Rares now Despawn in ZC and FR after 15 mins of no activity

Its even odd, as no other rares in the game behave in this manner of spawning and then going “Nobody’s around… Welp time to despawn and go into a 3 to infinite hour respawn timer”.

What is the basis behind this change? Why these rares specifically? Why not, seriously, do what the community has been requesting with a nerf to the health of these rares to make them actually be able to be solo’d by the common player?

This change is mind boggling. I don’t even know what would go through someones mind to enact this change and think it was for the betterment of the game. So much for player agency, respecting our time, and getting away from old stuck in the mud ways. This change by far is the worst change that could have happened to these already super dead zones. Just took the proverbial shotgun to the face with this one.