Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

I am very happy with both zones. The density is not an issue to me because it adds a difficulty to the game that I haven’t seen in a while. I like the grind, it adds a sense of accomplishment. The only things I am a bit concerned about is I don’t think that there are enough dailies or quests in these zones. I found after spending an hour in each zone that I was left with nothing else to do as far as progression goes. I would like to see a few more dailies/WQ to keep me busy. Additionally, I am not clear on the essences but this is likely my own fault for not reading more into it.

All in All, it’s great but definitely room for growth.


Did I? Any worse than you did? I guess we’re both garbage then. Enjoy your day.

  1. that WQ where ya jump on jelly fish, cant do it, so I"ll pass

  2. no 415 weapon was a bummer, even if ya changed it serious demotivation to take my other alts there at this time

  3. Ground travel truly still sucks

  4. That crystal thing that summons a mob for ya to kill and gives mana pearls was ok

  5. The initial essence is another button to press and being able to use it to heal someone also is kinda cool

  6. Haven’t gone to mechagone. I can only travel on the ground so long before I get done for the day

  7. Playing my blood dk and killing stuff takes a very long time, might have done a bit better had ya left the 415 weapon in place, clothes like me again for aoe grinding some things.

  8. At least the portal there and back is good, haven’t figured out how to unlock flightmaster whistle yet, ya otta look at that a bit because soon as I can fly I won’t worry about FP’s It will be to little to late if I don’t achieve it today or tommorrow.

  9. Need 6 - 8 wq’s that are general purpose to pick and choose or do all of em for rep.

10 Hope contracts for nazhatar and mechagon are available on the AH by morning, haven’t looked yet.

  1. Not many mining nodes or herb nodes, no idea if that matters to me at this point.

  2. The map still is bad for finding paths to the places ya want to go. Running around the hill 5 times to find something is zero fun.

  3. Seems to not have major bugs in avg things, haven’t found any that I noticed.

  4. Seriously, mobs still dropping 266 grean BOE might as well just have em drop gold since I don’t even scrap em anymore. Maybe consider them dropping 266 greens for level 111 at this point instead of 120. Who even just hitting 120 equips a 266 green?

15 Art team did pretty good as usual

  1. puzzles and jumping puzzles are not something I enjoy, othere may or may not. Can’t say if they are well done or not since I skip. Same same pokeman er pet battle quests.

17 Mobs can’t kill me in tank spec, but their health pool (That stupid ilvl scaling) is a bit much for what I gain. Fortunately I enjoyed my classic stress test and spammed chat and made groups and we burned through them with me tanking things and even often had a healer. Blood DK is pretty self sufficient.

18 NO mount equipment early when I checked AH, Should have had a vendor for that stuff at least one time choice instead of probably forgetting about it before I remember to look in a few weeks.

Over all compared to earlier parts of BFA I’d say 5/10 wqith final judgement reserved.

Ya really depressed me with a ptr release that I knew had a 415 weapon in it then it dropping to a 370 a day after I got a 395 weapon from weapon emmisary. (Should be weapon emmisary up pretty regular. MY DK could use two one hand weapons for frost so he doesn’t have to try to find a pug raid group to tank with.) Same same need two daggars and two swords for my baby rogue. Ret pally could use a nice healing main hand and healing shield 395 but not RNG euipment cache. weapon / offhand cache.

Well you asked and I pointed out the things I’m having trouble with and aggravated by. Don’t really expect you to do anything, but there that is.

I don’t see a decent bread crumb on war campaign but I can go to third pary sites to figure that out.

Flying is a almost a year to late, and not having a predictable understanding of quickest way to unlock that is the one thing that I’m frustrated about.

Shouldn’t have to spend days figuring out things or wait for some youtuber to put up a best method with zero clue from the lame amount of input from official sources.

Please understand I know your job is not to fix, and maybe not to overly forward input.

I’ll stop back in a few days and if it is turning fun I’ll let you know, but at this point i’m still in show me mode.

peace n blessings


I’ve had a lot of fun so far. Nazjatar is a bit annoying to navigate on a ground mount. I didn’t have time yesterday to even make it to Mechagon.

I woke up early and did a little bit in Mechagon before I had to go to work and even though it’s smaller it looks pretty fun.

I love the random stuff hidden throughout the zones, like what’s this do? What’s this for?

I found a cave while exploring and a warning text told me it was dangerous so I kept going and found a little secret game.

I fed a giant flower some flies and halfway through I started thinking it might be a bad idea (it was).

