RIP ZF solo leveling

I’m glad they finally got rid of boosting and I don’t really care about raw gold farms in dungeons, but I wish they would have kept mob pathing the same so I could level solo in ZF from 40-54. To me personally it was a lot of fun and I wanted to try it again with the 1.5x exp buff on my new paladin. Are the gold and group exp nerfs not enough to stop boosting/bot farming?

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Yeah it was great, but the change is for the best.

Onward to greatness!

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Are the gold and group exp nerfs not enough to stop boosting/bot farming though?

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Boosting yes. Bot farming isn’t even on the same topic or plane of existence as the problem they fixed.

If they want to fix botting, it will be a conversation amongst them and we won’t be apart of it. Fixing the bot problem costs money, and if we take what we know about major corporations, that money won’t be spent.

Bots are here to stay. The sooner people adjust to that reality and judge the product for what it is, the sooner they can decide if they’re interested in continuing to play Classic or seek a different product.


ok but, back on topic, the group exp changes are enough to stop boosting so why also kill solo ZF leveling?

Do you think that solo farming a 5 player dungeon at the same level as that dungeon was good game design? Separate yourself from your more self-serving goals, and ask from the perspective of game design if allowing that is a good thing.


Your inability spam the same dungeon for 14 levels on some indeterminate number of mages you’re leveling for some reason is not a reason to roll back this largely beneficial change.


it doesn’t affect anyone else and its a fun alternative way to level, so yes of course


but you can kill boosting and therefore get the full benefit of the changes without killing the solo leveling method


So you were exploiting the dungeons pathing and want them to revert it back to its broken state where a solo player can largely benefit where others could not…



Don’t try to reason with the WoW equiv of SJWs

It never goes well

yeah bro me leveling 14 levels alone in a dungeon really breaks the experience for other people, it should be taken out of the game


Looks like wishes are being granted…

Fixed that for ya

Sums up alot of these type of posts/people too lol


Bad at game? Because my class does not have a useable exploit and I need to play it the hard way…? As a warrior…?


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Yes. I really enjoyed solo farming zombies in ZF on my mage during WoW Classic. That was a difference between Retail and Classic.


This is one of the few times I agree with these games developers… Two classes should not have this benefit over others. Not like this… It’s too extreme of a advantage and needed to be nerfed to death long ago.

Couldn’t be happier lol

leveling from 40-54 in a dungeon is an extreme advantage? LOL


Don’t play the fool. It’s widely known that Mages and Pallies can solo content and have advantages in the game for doing so. It’s bad design and they fixed it. Grats

Well, personally I’m not too heartbroken about it; I think it’s more of a Classic thing, not so much a Wrath thing… pretty sure we can still level mages and paladins soloing zombies in ZF in WoW Classic.