Rip zaralek caverns. rares will despawn now

You are so cute I see the cuteness in both your adorable little face and your lovely great mind

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Yep. Glad I got my slitherdrake heavy scales a little while back, because good luck with all of that now.

The caverns already died. Just a few short days after their release. This is just spitting on the corpse.

Answer: The loon that implemented this change does not play enough WoW to understand how these changes will be a problem, nor why people will be upset.



^^From the CC topic.

My question to this is: are they really letting one person make these bad changes, or do multiple people have to sign off on them (making this change even dumber)?



I would love to know the thought process behind this decision.
Just make them soloable - what is wrong with that?


Someone at Blizz just seems to hate the idea of making players happy. They looked at all of the complaints about ZC and FR rares being so hard to kill now that the zones have been abandoned, and decided to make things worse.


At this point I don’t know what my purpose is supposed to be as a CC member if I’m not being listened to.


Blizzard gonna Blizz.

Typical non-solution lol.


I hope now there’s more visibility of the lack of Devs insight regarding rewards…this topic is always avoided, they only focus on balance and seasonal content but they don’t talk to much about rewards and sometimes are good and other times is just a massive time sink without anything to show like any Holiday cosmetic for over 10+ years.

Rewards that during an expansion are really difficult and later in another expansion are fixed, thefore; previous collectors wasted more time in that kind of grind.

Or Rewards that are changed for worse if you don’t grind those as soon as possible.


Just know if you (or someone) on the CC makes a thread there that hardcore rails Blizzard for being absolutely tone deaf and non-responsive to the CC, I’ll throw a like on it :slight_smile:

I usually flag cursing on the forums, but this situation is so dumb I don’t even care and warrants that kind of response.

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idk but man am i afraid for warthin if this is what their philosophy is

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Trust me we have posts on a few threads where we subtly rail against the lack of responses we’re getting on some topics. We do it in a courteous way because at the end of the day we’re apparently supposed to represent the best of the community and in that note we need to uphold forum rules and guidelines… But behind the screen do I ever spew like an active curse volcano.


Even the best in the community should be allowed to fly off the handle a little when we have things this stupid happening in the game.


If I was part of CC, I’ll do the same be polite but feel really angry about the lack of interaction from Blizzard…We had council members providing reward feedback since the first council group because its an issue that not matter the expansion, it still valid for a lot of legacy items, achievements…etc

Towards the end it was straightforward, using ZM gear to be able to solo most of the rares in ZM. With a tank spec, it was a “watching paint dry” experience that took minutes, but it was possible.

The ones with lots of adds (like the spider) were impractical. I don’t know about other classes.

But the key point is that they were soloable. The FR and ZC rares are not. They’re still not. They hit very hard. Even with almost capped heroic (read Champion) gear, it wasn’t possible. Not even with two players.

This despawn thing is silly. If anything, it gave folks incentive “hey ALL of the rares are up, fire up a LFD group to kill them all in one go”. But, now not even that.

Now it’ll just be rares coming and going on their own, while lone toons just sit and stare at them from the sidelines – weak, and impotent to do anything about it.

(I guess they can reset the timer, but…uh… “whee” “Boy, THAT’s compelling gameplay!”)


I had to tip toe on the thread I made about this very topic on the CC forums. I had to edit it several times because I let my meteor sized rage get the better of me. Even though CC are just regular joe players and are in an unpaid position, we still need to act professionally. I still left the basics of my post up because boy am I like a tiny desert rain frog screaming with my war cry.


/moo :cow: