Rise of Azshara Experiences So Far

I think it’s great. Idk what everyone else’s problem is. I think they believe they aren’t supposed to like anything this expansion so they just decide they hate it. Sure maybe they will play through everything just so they can say “see, played it all, sucks”. There’s no winning with these types of people.


Between choice paralysis (do I go through Nazjatar and Mechagon on my monk or my rogue first?) and yellow colored distractions (seriously, 30 minutes) I’m about a day behind in progress.

Nazjatar is beautiful, even prettier with inky black potion.


Sure, but if you look near the bottom of my post, there are PLENTY of examples of things that can be done to add content without interrupting group content in this manner.

Netherwing and cloud serpents were solo content that rewarded mounts. The Argent Tournament was solo content that awarded mounts, pets, and tabards. Timeless Isle was solo content that awarded pretty much everything and even managed to encourage PVP. Broken Isles was solo content — with a minimal introduction quest line — that brought us a class challenge.

There are ways to add solo content that don’t stop everyone in their tracks and say, hey, you’re going to need this for group content too, so make sure you do it on all your characters you join groups in.


Definitely designed around constantly swapping out mount equipment until you can fly. Too bad I’m both poor and cheap.


**I only read the first blue post, so if i have repeated something that has been said already i do apologize!

Well i was all excited as usual to get my feet wet in the new patch WOOHOO!
Anyhow so far i have only explored Nazjatar! I am doing one new island at a time here. So i found all the fp’s and discovered that entire zone and got one lil buddy to lvl 2!

Noticed in one of the starter quests where you free 7 prisnors and kill the head Naga lady there… respawns at this point dont seem quick enough. I ran around in circles several times looking for prisoners to free. Also took another toon there this am for the weapon and gear upgrade … same thing.

I do realize this is the start so that area will be fairly busy for a few days…just figured id put it out there. Having to wait makes the quest take a tad longer is all!

I also think myself along with others truly thought we were getting a 415IL weapon for the initial quests. I was sad to find out that it was a bug that we found out way way after the fact. It would have been awesome i as im sure others were super excited about that in and of itself…

I was also under the impression as were others i think…that having to level your necklace was over and it was all about the essences now. Sad Face So many misunderstandings. As usual though i just roll with the changes and try not to whine and complain to much!

I think the mobs hit a bit to hard and in some places u get tag teamed by like 4 or 5 at once (mobs not players i do not play in warmode ever)

Not a fan of the off the wall WQ’s in that zone (nazjatar)

Other than those few things above…i enjoyed it. I will be playing some more here shortly…trying to open up flying and all that.

Oh yeah I dont raid…i dont do anything labeled MYTHIC , and i rarely go into dungeons and lfr anymore unless i need a quest completed. Basically i quest, i roam, i explore and level alts in the same manner.


I like puzzle quest to a degree. please don’t take them overboard. Everything else more of the chore.

Where do you start the heritage armor quest for Gnome and Tauren?

I haven’t done Jumping Jellies yet.

I’m guessing I don’t want to based on the feedback.


Well for starters, you have two terrible puzzle wqs I won’t touch ever again.

Other than that, Mechagon is on point outside the feast recipe. Who thought two BoP mats were a good idea?


Worst design decision of 8.2 is making players grind more Azerite neck levels, something Blizzard already knows full well most of us despise.

That makes the game more unfriendly for max-level alts. and in an expansion where class design is horrid Blizzard should be encouraging players to try multiple classes in endgame in the hope they’ll find one they can live with which hasn’t been pruned beyond bearability.

WoW’s never been more transparently grindy at max level, and that forces players into a mindset of either making do with their main character or quitting because re-rolling something else requires way too much time investment. Just imagine how many Conquest bars of useless 385 gear fresh 120s will need to grind through next season, plus get their neck up to 55 for a Minor Essence, most simply won’t bother.


Well, for a long time now I’ve tried to collect my thoughts and thought about posting a wall of text, but I suppose I’ll rather keep it as short as possible.

It feels “meh”. Art is as always on top aswell as sound. It really just is ‘more of the same’.

A handful of approvements I do appreciate however (Benthic gear), even though for me it obsoletes the need or want for raiding or trying difficult content again.

The essence system is - while the intents were good - really quite underwhelming. Mostly a lot of passive effects that do some stuff (Currently playing shadow priest with Memory of Lucid Dreams essence) I now feel like I -completely- lost control of my character…
Along with azerite traits I have atleast 20 “your spells have a chance to do something” which is beyond my control, I have to admit… Some times I do not even know what is happening to my character anymore.

