Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

Lag, lots and lots of lag. Takes a few minutes to load environment. Seems
Like forever to mount.

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Art & cinematic teams deserve raises.

I would like to have less spoon feeding for my rep grinds.

The story was interesting, but it feels disjointed with such long gaps.

The mobs seem overtuned for anything but a main or well geared alt.

Why is a 370 weapon reward in the game? Emissary reward is better than that. Should minimum have been a 385 like the other gear in the zones. Then the punchcard trinket is 400 ilvl. Seems odd even if the trinket isn’t that good.


Only managed to do the necklace upgrade and go to Naz last nite. Ran around with Vim (got him to rank2), did the 3 dailies for the quest, picked up sparkling doodads for the other quest and killed the big fat bosses with others in the area. Waited around for some mount spawn thing but my impatience kicked in and ran off again. Sure a lot of tiny red murlocs and weird spiders. I died a few times, especially trying to solo that jelly fish that Fears every minute. Liked the puzzles and mini-games.

Everything is a little dark down there (as it would be in reality) but I’d like a little more light. Will see if it’s any better during server daylight hours this weekend (I play weekday nights).

I play WoW to be busy. I was very busy. It was great!

Keep me busy!!


If it’s like before, the War Campaign Questline is gated weekly. Once a week you get a new set of easy lore quests and then you wait a week for the next set.

I think so anyway.

That’s how they keep everyone from blowing through the content in 1 day.

I will be honest, I came in a bit miffed by the responses to this post. I had a different experience than most people it seems. I actually loved how this patch turned out while playing last night.

I played till about 2:30am last night (rough day at work today), because I seriously lost track of time enjoying myself in the new zones (Almost didn’t make it into Mechagon at all, as I was exploring Nazjatar). Nazjatar is amazing in my opinion, both art direction, and the new questline/wqs (some are generic but enjoy the puzzles). I enjoy the challenge with the new mobs, and can already feel my characters power increasing a bit with the new gear. Got distracted several times with Warmode, and I again don’t agree with most the forums. As Alliance I felt pretty darn good, and while I did get ambushed several times (rogues, and one dh in particular), I did feel like I got them back as much as I took. Definitely didn’t feel like it was overwhelming Horde victory for Warmode, possibly got lucky.

Mechagon, I just got the Island and can’t wait to explore it a bit tonight.

The new essences seem pretty neat, looking forward to unlocking them all. Though, I will admit, bit hesitant looking for a team for the PvP Island Expedition (haven’t tried one yet, and while I do casually PvP I’m not the best). But I will definitely be attempting that tonight, will be interesting.

All in all, I can’t wait to get back home and play more tonight. Doubt I’ll be able to stay up as late, but I’ll try, lol.


Ima be honest with you Bornakk. The Battle for Nazjatar is awful, and that is sad since I was really looking forward to it when it first started; It reminded me of capturing the towers in hellfire peninsula. And then…before you know it we had all 5 and no Alliance were even trying to take them. I barely got a kill before the event ended and I had to run over to the Alliance camp to see that the Horde was basically fighting them at their camp + the guards; That’s how out-numbered they were.
Something really needs to be done about the factions. Probably, and it sucks to say it, they need to be merged. There is not enough Alliance to Horde ratio and it’s been like this for a while. Hell maybe give Slyvannas her own faction, you can have the orcs and maybe tauren on another faction, etc. I dunno something.

Also Runelocked chest wquest. How did that even get released? I have only tried the jellyfish wquest for a few minutes before the “Battle for Nazjatar” started but I hear that one is bugged also.

I do want to say that other than those experiences, 8.2 so far has been fun. \o/

Honestly? It’s fine. To me anyway. Aside from my personal gripe with Pathfinder and other professional stuff being gated behind rep it’s fine. Oh and do delete jumping jellies from the rotation permanently.


I played for 12 hours straight yesterday. Can’t wait to get home and do the same after work.

The essences are great, and I love how they made some of the old content relevant. Hopefully we’ll see more in the future.

We’ll see how long the new patch smell lasts, but I’m really excited for the new season and raid in 2 weeks.

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You need to obliterate the add-on that allows people to instantly join groups and change shards. Saw it a few times by some players of the opposite factions.

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I think more thought and effort went into Vash’jr and that says something…

Music is enjoyable. Art is not as nice as Vash’jr, but still fine. The obstacle course zone is over dense with overturned mobs, and flying is 10 months too late. There were only 5 world quests yesterday, while there are only 4 today, most of which seem purposefully designed to take more time than the average quest. The reputation gain is low. Mechagon is a bit more fun because it’s kind of like an engine-building /secret finding board game-and there’s basically nobody in the zone so I don’t have to put up with those annoying foreign-realmers (You promised no crz in current zones…).

