RIP Worldpvp ( Community council Member )

nice comeback.

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That feels like the forum equivalent of standing in Stormwind asking for gold to buy your legendary.

Ya need to work fer it! … is the normal response :sunglasses:


I was extremely casual back in TBC and never felt this way. I barely even set foot in raids back then. Of course this whole ordeal is going to be subjected by a personal basis but I feel like comparing attunments to system timegating is apples to oranges.

One requires you to run content while the other incentivises you to basically log out for the day/week.


TBC attunements only look bad on paper but are actually not bad nor long / timegated at all


RIP Worldpvp

Didn’t that die when they removed pvp servers?


PVP gearing Thread had 420 likes

Timegating Thread has 39 likes …

I hope 10.0 is timegated as hard as SL was so that we can have story locked out and completely spoiled by dungeons again.

Other than the wait for raid releases I guess? They didnt all come out in the same patch did they?

But I’m not really going to argue the point about it, this was simply a note that a sort of timegating existed even back in the first expansion, so it isnt entirely a recent idea.

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Nowadays thats right. Back then you had all raids out there and hyjal/bt was released after the first guilds could kill kt/vashj so basically no one ever waited for raid releases they had to attune for. So no timegating really.

People just want everything handed to them!

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League of Warcraft

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People forget timegating exists because they cried that others could get ahead.

If you don’t mind people no lifing it again remove them but I want zero complaints from folks with less time.

There are different types of timegating

In pve, an entire server having to wait for a raid wing opening doesn’t harm a returning player because when that player starts playing midway through the patch the wing will have opened and it’ll arguably be easier for him to do the content due to people in his group overgearing it and guides having been made

Timegating a second legendary has the opposite effect for a returning player wanting to pvp. Having to wait to be revered and not being able to pvp during that time because every day he doesn’t have his second legendary everyone else around him is becoming stronger and harder for him to defeat is not healthy timegating

I think timegating is fine for the first half of a season but once we’ve hit the mid point, timegating restrictions need to go. Returning players need to be able to get a second legendary within a week of restarting wow once everyone is fully geared and decked out
“I played the first week of patch so i deserve to have an advantage over everyone who didnt for the next 30 weeks” is not healthy

I do expect to see nice QoL changes halfway through though like they did for 9.1.5 but yeah, thats my opinion on timegating and accessibility


Ahh bastion. the story ending dungeon weeks before the story for the fight was there.

and the confusion of venthyr. No prince, we shall not join your cause. you give no reason to.

Umm, cough, vampire wannabe’s, some venthry mall walkers have already been in the raid. may as well join now since the future is now. Literally. Look…I even am signed up for CN raid as I watch this scene the first time.

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Ah ok, it was neat to have most of them out at the start then. So they put out and then it was just a matter of working towards being able to do them? While that is a form of timing I guess, its different from slapping down a hard barrier between one thing and the next.

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I understand players want to feel special for playing all expac.

The problem is that there are too many hoops to jump through at end game.

I’ll start by saying I like borrowed power. Convoke the spirits is a really fun spell.

We could just do without renown and conduits. Maybe just have less conduits and not give ilvls to them.

Renown was just a mechanic to time gate everything like AP. Get rid of that stuff.

Legendaries requiring professions was a decent idea but it backfired. It costs way to much gold/farming.

Also, if you’re going to add borrowed power, it should be obtainable through all forms of endgame.

If you reduce the amount of borrowed power, then new players don’t have much to catch up on.

If you allow players to get borrowed power from all content, that’s just healthy for everyone.

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I agree its not a good system - as I said, Im not supporting it, just interested in how it was done (if it was done) previously. Such discussion allows me to see points of view to better understand my ideas.

It’s a difficult problem and I hope that going forward the people who design the game come up with solutions that work for everyone.

I just returned and wanted to try rated pvp. Theres such a long list of unenjoyable things to do, the grind after grind after grind. It wouldn’t be so bad if the gear disparity wasn’t so large and the requirements so phenomenally massive.

Upgrading honour gear over and over then conquest over and over is enough to send me running and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Sadly I’m only staying for the month where as I could’ve stayed subbed for quite sometime.


I made a thread on this subject as well.

The time gating that drove you off Balthamel is what’s driving away all of WoW’s other new players, too.

And yet Blizzard is perfectly willing to try and keep WoW afloat on the obscene token sales that Blizzard is making from all the gold tokens that are flying off the shelves.

Just ask Mike Ybarra, he promotes this practice. And that’s at least a conflict of interest, he should get paid for doing carries as a Blizzard employee.


I think Mythic+ is the reason why Blizzard is time-gatting the game like this

Maybe i’m wrong , but before Mythic + .

The best gears in the game were in Raids , the difference of Dungeons Gear vs Raid Gear was enormous , Dungeons gear was trash vs Raid gear .

Nowadays , Gear is not really time-gated . You don’t rely on Raid gears only .

You can spam M+ + Upgrade Valor then have 80% powers of a FULL Mythic raid Geared player .

Insteaf of Time-gating the game with Raids , now we have chores to do .

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