RIP ZF solo leveling

because in their hubris to break boosting, they not only destroyed the XP but also the mobs so players can no longer farm them.

It’s to apparently force us to be more social, because standing and hitting things outside alone is so much better


It does when it’s applied across the game. Every person solo leveling in the dungeon isn’t participating in the world or group content.

isn’t that what general chat, and guilds are for?

I don’t converse with random strangers outside my guild much - often I have chat turned off when I’m playing alone out in the world

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Listen… I’m not here to belittle you or anyone. I’m always fascinated when I learn of the various different ways folks go about playing this game. It’s all good.

The forum and the players here do not control the game. We barely get our voices heard. What we can do is appreciate it when they TRY to make a game improvement. This ain’t one for you I get it… But that was it’s goal yes?

there’s only so much blizzard can start enforcing their “philosophy” of how we are allowed to play before the subs drop dramatically


Them be facts… It’s all a game to them too.

it’s like urban planning - you can’t punish people into behaving the way you want
But if you change the environment to lead people to behave the way you want…it often works without anyone knowing it’s working

See narrow roads, or roads with more vegetation causing drivers to drive slower causing fewer pedestrian deaths

Or you can simply meet people where they’re at

People cutting across the grass instead of walking in an L on the sidewalk…pave the diagonal path

Blizzard has taken the punish players to force them to play an unstated “correct” way, and zero incentive to do so.

It is hardly surprising that many people are reacting against it


Now you can tank groups, big win!

I have never seen a video of anyone soloing in ZF without exploiting pathing behavior so I don’t have a lot of sympathy here.

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nope just gonna buy a boost

I think he means cuz you have over 140 BT kills and you average a 28 parse.

I think that’s why you’re bad at the game, but idk.

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exploiting pathing

So fence jumping in Elwynn forest on my level 5 warlock to juggle a mob that I don’t want to hit me is an exploit? Because that’s the same thing as what’s going on in ZF, just at a lower scale.


Haven’t you noticed how blizzard chose an automated “fix” to this all?

How it ruins the ability to be creative in gameplay like an MMO should be, and how it punishes legitimate players??

Yet the fix they needed to add was hire GMs.

While you’re all cheering these terrible decisions on because you think doing these changes 3 years into a game means anything at this point when this is the games final year, or the fact that blizzard spoon feeds you these changes and completely dodges the fact they are greedy and could of just hired GMs to remove the bad and keep the good.

Going this route slowly removes what makes MMOs great. Yet you’re all cheering cuz boosts can’t happen anymore while blizzard sells boosts.

Also why is the joyous XP buff the same icon as the wow token?? Wow token soon?


I’m glad you came to the right conclusion.

Come on man you know you’re just mad because this impacts the amount of gold available to spend at your GDKPs.

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Anyone who goes to gdkps regularly already has a superior way of farming gold.

Its called attending said gdkps


Nothing like exploiting the masses. I love gdkps.

Doesn’t effect me at all, doesn’t mean I can’t see why or how it’s bad for the game.

I have enough gold right now to never make gold in wotlk and I will be ok

what this xp nerf patch showed is people are so envious of anyone having fun they will deliberatly ask blizzard to remove it so they can drag that person down to their level like crabs in a bucket.

if someone is having fun soloing content or if a guildy is running their freinds through a dungeon who cares. hell i dont even really care about GDKPs as theoretically people can buy items with gold earned from farms or dailies.

This patch has more or less been a disaster. that solved one minor problem. boost spam in lfg lol. it doesnt get rid of the bots, it doesnt help community and its caused more problems in typical blizz fashion.

the only good thing to happen in this whole thing really is watching the forums melt down.


“I like that you put in those changes to encourage people to play the game as intended, but why did you have to stop me from playing the game in a way that was not intended??”

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