I am looking forward to Ashran so I can finish my Nemesis titles. I don’t like raiding or m+, but I do like dungeon crawling like classic/BC dungeons, so I’m hoping Mechagon dungeon will be like that at first. The second its an aoe speed fest, I’m out.


nothing quite so enjoyable as your MMO devs changing a 15 year design, to now put mobs all over the roads to encourage people to complete the massive flying unlock grind

Boss dev “We need more people doing the bigger grinds!” Subservient dev “Well we can make ground travel annoying as hell to motivate the flying grind. We have no other grind nearly as long.” Boss dev “Do it!”


Seems to be gated behind your follower, something that was not obvious and could hurt people that switch them around

The first essence given to players is the same for all classes, all specs. Everyone got a fire damage essence. DPS, tank, healer, no matter what, everyone got the Crucible of Flame, rank 1. Since it’s not dependent on your spec, and it’s only rank 1, it can’t be very powerful.

Now that flying is available to earn in BfA zones and because BfA is on sale, I just purchased BfA. I’ve unlocked void elves and lightforged draenei so far.

What really upsets me right now is breaking the water strider instead of making waterwalking mounts exempt from mount equipment and adding a wider variety of waterwalking mounts. It’s stupid how if I have waterwalking shoes my pureblood fire hawk can walk on water, but if I have anything else equipped my water strider, which should always be able to stride on water, can’t do what it needs to be able to do (walk on water). It feels wrong to me. Please restore water walking to the water striders specifically and exempt them from mount equipment.

The other option, if the stupid mount equipment thing is kept, is to make it account-wide per mount so that I can choose which mounts have which equipment. This one equipment slot that’s account-wide is very annoying and it’s a terrible implementation of an equipment system for mounts (esp. since it’s not tied to the actual mounts).

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Played for a few hours last night but ran into a wall when horde groups in nazjatar kept camping and killing solo players like myself. Dont get me wrong i love pvp and if it was 1 on 1 or 1v2 id be fine but as an alliance player it was consistantly 1v5+ so i ended up turning it off, and i have left it on this whole expansion and have never had this major of an issue just trying to quest. The benthic gear needs a rework for sure IMO. Its upgradable, great, its stats on the other hand are not desirable at all for me. We should be able to select from options of the same item slot with different stat builds and that would be more ideal for sure. Havent made it to Mecha yet but Nazjatar is visually appealing but the problem for me was being stomped and outnumbered. Again i love pvp and its always been enjoyable to me. Idk if its sharding or what but something needs to help balance the factions out in each zone, many have said the horde were winning events in the zone with almost 0 alliance resiatance and thats an issue. Lastly mount equipment is pretty disapointing. My initial thoughts were you get specific mount equipment for a specific mount and that would have been ideal, but 1 mount equipment for ALL your mounts is pretty stupid, you should be able to vary equipment from mount to mount, not one fits all.

Theres a port to Mech? Alls i have seen is a flight path i would have to take from Zuldazar, and i did ALL of the quests yesterday, and today.

*scaled fight that feels boring because class is boring and scaling is terrible
*scaled fight that feels boring because class is boring and scaling is terrible
*scaled fight that feels boring because class is boring and scaling is terrible
*scaled fight that feels boring because class is boring and scaling is terrible
*scaled fight that feels boring because class is boring and terrible
*scaled fight that feels boring because class is boring and scaling is terrible
*scaled fight that feels boring because class is boring and scaling is terrible
*scaled fight that feels boring because class is boring and scaling is terrible

It’s great. Really great! This patch is going to be a real barnstormer.


What I think so far? Hmm, where to start.

First there’s the bugs. And what I assume is a feature where half the mini games only work for some people and the rest get kicked out when the crash. So much fun.

Najatar is a pain in the butt. First of all, for those of us who have visual issues, you can’t see anything. Every thing is the same color and texture and the Daily Quest givers are at the top of hard to navigate coral that if you step wrong you will inevitably plummet to your death. I died less when my son went through the phase at five of driving my characters off cliffs every time I left my computer unattended.

I play both sides and the Horde has it even worse than the Alliance, since they’re at the bottom and heaven forbid you don’t have a slow fall and you need to go turn in.

I get it. You resent we want to fly. But making navigating the area as miserable as possible is not going to make us want to fly any less.

Mechagon is much better. Less buggy quests, easier to navigate and I can actually tell the terrain apart. The rep grind sucks either way, but after two Crusaders , Masked Chuckler, and getting all the titles and mounts in Legion, I expect the rep grind to be awful. It’s just going to be worse in Najatar because it’s laid out so badly and so dark and hard to see. And buggy as bat turds.


It’s an ok experience but I hate the twists and turns in Nazjatar. Things are hard to find and it’s not a very enjoyable experience at all, mechagome is a great area because of the flat land but it has next to nothing to do once you do the dailies and WQ. I can’t say I’ll be enjoying this content after a month, but flying might make it better.

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