I can’t wait to get home and explore some more stuff.

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I personally like the Mechagon stuff because I can build what I want. I want a Tinker/Turret class and this kind of reminds me of that.

I like Nazatar for the bodyguard, since I’ve always loved having a side kick. Just wish I could gear them like in D2 and see their gear change. Be cool to see spiked armor or shelled armor or whatever armor mog I’d like to have on my helper to help them stand out more and be unique.

Once all the questing is finished all that’s there is are the WQ’s and they go by pretty fast. Would really like to see more of the build it if you want it type stuff that way when I finish up WQ’s there is still something to do in the zones. Maybe have a Warlord’s Deathwheel type bike that we can customize. I would farm mats to customize a bike like that for a long time. Maybe give a couple different vehicle type looks for players to choose from.

I feel you soul. I started out in Warmode and was doing the Bejeweled quest. I made the wrong assumption that I would be phased and got ganked after about 30 minutes of trying to get 5 yellows lined up. Then I dropped WM to “get it faster”, to only get trolled by people pulling mobs on top of us at the WQ.

After so much hype for 8.2 and all the “its going to save BFA” this is pathetic. My entire raid team is already “farming azurite” on day 2 and let me tell you I cannot WAIT to be able to do the same exact dungeons again in M+ for more BiS gear as if it wasn’t enough farming it this first year.


I’m enjoying it but I’m pretty casual. I can hear people’s complaints about azerite/essences…compared to legion legendaries/artifacts where you had spec specific abilities it is underwhelming, but I still find it enjoyable.

It kind of feels to me like people just want to complain.

Edit: One example of a fun azerite ability is the pack spirit defensive. If you stack 3 you become incredibly hard to kill in ghost wolf. It’s the only azerite ability I know for shaman that really feels like it changes the way you can play. You go from using ghost wolf as a mobility enhancement to a strong defensive and reliable escape mechanism. Most of the azerite abilities don’t impact your gameplay that much. It’s also cool that you feel the impact go up as you stack it.

Would be better if you fixed the Arcane Linguist glitch that’s been going on for 6 months.

Played for 2 days and I’m done. Very boring, same content as always. I have 17 days left on my one month return and I can’t see logging on again. I’ll be back for Classic


It’s certainly another rinse and repeat rep grind filler patch designed to act as a carrot on a stick for flying. I wonder the relevance these zones will have once flying is obtained, I’d wager not much.


Just got home from work to see what all the hype was about. Who on earth thought Jumping Jellies was a good idea?


I have an overwhelming sense of “meh”. I’ll withhold judgement for when the dungeon/raid come out, but so far…not impressed at all.


What other faction in war mode? On RP servers, not only can I not find any Horde, but the airships aren’t even dropping crates to fight over any more.

So I wanted to fly right? I like it, it’s something small but I’ve always enjoyed it both for Questing and just moving around from place to place. Mechagon isn’t too bad, small with not much to do unless you want to farm lots of scrap but otherwise fairly meh. Nazjatar is pretty with so far mostly decent quests* but the lack of ghost flying when dead is extremely irritating. I don’t like having to play “which route will get me closer to my body because the other six are just too far away” game.

So far as I said ~most~ quests have been ok and I’m not focusing on the lag because I doubt much can be done about it (500-1k ms regularly). Quest wise though I HATED the penguin slide and The Jelly quest is a straight skip no matter if it rewarded 500ilvl gear.

I’m just curious as to why we went from little to no content to do, to having to wait for these daily quests in order to progress with the content that was just added?


Mechagon to me looks like the goblin start zone honestly. all the tech and trash laying around really reminded me of the goblin home island.

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I haven’t played in 2 months or more any my gear is still better than yours!

Please remove or heavily rework the Jumping Jellies WQ in Nazjatar. It requires very quick mouse turning and isn’t intuitive at all. Also the only way I was able to complete the quest was by using the demon hunter’s glide abilitiy. I do not see this quest being completed by most average players. If you won’t change the quest at least increase the rewards as the 5 manapearls was not worth the effort needed to complete the quest.

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cant fish in more than half the fishing pools in Nazjatar.

Jelly fish quest is a joke, meaning not going to spend 1hr trying to finish one wq.

wq where ride water elemental zone where quest need to be done? keep moving out the zone have to remount at the start.

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Bomb vs Biological weapon? Pretty sure Biological weapon is considered worse world wide.

(I’d side with neither, but really had to point that out)