Most cov abilities, conduits, and soulbinds have been nerfed by 70 to 90 percent on beta. It was the only way Blizz could balance the game enough for launch.
Legos, which will be swappable and recipes be account wide, will be your big power pieces. The covs will be mostly cosmetic. Some cov abilities are so weak that using them lowers your DPS.
Blizzard was never going to admit they were wrong by removing the covs, nerfing them to the point where they don’t matter much was the only way they could fix it.
As, in my opinion, they should have been designed to be from the very beginning. If Blizzard has proven anything over the years, with talents, classes, and specs being the poignant examples, it’s that it cannot balance multiple options well enough that there isn’t at least a strong community perception that certain ones are viable while others aren’t.
Except that for many classes, most of the legos are also in the 1-3% dps gain which is absolutely trash for what a lego is supposed to be, not working properly, poorly thought out, or just bad in general.
So no, Legos are not the “power pieces” for most folks currently. There are not any power pieces.
Actually the focus on covenants will go back to the signature abilities. Unless the sims say otherwise…the mobility that venthyr teleport and Night Fae Blink provides is very, very good with how systemlands zones and instanced content is designed.
There’s nothing wrong with going back to just class design!
We don’t need covenants. Soulbinds. Heck, we don’t even need legendaries. We don’t need gimmicks. Give us fun, solid classes. Maybe buff certain legendaries to give raiders an extra carrot later, nowhere near the power creep of Legion’s. More like Vanilla’s Thunderfury max. Tadaa, game is good again.
Honestly Im glad they super nerfed covenants…I didnt want to be forced into an asthetic and skill I didn’t like so that I could avoid being kicked from groups and garbage talked by streamer groupies.