RIP ZF solo leveling

yeah they fixed it with the gold and group exp nerfs, then killed a style of leveling with the pathing changes

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so you only care for what affected you lol

I feel like they spent some time play-testing this and getting good feedback from loyal supporters…

It’s not a small thing they did… It was a ham fisted effort. Let’s see how it works out for everyone as a whole… I’m sure it will be tuned later…

quintessential human male warrior response

wahhh i want everyone else to be dragged down to my room temperature iq gameplay


Standing on a wall and killing mobs requires higher thinking? I feel that this warrior is above your logic…

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you are not even making an argument anymore just saying vague horse sht. tell me right now why the group exp nerfs arent enough to stop boosting, or how leveling 40-54 is an extreme advantage, or get out of this conversation

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How could I know how? I don’t have access to that conversation at Blizzard HQ…

bro you dont even know how the ZF solo farm works LOLOL that is not even what you do

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Correct I have never don’t this… It’s why it doesn’t affect me. It’s also why I don’t care that it’s gone… Sometimes you have to pick your battles… this ain’t mine. I’m glad it’s gone tho because it’s cheap.

BC YOUR EXPLOITING THE GAME VIA MOB PATHING. why is this hard to understand??

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so you admit you know essentially nothing about the topic, it doesn’t effect you at all, and you cant make a coherent argument as to why pathing changes in particular are necessary when you have the group exp nerf. nice

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“exploiting” it for the truly heinous purposes of leveling from 40-54 slightly faster. youre right its too broken, def needs a fix

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They’ll never be enough. WoW is already thoroughly infested, the only thing getting rid of bots + gold selling would be to make gold and drops nearly worthless. Make professions take only a handful of mats for leveling + end game items. Drastically increase spawn rates of rares and farmable items. Make a single set of dailies enough to buy most epic mounts. Increase rare drops to the point they flood the game. Make it so you blast through any non-endgame content with ease. And then ban GDKP, and Arena team carries.

That might be enough to disincentivise gold buying and bots.

Dungeons were never meant to be played through alone, at least in the own level range. They just fixed an issue that has been there for a long time.

I don’t support that you’re not able to grind Dungeons 10-20 below your own level that easy anymore. But in the end, the benefits outweight the cons.

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Did you just say slightly faster??? Bruh i can no longer taker you seriously

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I know they took it away and your mad… must have been a good exploit… :rofl:

its all good, ill just buy the boost : )


Mission accomplished

solo’ing ZF takes far more skills than the standing and hitting things that questing provides.

1 screw up with pathing in ZF and you’re dead. Way more skill needed


That may be true… Why did they remove it?