BC, if I recall, I was getting at least 75-150 rep for regular quests, 250 for dungeon/big baddie quests).

I admit, I expect it to take about 3 weeks to get to Revered for PF2, but at this rate- for me at least- it might take a month. Which, considering we’ve waited almost a year to get flying, is ridiculous.

i honestly think that if you want to insist on going this whole PF route, that PF1 needs to be able to allow flying during the 0.1 patch. Considering this patch really doesn’t have anything to do with the 8.0 zones.

Naz is really pretty though.

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I truly have been trying to enjoy the experience.

I’m a very long time player and I love to get immersed in the game, and I’m just having such a hard time doing that.

I feel like its just another chore I have to do… I’d love to play an alt but all the rep grinds I would have to do to even catch up makes it not possible.

World pvp isn’t working as capture the flag doesn’t work if you are very out numbered.

Honestly I’m not sure how to make the game feel good and make me want to keep going, I’m trying to get into the story of the new zone but its very lacking.

The lack of community makes it feel like a single player game.

Blizzard, please give me something to do besides grind rep and achives for weeks… that’s not a enjoyable experience, its not a get away, its not engaging… its a job, raiding is not as prestigious as it used to be, PVP never feels like a close call or that adrenalin filled battle, and the warfront… not even a challenge… its not fun when you just win every time, please challenge me.

Make me love WOW again please! until then, there is ESO I suppose until classic.


Aaah i just wrote this detailed post going through my experience in another thread, upsie.

Please click this link to see my feedback for this patch!

Hope this helped you understand. Had to be blunt a couple of times to drive home what i felt, but i really mean no disrespect - i can see you’re hard at work, and i’m glad to see you give it your best! Good luck Blizzard!

I am really liking the world content, feels good doing some stuff on the open world, especially since they are both rewarding and challenging sometimes, haven’t explored Mechagon yet but I am loving Nazjatar, especially since so far it had been a pretty human focused expansion.
My only problem so far is WM Alliance side, I love PvP, but damn, almost every fight turns out to be a 5+ against 1 or 2 and Horde always gets free PvP event buff in Nazjatar, at least on ED.

I’m not progressing because everything is timegated so I have to go at Blizzard’s snailcrawl pace instead of my own.

Also Patherfinder 1 should’ve given us flying in the 8.0 zones and Pathfinder 2 should give flying in the 8.2 zones. Going this long without flying in the main zones is ridiculous.


Curious, how many alts do you even play? The idea that BfA is “alt-friendly” in any way is contradicted by all the people I know who love their alts but didn’t level them because playing them sucked, and then quit the game because only playing their mains left them little to do.

Oh, this is your main? LOL.

I got randomly phased while doing the Tempest-Speaker Shalan’ali world quest. It’s really not something meant to do solo unless your character is very strong as there are a lot of mobs that actually hit pretty hard, and I was thrown into an empty phase and, not really to my surprise, instead of finishing the quest I ended up surrounded by full HP mobs and died pretty quickly. I created a group but no one joined, probably because there is no “join group” button in the world quest tracker for this quest.

I was not grouped, I did not join a group, I was just randomly thrown into a new phase. Was it a big deal? Not really, just a minor setback. I am aware that this is not an 8.2-specific issue, but I just want to point out how irritating it is that this game does not offer a seamless in-world experience anymore, and hasn’t ever since this phasing stuff started.

To say “I want it gone” is probably unreasonable, but I would like to see it fixed. I am tired of this happening at random out in the world and not only being screwed over fighting elites, but also being disconnected from people out in the game world.

I thought that one of the biggest selling points of this game was socializing and I am getting to the point where it feels like that experience has just been cheapened.

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Its like Argus all over again. Same world quests and faction grind and time gated content. Do you realise this is the same reason why BFA wasnt well received and so many players are quitting the game?


My core complaint is that it doesn’t feel like we’re deep enough under the water Bornakk. I feel like… I dunno, players dive deeper in Vash’jr and I am left asking “How was this hidden?”

I made a suggestion on how it could of worked better, but honestly this is a matter of taste and I can give it a pass. It’s probably the smallest issue I have with the zone.


Moving on to what I like about the Zone? Pretty much everything aesthetically. It’s gorgeous from a standpoint of feeling like the bottom of the sea. The color issues the existence of the skyline causes are dealt with easily with a Inky Black Potion which allow the bio-luminescence effects to really pop out.

I feel like the events need to happen more frequently, and mobs should have more health however. Remember while the Zone is a flying zone, no one has it unlocked. This should be a factor in the mob health.

Also please for the love of all that is holy, remove the time-gating. Get that crap out of here and don’t ever bring it back. You want us to earn 3000 Exp with the Kelfin? Alright. Fair enough. But have enough dailies up so we can do it in a single day if we want to.

We were told if we wanted to grind for Flight on Day 1 of 8.2 we would be able to. Another thing. Rep should be rewarding 150 per completion, and the fact that it doesn’t has made some of my guild members state that they feel as if Blizzard is being spiteful about having to give us flight back. It is not intelligent to piss your base off further if you intend players to continue to play / pay subs.

We also need a LOT more World Quests every day (at least 10 up at any given time) would be great, and a fix for the Jellyfish Daily would complete the Zone. Disregard the people who will whine about it and add some Benthic Weapons to the Vendor that can be upgraded as well. This would make players have an alternate method of gearing, which is also a good thing.

Otherwise, I don’t know what else could be done to improve the zone. The Zone is akin to Argus, but that’s not a bad thing necessarily. Check out the FATE Missions FFXIV has, and add a few of those but for Naga bosses. Then players can grind Benthic Gear and always have “something” to do.

The only change I’d make to Mechagon is to list Project locations and where they are on maps.


One other thing. Get rid of that Candy Crush knock off Quest in Nazjatar. Specifically the one that requires 5 color matches in a row. It’s total is rubbish. Once for the Lucid Nightmare? Alright fine, made sense. But as a Daily? No way.

If you must, send Activision a memo. If we wanted to play games from their KING Franchise we’d play them. Do not shoehorn them into WoW. Players are getting really tired of WoW turning into a front for Activision’s other IPs.

Also please fix the controls on the Jellyfish Daily. I’d of been in deep trouble if something like this made it through Q&A on one of the titles I worked on back in the day. The controls do not align with the player direction and it becomes a total frustration that isn’t worth the time to do.

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There are 3 different classes with different animations and names for each spell. Want an alt? Buy a boost then level in 8 hours. Outside of grinding out your heart it’s fairly simple. Especially mechanically.

Alts were not what made this game great, and let’s not pretend that. I’d argue the desire for alts is a symptom more than anything of not having a compelling gameplay and wanting an OCD, grass is greener type situation without realizing in fact the grass isn’t green at all


Ah, he’s a boost salesman.

Alts were indeed what made this game great. Lots of people playing lots of the time = success. People quitting because they have nothing to do on their mains = profit losses.

It sounds like you want to drastically change the game to force people to play like you are pretending to.


Last night I played for around 5 hours. I haven’t felt motivated to sit and play a video game for 5 hours in a long time.