Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

I can make you a mount equipment to fix that. :stuck_out_tongue:

But I don’t need one in any of the other zones in the game… So… Is this a feature? The zones seem larger because of portal removal and insta-dismount?

This game is going in a pretty sweet direction with all the fun-foils they’re coding.

I don’t really want to earn angler’s rep on another toon, but because the anglers’ mount equipment is unique (which is absolutely terrible imo) I wind up feeling like I should get to exalted on my engineer just for the portable mailbox; that way I’m not running to Karasrang Wilds and back to a mailbox and back to Karasrang Wilds again for every alt that I make just so that my water strider can do what it’s been able to do since MoP.

It feels terrible when something I earned (water walking mount a.k.a azure water strider) is nerfed and it invalidates the time I put into the angler’s rep that I earned back in MoP. Now I have to pay over and over for something that I earned long ago. The water strider nerf is terrible.


Adding Essences to the Azerite system was foolish. Actually… THE AZERITE SYSTEM IS FOOLISH.

Some changes I haven’t experienced yet, but so far Nazjatar and the continuation of a stupid, un-fun system is a negative experience for me. How could it be fun when classes suck? sigh

Overall I like both zones. The first night of PvP warmode on Naz was awesome. However, today, we did the event without being able to find 1 alliance to kill, (this one zone wide). We had horde hiding inside the alliance bases, their flight paths etc hoping for at least 1. Could see this being a potential issue.

Also, no one queues for PvP islands so hoping that requirement will get axed for the essence.

Runelocked chest was really annoying. (Good change on the way I think)

Grinding rep for flying.

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I just threw on a coarse leather barding(consumable edition) and went about my business.

Can bet your butt that ill probably make the permanent one for myself too. Fishing raft works for me.

Each alt of mine ive logged in that was 120 got one in the mail.

It’s only permanent until you need water walking, flying, or Blizzard decides their stupid idea is stupid.

Dont really need water walking. I have the fishing raft and potions.

I rarely used my strider.

Getting dismounted is my biggest pet peeve.

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I would venture a guess that this is probably mostly true for all players. Now consider the mindset behind someone that purposefully codes their game to enable this to happen ten times as often as before.


I don’t have a single 120 at this point. My lvl 110s got the mail, but my lvl 66 troll DK did not.

I just made a void elf to test but I don’t have time to do the starter area and it’s not showing any mail even if there was a mailbox.

I doubt any new toons made after the patch went live will get the mount shoes in the mail if they are made after the patch went live, at least below lvl 100. It will still be an issue, and the engineer toon will be the one that can have a portable mailbox that I can place at the vendor with the shoes.

I laughed…so damn hard. Mylittle brother still does this to me.

That aside, there are a number of critiques in regards to the content which has been released.

  1. The pacing does not feel very smooth at all. You have this huge thing occur where you get dropped into Nazajatar by Queen Azshara, and you meet your new allies, and then that is it. It is very jarring for the story when it simply stops in place. Particularly when there is so much interesting stuff in Nazjatar to explore without an incentive to do any of it because it is all tied to quests which are locked behind a rank 3 companion.
    When I explore the zone, I see TONS of mobs which are required for quests but those quests are inaccessible.

  2. Zone design is a big issue for me. I love the look of Nazjatar, it looks excellent in terms of what you would expect of a world that is supposed to be underwater. The seaweed hanging limply off massive rock pillars? Awesome.

The problem is navigation. There are a number of times where getting from Point A to point B requires me to go to C, D, E, and F before I can go to it. I don’t require a straight line, but I do think many areas are simply convoluted for the sake of being that way. I don’t think I would mind if I had a grapple launcher as I did for Stormheim to assist.

This is also a HUGE issue if you are PvPing. A lot of classes have ways to negate fall damage entirely, which means they escape with ease. DH and Warrior are notable examples because if the fight goes bad? They can cut clear across the entire zone. It just inhibits gameplay instead of enhancing it.

This is the same with mob placement. They are EVERYWHERE. The concentration of mobs is a significant factor that makes the game unenjoyable. If I am on my clothie i get knocked off all day. I don’t mind fighting the mobs, but if I was not as well geared as I am on my mage, he would die very often.

  1. Reputations amount. It feels very small, and I am concerned that despite providing flying, it means when we do unlock flying, it will be absolutely pointless to use. Basically, I will have flying unlocked after I am done with the game. It is just a slap in the face, and this has happened twice now. Oh you’re done? Cool, you can fly now.

Back in WOTLK, you needed flying for various areas and it made the content feel more engaging because it meant the features you were using had purpose. It felt good having unlocked flying because now I had more areas to explore. Perhaps I am jumping to a conclusion early.

  1. Drop supplies. I have no idea how to get them outside of watching the cursor fly off the map everytime.

  2. Bad spawn location. Some areas feel like you need flight to get there, and it doesn’t feel good trying to get to them where it feels like your arbitrarily failing the jump instead of it being a skill check.

Now things I do like…

  1. I like the puzzle games. They’re a good change of pace from the kill/gather quests we constantly see everywhere else.
  2. I like how quests are not shown on the map. It mean when I explore the map for the achievement for flying (lol), if I find a quest, I have incentive to explore more of the map.
  3. I like the hidden areas of the map as well. The ones that go outside of it.


  1. I might be in the minority, but I hate this place. It looks like a junkyard heap, and I was expecting it to be more interesting in terms of design. If they are so advanced, why does everything look so…so…crummy? That is just subjective preference.

2.I don’t like the mob density here as well. Its really bad.

I do like the trinket and how uniquely you can change it.
I also actually like the essence system, though I wish they did affect classes a bt more uniquely.
My DK doesn’t gain any special benefit the other classes don’t receive outside of ONE specific essence that grants me vampiric blood every now and then o TWO army of the dead ghouls.
The idea is great, but I feel like more can be done.

  1. Fast mount items. Blazing through feels deliciously fun and dangerous. If ground mounts could obtain this speed and also be ridiculously dangerous the game would be more fun and I wouldn’t even think about flight. I don’t understand how the dev team introduces interesting mechanics/items and removes them for months/years on end.

Luddite… look it up. People who want the game to remain in a state of retardation (aka Classic) are funny people.

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Sadly, I’m quite disappointed today. I feel that its mostly just busy work and not focused on story. I hope one day that will return as the focus rather than a side piece. The patch seems like it wasn’t designed for folks like me unfortunately.

I’m out till at least 8.3 but maybe 9.0.


I got about 1.5 hours in Nazjatar last night and that place is amazing.

Such a well designed zone.

Looking forward to more of it.

Those are not bugs, they are content.

Screw your jellies and screw bejeweled…GIVE US AN RPG FFS


Allies wanna quest bro.

You camp em and they’ll leave.



The initial weapon should have been an 400 ilvl. 370 was too low.

My character is decently geared and I feel very under powered so far in Naj. I’m not sure if it’s the recent nerfs to the class or the new areas themselves. I’m popping cooldowns, avoiding mechanics but still getting my butt handed to me at times. Part of the problem again is density of mobs. They are just spaced too close together. I don’t mind fighting more difficult mobs, it’s the rate of adds whether it’s proximity or another player dumping their train on me.

Yes over time this will change due to benthic gearing and flying just like past expansions. It just seems a tired formula.

Plus, the jumping jelly wq needs a rework. Give a save point midway at least.

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