Ripcord, essentially pulled

No, “balance” took all the fun and hype outta shadowlands. Legion was fun because artifacts were what you would call “OP”, turned out ok.


Not anymore. We need at least 5 extra systems.

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Now we need systems for the gear system so that we can use the systems within the gear system!!!

Are these the same ripcorders that asked for powerful abilities away from a locked system so that balance could be more loose? Yea i think you are accusing the wrong people here.

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When the game was at its peak youtube wasn’t even a thing, the definition of entertainment has changed.

Your right, the game peaked and started to decline during a x-pack with 1 system. And continued to decline through a x-pack with 1 system…and then another

Only having 1 system didn’t make or break the game…


If it is changed, why have I longed for a return to what it once was with BC and LK? As have my other friends. We sit and just plan out what we will do once BC comes along, without a care in the world for systemscraft.

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Actually it’s peak was around WoTLK/Cataclysm and at that point it had many systems. Btw gear isn’t much of an actual system although the stats they provide is so I’ll allow it. At the peak it had systems such as Dungeon Finder, Battleground Queuing, Auctions, Trade, Professions, Classes, Races, Quests, and the list goes on. You really should learn what a system is.


Do you not remember how torturous early to mid Legion was for endgame? Where if you got the wrong legendary people rerolled their class the bad luck protection was so awful? Do you remember how we were effectively spec locked in early legion because of the guano insane AP grind? Or were you a casual king who didn’t do any content where that mattered?

As a raider I literally quit after Emerald Nightmare because of that trash. Legion didn’t get good until the end.


I think we are mixed up on what “systems” are. You are thinking of things that, yes, are technically systems. I am talking about the things that have been put in front of us to jump over just to play the game as if they werent there.


So what you are saying is, I know what systems are, and you are talking about something that isn’t a system and just calling it one.


You want it because it’s been so long that it’s novel again, but wow has to stay relevant just like everything else competing for your /played.

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I did as well. That was when I started to hate this game. I had never said that before but that system broke me.

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Yeah that’s great.

Hopefully it chagrines them enough that they won’t bother putting so much needless effort into more borrowed power crap.

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I promise you, that is not the case. That was when I thoroughly enjoyed every second in the game because it made more sense, even now.

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Same. I’ve been in limbo ever since, really hoping that SL fixes just enough to bring it back.

I may be an old fool, but this ripcord news has sparked a bit of hope in my heart.

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So you’re saying I can make the choice I want of covenant based on story and theme, and not have to worry that I’m hampering my character’s progress while doing that?


How sad. No real class-specific development or additions and the system that was made has been neutered to the point of insignificant.

FYI I wanted them to pull the rip cord but not like this.


When they changed Paladins for legion and then the legendary non sense…I have not been happy with the game since. I feel lost, it doesn’t feel like the game I always enjoyed. This will be the first expansion I have not played and do not plan on playing still. I am not convinced it will be something I can enjoy. I am just burning my time on classic at this point.


It had to be this way, sadly. They wasted their time and ours…mostly theirs.

This is step 1 to healing WoW from literal years of damage.

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