Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

I’m a filthy casual too and I’m not sure what’s up here but I’m on your side, just holler for morale and text support. I have pitchforks etc at the ready!

:beers: /cheers!


Eh, to me it was more of the same. I got on and started working toward the achievement for flying, doing the quests etc. It’s still the same BFA to me so ultimately, I decided to unsub until classic wow. I’ve been playing pretty consistently for the last two years, so a break is well needed. I wish the rest of you the best though!

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I’d like to see random gear selections limited if we are going to have poisoned armor pieces…….spending all my resource to try to NOT get versatility gear in every slot is wasteful of my time.


No longer able to loot while inside hivemind ( as a passenger ) , tried with and without the Blacksmith item that allow you to interact with environment.

Pilot works fine ( with and without blacksmith item )

This is nowhere under 8.2 changes and i believe it didn’t work this way on ptr

Could you please loot into it?

then why would you even give a crap about pvp essences? your not special if you want the pvp essences go pvp like everyone else.

no point playing if it’s still the same BFA classes

I’m enjoying things so far, I like both zones. Nazjatar is gorgeous and fun to run around in I just wish you guys would understand that mob density can kill a good zone. Nazjatar isn’t too bad but there’s still so many random packs of mobs it can get annoying. If we’re going to be grounded please make it less annoying to explore and get around. The love for classic exploration doesn’t come from an overabundance of mobs littered throughout the zone with dazed mechanics, it’s become very annoying because it’s no longer dangerous.

Also, the grinding is way too much. I love that you guys lowered the neck AP requirement past 50 but jesus. We have rep to grind, essences to grind and AP to grind. It’s a little bit overboard at this point. I vastly prefer grinding essences over grinding AP. If you were to keep the essence system moving forward but get rid of AP and let the essences be the grind it’d be a lot better imo.

Those are my only two complaints, everything else has been really good. I enjoy the return of dailies mixed with WQs, I enjoy grinding for essences and I like the exploration of both zones. Exploring for rares in mekka with the jet pack is awesome and Nazjatar is a zone I could run around in all day it just looks really appealing to me. So overall probably a 7.5/10 from me.

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Having fun so far. Running around like a chicken with its head cut off. But having fun nonetheless.


My first night in Naj on a 375 arms warrior was frustrating and painful. Too many mobs and overtuned for my ilvl. I couldn’t really enjoy the environment while doing the aggro range dance. You went too far in the Vanilla direction with 8.2 IMO.

The Azerite system is still not fun. You’re getting more powerful, but mostly only in a “numbers going up” capacity. It’s a far cry from Legion, where new levels gave us cool new abilities and cool weapon appearances. I just can’t bring myself to care about this invisible necklace that we inevitably will have to depower to save the world at the end of BfA.

Zone-wise, Mechagon feels much better to me as a player. Naz feels incredibly claustrophobic and trying to look for cave entrances while dealing with dense packs of normal and elite mobs is far more frustrating than fun

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I definitely agree, although I think some of the things have been beneficial so far (we’ll see if they ruin them) as far as gearing goes.
The fact that we don’t have a new warfront with ridiculous rewards and that the new WQs seem to focus on Benthic gear rather than base gear rewards makes a huge change.

It gives people back a little bit more progression, even if not much. You won’t be expecting people to suddenly get a massive 40ilvl upgrade for no reason, instead players can target benthic slots and steadily progress their power through completion of content.
For me that’s a big win over the lottery system most of the content has fallen to.

I guess it depends on your main. Personally where my character is I don’t feel like I need anything from Nazjatar (yet to experience Mechagon), so realistically I’m free to instead play my alts through the experience.

There is a lot of catch up involved in it as well which makes it good for alts to get back into. The starting quest alone gives you a benthic piece plus an upgrade so it essentially grants you a 400 item.
Other benthic pieces being drops/quest reward or easily purchasable for 5 pearls makes it easy to jump straight into a 385 set, with easy upgrades from that point on.

This game is a work of creative art…I love this game and care about it.
you cant learn how to make this game great …you either have it or you dont
you need a muse at the helm. Bring back Tom Chilton…keep Ion on for raids and number crunching

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Having a blast. Intro quest for Nazjatar and HoA are great. Nazjatar = amazing! Enjoying my ankoan budy and leveling him even tho his voice is freaking me out a bit.
Mechagon is cool and really putting pressure on my bag slots with all the junk.
WPvp has been alive and well. BfN was onesided on my shard but at least we won.not expecting that to be the case everyday. Had some good skirmishes with random hordes as i was questing in both new zones. Mechagon is just crazy in wm… the music suits it.

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Overall experience is kinda meh, for a few reasons…

-Nazjatar just doesn’t really feel like what I imagined the naga capital / zone would be. It doesn’t really feel like their zone - they’re pretty well contained in only a few areas with the rest of the zone devoted to other creatures and such. It doesn’t feel like there’s any real danger of the naga hunting you and your faction down. Ultimately, Vash’jir did a better job with the overall atmosphere of things.

-Mechagon is fine, though some of it feels needlessly drawn out. The 3 rare per day wq feels a bit bad when they spawn as slowly as they do.

-The story is a raging dumpster fire, though that’s been the case for all of BfA. I’m still not touching any part of the war campaign (or even watching the cinematic anymore). Mechagon’s story is fine for what it is. Nazjatar feels horribly off - we have two new factions opposing Azshara who don’t work together for unspecified reasons; Jaina is too prevalent here; it overall just feels too stilted and forced.

-The content really isn’t engaging for someone who’s been raiding quite a bit already. My two main toons are both 410+ equipped from raiding and m+. I don’t expect to get much out of the pearl system - I’ll ultimately get my toons geared faster just through m+ and raiding than by grinding this zone. Also, doing this stuff on 2 toons is kinda tedious. I’ll probably stop doing it once I get whatever essences I need from the zone and get enough rep for flying. Ultimately, Nazjatar just feels too much like a chore that I have to do for the next few weeks. Mechagon might have more staying power, but it’s hard to tell at this point.

-The azerite grind remains miserable, and I dislike all the essences being gated behind everything. I want to do X, but I’m being roped into doing W, Y, Z, and Q to do so. Keep this up and I’ll decide that X simply isn’t worth the time investment anymore.

-If you’re trying to get feedback as to whether or not the new content fixes things or makes me excited to play, it really doesn’t. It feels like 8.2 doesn’t really address BfA’s issues but merely papers over them in hopes that no one notices.

I’m enjoying the content. I have some goals to work towards, I’ve already seen some really interesting encounters in Mechagon (looking at you Vaultbot). Looking forward to the new raid, to flying, to the new dungeon.

The one thing I’d like to see more of, however, is better loot tables for the rares. With Timeless Isle, every rare had something fun drop - whether it be a toy or gear. Without those things, and with only being able to fight each rare once, it makes me wonder why I’m even bothering to fight them.

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I’m not going to lie, I really enjoyed the quest line and cinematic for Mechagon. I’m really enjoying the raid battles between Horde and Alliance.


Just built my Mechanocat and i am rocking that Fireball Red color! Really love Mechagon so far. Nazjatar is alright, but not as good as Mechagon imo.

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I felt like this on Argus during Legion, then I remembered we’re on a hostile planet in a hostile environment, I’d say the same for Nazjatar as well. The whole place is unfriendly to us besides some minor racial groups.

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I re activated for the patch hoping it would rekindle the game for me and add content that I would enjoy and keep me excited. Feels like more of the same old.

More dailies more rep grind.

No innovate additions.

No changes to systemic problems and issues.

Zones are very busy and cluttered. Too small for density of action happening. Just compare them to argue and you can see massive diff in size.

New trait system just confuses me and forcing me re learn and reimagine my strategy and build which mid expac is kind of annoying.

I’m sure there are more issues that aren’t coming to mind but this should do.


Mechagon seems fine and interesting. Things pop up and you do them.

Nazjatar… sigh …is bad. I’ve spent 2hrs in Nazjatar so far and everything there just seems designed to annoy.

  1. Annoying bodyguard that crowds you and WON’T SHUT UP!
  2. Landscape is everything I hate about newer WoW zones… hills you can’t climb. Everything is like damn Lombard Street in San Francisco!
  3. Jumping Jellies WQ… you trying to make me unsub with crap like that?
  4. Candy Crush mini-game… I know you own King and probably think its ‘cute’ to have that there. But if I wanted to play that stupid game, I’d have it on my phone!

After 12yrs of WoW subbing; BfA is so bad, I started playing FF14 a few months ago. I’m playing both atm, deciding who deserves my sub money, and people were like “8.2 will fix a lot” but I’m not seeing it. Now Ion says ‘sorry our classes suck :man_shrugging:’, and what I’m supposed to for the next 2(?) years of BfA? Just suck it up and hope they can make the game interesting in 9.0? Blizz you’re making it real hard for me to want to keep giving you money. I enjoyed WoD more than BfA.


Still in nazjtar, feels like everything is way over powered. Im only ilvl 401 playing a frost mage have a quest to kill 15 elite naga’s and after fighting one, im not going to bother doing the quest and i’m having a hard time seeing this as fun and wanting to even play. Im here on the forums seeing if its just me and im not alone as i can see.