Though even after that… I still jump from character to character because I tend to get quite bored of that class after two to five days and feel like because I can’t find a class I can’t enjoy I quite can’t enjoy the game as it is right now anyways…

But hey! For me there’s always Roleplay :smiley:

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Water strider nerf is what is making me hate this patch. Do you really expect me to ever buy a rep item again? Do you really expect me to buy tokens with real money and buy all theses mounts you added? What would be the point? Will they just be taken away in the future brcause everyone uses them to much? They are too ugly? or will it be they are the wrong mount to use?\


Not a big fan of the recycled Argus map. Just…bleh.


why don’t you read some forum posts and find out? I made a good one with 110+ likes and like 200 replies now. There is countless similar ones.

I personally am actually enjoying questing and exploring the new zones. But my only real issue is that the war mode faction imbalance makes it extra hard to do certain things without being swarmed by horde. Especially with the zones as small as they are.


8.2 is a big step up. The way Azerite is being handled this time, is how it should’ve been from the very start

Nazjatar is a great place for alts to get geared


I’m not trying to be mean or rude here. 8.2 has made me looking forward to classic even more.

It may be really good content, but classes feel like such garbage that I can’t enjoy myself playing right now. It’s a shame too because i think if classes were good this patch might be a homerun. But because classes are so bad it’s a hard flaw to come over.

Bring back tier, stop homogenizing the damn game.


Pros: I really enjoy seeing a lot of things tied back from legion and I enjoy the aspect of exploration with only a few quests with my buddy underwater and the rest mostly being me messing with stuff. I’m hoping that there is much more to unlock with time and that a lot of people are gauging everything too heavily form the first day of the new content. Nazjatar is really pretty and it’s neat to look at the water standing at all edges and finding weird objects to interact with and drop quests out of nowhere.

It leaves me with questions when I have these different components about what exactly they’ll do or if there’s a further purpose to them after I’ve turned them in. And I really enjoy the creatures I’m running into as well as my new fish buddy who is certainly not related to Jinyu in any way. And I’d love to have them as an allied race or a race of their own in the future because they’re really interesting.

Mechagon is all the quirky gnome stuff I’ve wanted it to be and I’ve barely touched it because I was so engrossed in wanting to explore under the sea but I’m really excited to see more of it. The island feels fun and alive and it feels great to be an engineer on this island to mess around with it which is nice. The war campaign story is picking up again which is great and I’m super amped for the raid and mechagon. The heritage armor quest was really fast and as quirky as I expected for gnomes which was fun and I feel like I’ll have a lot to explore on my main later today as well.

Cons: I’m kind of a little disappointed that all signs point to us exploring mechagon underground as only being in the dungeon which I’m kind of sad about. I feel like something is broken with sharding and cross realm zones again, at least on my sever it was. Even at 6pm which is usually a hopping time I was the only alliance person I found out in Nazjatar at all aside from another friend questing and I was constantly running into groups of 4-7 horde at a time.

After a few hours, I was like, nah, I’ll turn off warmode, I mostly want the rep and there’s no incentive for me to play “dodge the horde patrols” when I can just turn it off and enjoy the world lol. When I turned it off, I saw triple the alliance. I’m not sure if that’s the reason the imbalance was there to begin with, or if they all came to the same conclusion after a few hours that being the lone wolf wasn’t very time efficient lol.

Also, our buddy in Nazjatar repeats himself every 30 seconds to a minute, sometimes more with the same voice line, enough that it stacks on top of each other, which gets annoying after a while. YES, I KNOW, THE BLADE YOU HAVE IS THE FINEST IN THE SEA AND ON LAND. GEEZ.

That being said, I think 8.2 is only going to get better, and I’m enjoying it overall for the first day into it, and I like having an extra button to press and essences to shoot for with extra progression paths.

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  • Very pretty
  • Very painful to navigate
  • Mobs are over tuned IMO, or the scaling is messed. I realize that these new zones are intended to be scary but spending literally three minutes killing something only to have it respawn on me as I’m looting does not feel good.
  • Not getting a clear story beyond the intro.
    • Not clear how to continue the war campaign either.
  • Needs some conveniently placed water pools so players who get themselves stuck high don’t have to die.
  • Benthic gear seems… odd?
  • Pearls are annoying
  • Mat costs on the recipes are insane. I literally went through a full patch’s horde of enchanting mats just making five scrolls.
    • Seriously… y’all couldn’t fix blacksmithing… sigh, 18 monolite is insane for leveling recipes
    • I’ll be lucky to finish leveling enchanting by 8.3
    • Is this just so people can make money selling mats?
  • Didn’t really feel rewarding at all?


  • Not very pretty
  • Very dense
  • Felt more rewarding than Nazjatar
  • Finished available content for the day literally in an hour

At this point I’m at the rep (time) gate for flying and it really doesn’t feel good.

Oh and my bags are now full of garbage from each zone… not greys just things that are dumped on me that I’m not sure if I can get rid of.


I appreciate a blue post. I would hope you’re handing out icy hot to the art team. Their backs have to be sore


A bit boring. Nothing special, all the good stuff is time gated. Should have just waited 3 weeks, released patch with raid/dungeon/pvp season and allowed people actually grind the rep for flying.

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