Rip zaralek caverns. rares will despawn now

DF has been an overall solid expansion but yeah i would write ZC as failed content

I’d rather quest through the Maw then step foot back into the caverns, and that’s saying a lot

What i love about this post right here is it proves my point that the devs really need to be careful. They can do so many good things but with the debuff to there rep grind with us every small mistake becomes a huge hit to it.

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Put it all as drops from delves, and stop trying to make these special encounter world mobs a thing. They sucked when the current iteration was introduced in Timeless Isle, and they suck even more now.

Yep. These are no longer “rares”. They ceased to be in all but name back in WoD. These mobs are just elites with a loot table. That’s it.


I’d love to stay up and protest with you all til the wee hours of the morning but my poor brain can no longer function properly after being awoken too soon from my slumber this morning. Just like Executis summoning Ragnaros in the Molten Core. TOO SOON!

I’ll wake up and jump back into the fray in the morning, but until then, keep fighting the fight in my stead!


These changes make 0 sense. Seriously, what are they thinking? I’ve never been able to do these rares. Way too much HP, dead realm, nobody ever around to help me and I couldn’t solo. Why do they even exist? They need a huge HP decrease so people can solo, and don’t do this despawn garbage


Blizzard really is the monkey’s paw of game developers. All of the positive changes they have been working toward needed one so absolutely braindead as this to balance it out.

I think the lesson here is to be careful what you wish for, because any time something is added or fixed in the game, something else must be broken or taken away in equal measure.


I mean, the current design basically has them ‘rare’ relative to other mobs. I mean, if you have one mob that respawns in an hour (or more) compared to all the normal mobs that respawn in a few minutes at most, that makes the hour-long respawn ‘rare’ relative to everything else, right? Blizz has bounced around with the timers/spawn conditions at times, but in most cases it applies that there’s usually a decent delay in between spawns.

So far they say all of it can be gotten in the delves. I want that mechanical mount. I don’t want it hidden behind anti solo walls. I don’t have any friends in this game so it’s been tough.

They had increased all the “rares” health and damage because they needed to be a “threat” to players to promote teamwork to take them down so you feel “pride” in your accomplishment.


Or Blizzard can, for once, take a lesson from players, and make a positive change in the game without taking something else away.

But the chances of that happening are about as equal as they are to them hiring competent designers in lead roles that won’t make these kinds of decisions. (Literally)


we can kinda blame that mentality toward how the current producer holly longdale sees wow. and how she sees the classic community when it comes to development

the “should group up and socialize” aspect shes tryna force into the modern game

its kinda blown up in their face


They can find better ways. The past way of doing that was when the game was slower. Trying to mash people together now with the speed of things as they are is only gonna give people road rash at this point.

They need to be more subtle in trying to get people together not pigeonhole them into a false sense of comradery.

Sometimes I just don’t know what to say. Like what kind of possible positive justification for this is there? So on the remote off chance a group gets together and wants to go knock out some rares to complete some achivements on the latter half if not tail end of an already sucktacular expansion out of sheer boredom because outside of hamster wheel instance content, NOTHING in the world is worth the time, NOW they likely aren’t even going to have rares up for them to go and kill because that already gods forsaken zone has even less meaning and reason to go out there knowing the rares are likely not up.

The decisions…it just mystifies me. Ah well, I guess hardly anyone will actually care since nobody has any good reason to go out there anyway.


What blizz doesn’t seem to get is people don’t like to have their time wasted by something that doesn’t seem fair so no one is going to fight the “rares” since they can’t do it themselves and blizz doesn’t get it.


Blizzard, here is a novel idea: Nerf the hp of the ZC and FR rares to a few million. Remove the area rare spawn for ZC so they all can spawn at any time and any place. Up the collectible drop rates and don’t do this stupid despawn crap. BOOM! Problem solved because people will actually go to zone and kill stuff. If that is going to be the philosophy with outdoor content zones as new patches comes in, you are going to lose a lot of players.

Revert this change now.


if they were gonna do the change, at least wait until TWW? It just makes all the transmogs/collectables that much more of a pain

They also drop flightstones. Those things people constantly complain about being low on. And most people I know didn’t farm rares for AP. So I have no clue where you’re getting this weird argument from.

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How? I’ve lost more of those to overcapping than I’ve actually spent since S2 started.

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It’s amazing how blizz, for every step they take in the right direction, they just keep shooting themselves in the foot.

Seriously, what good can come from this change? What purpose does it serve?
Do they expect people to come together while they waste their time away waiting for the rare to spawn? Do they want to force those able to solo them to play with those who can’t but have them spawn?
When was the last time you saw a group in the LFG tool for any of the rares? Even Karokta for its mount? Those pop up from time to time, sure, but they are so rare that you cannot realistically expect to find one when you decide you want to give it a try. You’d have to check constantly, tediously.
The mount has a (about) .5 chance. I dread the prospect of having to waste time waiting in that depressing zone, and I will never again set foot in/on either ZC or FR regarding rares under those conditions.

I’m all in for not trivializing content too much and not having mounts and other feats devalued… but this change just seems borderline nonsensical and hurtful.

I would really, reaaaally love to see an explanation as to what the expected outcome would be, the saving grace supposed to favorably turn this around.

But I absolutely cannot see any possibilty for that, so… shame on you for what feels like disrespecting people’s time spent ingame.