RIP ZF solo leveling

Nice, I have zero since I’m abandoning all my 70s to roll on a fresh server for funsies.

Which servers should I send you all my mats/gold on?

The problem is the raw gold it injects into the economy. Let’s say the average player can kill 4 humanoids a minute that drop 12s at level 70. They also drop other stuff but most the good stuff will be sold on the ah. You might be injecting 5g in 10 minutes of “new gold” a booster doing starth boost was making 60 “new gold” in the same 10 minutes running starth. Considering it could almost be bottled means they do that farm for 24 hours a day that’s 1440 gold a day assuming perfect timing.

And 3 years into the game that’s when we change this??

When the game has 1 year left?


Mages were never meant to be the “solo dungeons” class. But players figured out a way, and they’ll do it again in Wrath

Only for boosts below Slave Pens. SLabs is still done with 2 mages and is a ton more xp with the buff lol

on level dungeon soloing wasn’t doing anything to the economy or the game. I leveled 5 toons to 70 the “regular” way. Well, I did the ZF graveyard strat on my paladin. was looking forward to doing it on my mage because it is a fun challenge and it would have been super fast with the xp boost.

it is very frustrating that the amount of outright gold buying and botting creating that gold is the real problem in the game and blizz just doesn’t care.

boosting and gdkps would not be anywhere near as prevalent or lucrative if the gold buying was fixed. they would still exist and i think that is fine. but the amount of gold in the game has nothing to do with dungeon grinding. that only earns 200-300 raw g/hour.

bots and gold buying is where the economy is wrecked.

I can still go out and aoe in the world with my mage. it doesn’t make me more or less sociable. but it slows down my progress and is less fun, in my opinion.

and to take this out of classic/tbc when wrath is weeks away is ridiculous.

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clearly you do care, or you wouldn’t keep replying… basically it comes down to “I can’t do it, no one should, don’t care what else is screws up for who”…

Talk about self centered. It wasn’t hurting you, didn’t affect you, yet you feel the need to come say how glad you are it’s gone.

Go away little boy.

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Bots are here to stay because blizzard wants their money. Each bot is a sub. Do you REALLY think that if any time in the last 18 years that a company making as much money as blizzard did on wow wanted to get rid of botting that they couldn’t have done it? Really?

Before you give the “but they banned them from time to time” argument… Think about it. All they did every so often was force professional botters to repruchase the game, and resub with new accounts… That’s just easy $$$ for them.

If they really wanted to stomp it out, they would have better detection, and a bigger team to kill botting accounts much sooner so that it costs more for new accounts than they make, but that would be a huge drop in active subs and repurchases.

Yes, because guess what a lvl 60 paladin can now solo Stratholme with lvl 60 talents, I’ll be doing it, a ret paladin can easily farm the heck out of stratholme lol, full solo of it

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The zf farm is more than just xp.

It was one of the best gold farming strats in classic and is still a solid gold farm in tbc.

While you may only have been using blizzards bad map design and mob pathing for xp, you also arent the only one doing the farm.

Not sorry, im glad this change came.

Farming 1 small part of 1 boss out of 9 bosses 5 player dungeon.

A class with low hp, low armor, low dps that associates itself with the term “frost” being able to slow can kite monsters? Yes it is a good game design.

Ya im sad. I was leveling a horde on a high pop alliance realm. Was a way to actually play the game and not get killed by alliance 6 on 1, I just stopped leveling because of it. One would think you try to not make people quit playing your game. lol Did anyone quit from boosting or zf solo? I know people who stopped playing or stopped leveling because of it. Good business plan BLIZZARD LOL

So what you’re saying is people were using this to farm gold? wouldn’t that overall be a good thing since that’s less people buying gold if they’re willing to farm it? All I see from the changes is Blizzard taking the fun and enjoyment out of the game for people. With the changes it really incentivizes people to start botting or buy gold which in my opinion is worse for the game as a whole.

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Dude, honestly, I really do not care. I did not make my comment to start a discussion.

I just noticed OP was focused entirely on the xp aspect, while there was also the gold farming aspect to consider. I remember ZF mage farming generating a lot of gold in classic. It was one of the best raw generators. That said, we are in TBCC, so idk how it holds up to TBCC standard of generation.

All I was doing was pointing out that there is an entire extra layer of sauce on the ramifications of zf farming.

realize back when vanilla was made, the challenges in dungeons werent meant as a means to limit players, but to give them challenges to overcome. but once they overcame them, and learned the even harder challenge of how to solo them, nobody making games, thought that was bad. because it was the recompense for playing, completing and overcoming.

These don’t generate new gold. Bots farm stuff to sell on the ah typically. Gold buying moves gold from bots (characters) to actual players (characters) it’s nothing being generated.


Bots generate an absolute ton of raw gold. They operate 24/7 so those few silver from each mob really add up.

Then why does the Improved Blizzard talent even exist then? Why did they add a talent that lets you to slow mobs to a crawl.

Seriously, see if you can answer that.

And aside from that, what they can’t put on the AH, they sell to vendors for gold.

Gold generation occurs from exactly two sources:

  • Looting dead mobs.
  • Selling items to vendors.

Bots do this constantly, such as the video of a bunch of bots going from the mailbox to the BS vendor in Darkshire.

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