Ripcord, essentially pulled

It had to be done this way because they would have never allowed their pride to be hurt by just removing it or allowing us to freely pick. Not with this group.


That was an acquisition problem, not a power problem. In Shadowlands you can target the legendary of your choice. I never felt spec locked or class locked in Legion, I played what I enjoyed not what was “meta” at the time. People obsessed with being top dps/heal/tank are the problem.


Tell me about it. I was a Survival Hunter until Legion. I logged in to “Lol your spec is melee now, (insert forums vacation worthy expletives)!”

I have never felt so disrespected by a game before. Imagine if you logged in to find out your spec was suddenly a clothie axe thrower.


I understand, totally, but just look at classic, basically everyone’s running out of things to do and they’re like “where’s BC?”
My point was that Retail had to stay shiny and alluring to keep players hooked, that means developing systems and appealing to the kids of people who were basically kids when they started playing this game.
I’m not saying they were always designed well, but it was necessary to at least try.

No, I liked playing multiple specs. In legion, they took that away from you in thought because every second you spent not doing anything with your main spec, it felt like you were holding yourself back but then if you didn’t level the weapon of your other specs, you were holding your off specs back.

The feeling that legion left was one of discouragement because there was never a good answer on what you should do. Sure if you didnt care, thats fine. Some of us did though.

You mean with the playerbase.
There is nothing wrong with choosing between abilities or specialisations that make you better in a specific situation.

We better see a 90% completion rate of accounts with CE Castle Nathria or M+20s completed since apparently noone can play the game without the absolute best tools for each individual scenario.


I don’t think there is an actual page where this is written down. There are a lot of videos on youtube being uploaded by people beta testing Shadowlands, they appear on almost a daily basis as things change. If you just go to youtube and search for Covenants and set the filter to be for the last week, you will get a selection of vids on the current state of those. On the whole I’m waiting for a set of far more definitive guides to come out shortly before S’lands goes live so I can get a better idea of what might be best for my classes.

Conduits appear to have not been nerfed so much as reversed. Originally the stronger conduits were at the end and started with weaker ones, so you had to work longer to get the best ones. They recently switched them so the good ones were first and the weaker ones later.

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Innovation is fine, but this current crop of devs innovated so wrongly it felt like active sabotage. Like they wanted to kill WoW. Like an FFXIV mole was feeding them bad ideas on purpose or something.


lol I agree. Every decision they made felt like the wrong decision.


Haavi dude they couldn’t balance it. This has nothing to do with the playerbase. All we did was repeatedly tell them how they’d run into this issue. And surprise! They did!


Case closed, next!

I think you’re going to get both. Somewhere there is an executive saying “FEWER SYSTEMS! SELL THEM BUTTERFLY WINGS!”


I’m okay with this.


I already posted why the old system was trash all the way down above. Nerfs without a way to switch covenants would ruin the top end and hurt the middle end. Lower end guilds would struggle and probably push their players into covenants they didn’t like. The casuals who don’t care would pick what they want anyway, so for them it didn’t matter regardless.

Covenants tied to individual power as a concept (in a multiplayer game where balance needs to be on point) was absolute, unmitigated trash.


This is great to hear, though if they’re already nerfing it into pointlessness they should really consider just scrapping everything that impacts combat and keeping the cosmetics (which is the part that players actually like anyways).


I’d dress up like freaking Mothra if I never had to grind a system again.


See you again when cries of class x are OP.

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Of course they couldn’t balance it, players refused to accept that utility has value and that not every ability can do identical damage in multiple scenarios.

Players wanted a ST to do as much as an AoE in AoE fights and an AoE to do as much as a ST in ST fights which is obviously impossible.


I promise you, no, that is not the case. At all.


I don’t think they should have been removed. I don’t think that’s what “pull the ripcord” meant.

The covenants should be RPG elements like Class Halls. They should be there for content and player experience, not power.

I can’t believe people actually want them removed all together. This game shouldn’t be an instance simulator, it is an mmoRPG. Covenants sound like a great RPG element, something the game desperately needs more of. Just because you don’t want it tied to player power (same) doesn’t mean they should scrap them all together.

Are people legit asking for this?