Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

I absolutely hate Nazjatar. The rare elites are bugged and either submerged in the ground or somewhere in the sky. Either way, you can’t target them. Why even have rare elites when the zone is packed with elite mobs with tons of health.


Use consecrate and pull mobs from several different levels of terrain; mobs that weren’t even in camera range swarm my pally. I get stuck in combat constantly because of the companion, or bugged mobs. If you happen to fall in the northern part of the zone, good luck getting back to your corpse.

Just a grind zone with too many super high health, elite mobs that swarm you. This is not fun.

Mechagon is fun, but frigging tiny.

All of it is just repetition upon repetition upon repetition. Very poorly done, Blizz.


Me? I’m astonished that Blizzard, just one day after the patch dropped, is on the forums fishing for adulation.


I’ve been telling them for MONTHS that the vehicle by which you experience all of their development-byproduct is terrible and it makes everything terrible. I could be on the most beautiful highway on the planet, but if I’m driving a Pinto with square wheels and a cabin full of skunk carcasses and hobo leavings, I’m not going to be terribly thrilled.

EDIT - I’m sorry. I wasn’t being fair. I forgot they added my new spell “Fireballs from the Heart”, so we’ll go ahead and toss a 2 year old pine-tree-air-freshener in the cabin. That should do it…


I would suggest you quit altogether. I don’t say that maliciously. I say that from experience.

After WOD, I was pretty burned out. I found a lot of the game boring, uninspired, lacking any type of “fun.”

I took a break. For almost the entirety of Legion (I had played pretty much non stop from Vanilla through WOD) I didn’t play wow.

I played Diablo 3 (don’t get me started), I played Path of Exile, I played Dungeons and Dragons Online, I played Starcraft 2, I played Neverwinter, I played Guild Wars 2… and a whole host of other really really bad games that shouldn’t have ever taken up space on my gaming pc.

Lots of games. And not one of them, not a single one, could compare to World of Warcraft in complexity, polish, and story.

That’s when I came back… near the end of Legion. And I’m enjoying myself way more now than I ever did.

Taking a break may give you a better perspective.


Is that what a washer and shake weight do? Adulate?

Got in a group with friends cleared every quest on the map fighting roving bands of alliance along the way in Naz. Started Mecha but haven’t gotten that far through it yet, the requirement for rares and having so few available is a bit of a peeve of mine but still fun to search for them.

Overall, I am enjoying it. Don’t mind on the raid delay, I do think the new dungeon should have come out at release.

Its only scaled because of classic. Apparently spending more time killing a world creature despite earning mythic level gear is… wait for it… immersion and a sense of accomplishment.

Thats right spending more time after working all day, spending time with my kids and getting them to bed, finally sitting down to continue playing a character I invested the past 9 months in, is just wiped out.

Thanks blizz. Good job going backwards 15 years on the game.


and by roving bands of Alliance, he means 1 to 2 Alliance players near each other killing mobs that they rolled over, cause they got skillz.


Anywhere from 4-6 with us having 5. So, I have no idea what you are talking about. But keep walking that edge or make more friends.

oh, you were the underdog, sure. cool story

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I despise every inch of Najatar, beautiful place set atop atrocious landscaping. The logic of the story being stuck there makes no sense at all when you open up a permanent portal there.

Hearing “Oh no, she could drown us at any moment. If only I could use teleportation magic” gets stupid and old everytime I portal into the zone and talk to Elsa.

TL;DR: Its a good idea with terrible execution. Azshara deserves better than this.


I can see making friends is out, so edge it is.

They released it mostly unfinished because they’re scared of the Shadowbringers release this week. And they should be. I would have been happy if 8.2 added something exciting enough to hold me a few days, but it couldn’t even do that. Literally just more of the same with NONE of the core issues fixed. I know most of it won’t happen until at least 9.0, but I figured they could do SOMETHING besides crank out the same crap that’s hemorrhaging subs, but I guess not.


Left it unguarded in the Tomb of Sargaras. People should be more careful on what they leave behind in raids.

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I’m ready for Classic WoW (y’all did a Charlie Foxtrot on this game years ago).

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Well, let’s see:


  • There’s a lot to do. A LOT. I played for a few hours last night and I think I only mostly started setting up Naz’jatar, I didn’t even enter Mechagon yet
  • While navigating around is as sadistic as ever, at least the roads that show up on the map are actually there and easy to identify when you’re on them, making planning your route easier
  • None of the addons I use were critically broken right out of the gate. Good job getting in front of it, addon developers!
  • Naz’jatar is pretttyyyyy. I wouldn’t have hated it being an underwater zone, though.
  • Awwwwwww yee, my battle transmog finally matches my RP transmog


  • Oh boy I love my surviveability as a BM Hunter taking a nosedive. I came in to the zone higher than the gear it was giving me and yet single non-elite mobs are regularly killing my pet, and then they come to eat my face. So much corpserunning. SO MUCH.
  • I could have sworn that the way it was supposed to work was that mount equipment was per-account. It’s WILD that it’s not. I’m going to have to take the time to buy and mail every SINGLE one of my sub-100 alts water-walking equipment?
  • My bags are screaming at me. There are so many weird little one-off items you can get of questionable use, so many TYPES of them, that I’m afraid to toss because eventually someone is going to want five of them for a quest or something. You know they are.
  • Bugged quests. It’s not even surprising anymore that was broken in beta is still broken now, with turn-in NPCs randomly disappearing and requiring elaborate workarounds
  • I ended day one into Naz’jatar having finished all available world quests, most regular quests, and the emissary for the zone, at about 1.8k into friendly for rep. Ow. This grind is gonna last a while.
  • Very little of the new content is intuitive at all. I feel like Blizzard is starting to lean way, WAY too much on third-party sites for providing information they can’t be bothered to share in-game. I stumbled across a random “!” that gave me a quest that ended up, a few steps later, upgrading my flight whistle. That couldn’t have used a breadcrumb??

Started with an alt after getting Gnome armor. I’m loving it so far, even having low gear Item level it isn’t to hard if i’m not stupid or overconfident (this happens alot lol). Story is great, mana pearls don’t feel like they are to hard to come by at least not yet they don’t with the initial quests giving some. But all in all having fun!!

The Baine scenario is really good. Enjoyed it and the cinematic was awesome as always.


But she could though…

Azshara: “Hahaha! I can wiggle my nose and the power of the entire ocean will come crashing down upon your heads! Henchmen, dispose of them! I have other pressing matters to attend to at the shuffleboard tournament out back!”

“can’t use that inside” when its a crater and i can see the sky from it :expressionless:
hows that inside!?

as a proud member of the Gnomes (master race) this is the best bit of story ever added and I am only sad about letting a filthy goblin into the Gnome team :frowning:

Gnomes perfected Blight why can we not use it to blight that race out of existence!?

p.s. Can (do they?) Nazjatar rares have a low chance to drop abyssal shards? 15 req to buy @ 5 each is brutal D: