Rip zaralek caverns. rares will despawn now

I feel like they are trying to deliberately sabotage the game, because they are unhappy about the Microsoft deal going through or they want to get rid of casual and solo players.

They have been making poor choices, especially with the way holiday dungeons work now.

Just my two copper.

I’m going to be honest, I bought Dragon Flight a week before release, because I wanted to know what I was getting into and unsure if it was going to be any good.

I’m also going to do the same for next expansion and not just buy something unknowingly.

It would be wonderful if I can solo BFA 6 year old content that I didn’t get to see, due to RL responsibilities.



They are getting everyone used to how they will work in the next expansion.

Calling it now.


Seems plausible at first… but then why are they only implementing this in ZC and FR, both recent but absolutely deserted zones?


They should, but they probably won’t. If there hasn’t been a Blue post or anything by now or the end of the week, the 15 minute despawn timer on Forbidden Reach and Zaralek rares is probably here to stay forever even if there is a ton of backlash against it.

Blizzard has stuck with extremely unpopular decisions before, like the removal of all those portals in Legion Dalaran and other places when they added the portal rooms to Orgrimmar and Stormwind.

I’d be shocked if they ever do anything to make the rares in FR and ZC soloable or the Primalist Future World Quest soloable. They’ll probably just double down or triple down on the forced group aspect instead, and maybe also play up the whole FOMO aspect to it. I wouldn’t be surprised if instead of making the Primalist Future WQ soloable, they just remove the vendor who sells the rewards instead.


Why not just make their health scale with the number of people fighting them like they always did with rares before? Solo, they should be a challenge but still doable. Right now they are completely impossible with at least a full dungeon group.


Senseless change. Everyone’s already said it but man, this is just completely wild and out of left field. I still don’t have the manuscript off Emberdusk and it looks like I’m not going to get it either, since I won’t be visiting Zaralek to camp waiting on his respawn when I used to be able to freely show up and get my kill for the week.


Beyond you being condescending for pretty much this entire thread I don’t see you offering any solutions. Especially when you seem to be in the extreme minority.


They act the same way when people ask for bfa raid nerfs

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I’ve been telling people. When 9.0 came out, they decided they don’t want people soloing old raids anymore. If it’s not already soloable, it never will be. The “scaling problems” and such were not a bug, it was intentional.


Yes. Both these zones are basically deserted with no way to kill the rares since most have way too much HP and hit for way too much damage to reasonably take down as a solo DPS. So you’re left with tank specs and BM hunter as the only reasonable way to kill anything in both zones. As a result, 99% of rares are up at all times with no real way to kill them. This looks really bad for Blizz of course.

Now the common sense approach would be to simply nerf all the rares HP since their are some people who actually want to go back to these zones to get the cosmetics. But apparently that’s too logical to do? So instead blizz made it a lot harder to even find a rare. Ok a rare is up. Great. Let me list a group. Oh that’s right. No one is ever going to join. So I guess I’ll just stare at one unkillable rare as opposed to 30… :crazy_face:

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What an incredibly idiotic and malicious change to make. Now players who didn’t play when these zones were current will have a way harder time getting the cosmetics.

Why, Blizzard?


I’ve sent many in-game suggestions using the feedback tool to remove the elite status from Forbidden Reach and Zaralek Caverns rares and mobs due to lack of interest–and this is what they do instead? Good grief.

Yesterday, no one was even around to do the Zaralek Research weekly, which there are piles of achievements for, and it was Tuesday. Very sad. All of this should be soloable.


full stop

if this is their philosophy going into war within … oh boy


Players have been asking since week 3 of 10.1 for ZC rares to be nerfed. The zone was basically dead after the second week when most people who went down there to farm 415 gear were finished. Blizz then decided to make rares bi-weekly, then go and do this seemingly silly change.

Once DF becomes legacy content, it will be extremely hard to farm the 1 mount in each zone. I myself was waiting to get that ugly lizard from FR since my RNG was doodoo and I never managed to snag one.


Sunk cost fallacy.

I mulled over it, gave it much thought and put into words how I feel as politely as I could:

I don’t know if this will stunt my re-application to the council but I’m honestly tired you guys, lol.


I think they only rare you need is the mount rare

For those that love customizations and collecting; the rares also drop toys, pets and drakewatch scripts.


I’ve never understood why they don’t just make creatures soloable after a time. It would help the alts or newbs that come along later.

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