RIP Worldpvp ( Community council Member )

We’ll have to wait and see, because, you know, timegating.


bless his heart


wtf i got flagged lol

Because technically it’s a callout.


Yeah id amend it a little

Now THERE was some serious timegating…


Honestly during TBC it didnt even feel timegated it felt like you were unlocking something rare and secret that certain people did not know about


when i click on : see your messages

i have 404 Not Found :hot_face: ( ok i’m stupid )

You are comparing playing the game vs being told to log out and wait next week.


Well, my attractive orc friend, that does not negate that you could not do it within the first X days/weeks/whatever of the expansion opening. And Im sure the secret got out fairly fast. :sunglasses:

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People hated the alternative.

See; Maw of Souls, Islands


Well, if you were after a raid that wasn’t available until the next patch to continue your attunment, you may very well have logged out even longer than that. In theory.

Dam look like a Nightmare :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Worst than Shadowlands for sure

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Both had it’s problems but I always preferred the attunement method to what we have now. My character felt like it was progressing through an actual RPG back then.


World PVP never dies


To me it’s the wrong solution to make too many catch up mechanics and make what players grinded so hard for too easily accessible for new players. Players who put more time in, get a bigger reward, just like anything else in the world we live in.

I find the word time gating is starting to be thrown around a lot, and always gotta be careful when that happens. Certain things must be timegated.

The idea that players can’t really jump in and start playing is a valid concern, but the correct solution for that is to make the scale more evenly distributed.

Scale? What do I mean by that…

Imagine World of Warcraft as a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is a newcomer/noob to the game and 10 is the end game content, synonymous w/ the best gear, legendaries—whatever. You’ll find that most players are at a 9 or a 10, and it’s expected that you can’t really ‘play’ the game until you’re at a 9 or a 10.

Well what about 2 through 7 ? Every number on the scale should be meaningful instead of just flying through each number before you can actually play the game. So that could mean the game needs to flesh out 2 – 8 and make achieving 9 and 10 MUCH harder, almost impossible, so as to utilize the entire width of the scale and ensure it more evenly distributed. In that sense, newcomers to the game will have more newcomers who are at that same ‘number on the scale’ as them, for a while at least, and they can play the game at each number as it were in a very meaningful way instead of looking up at 9 and 10 thinking I can’t play tilll I get there.

This is all very high level abstract thinking but is exactly what needs to happen sooner or later.


some accept it lol.

its how they work this sadly.

Me I will rant, as I always do about magical items called…tabards. and how they used to give rep.

Happy with 4 wq’s a day for the days needed to get revered? Well do your 4 and be happy.

and the rest of us buy a tabard if an option and line up in lfd. early and often. to amke it fair, SL level dungeons. I’d know a SL tabard working in mechanar loops would go over real well. But I don’t want to run that for the 5000 time! well…I do but SL level dungeon caveat given.

inb4 no life comments. Actually I have a life. Why I like “catch ups”. I miss 2 nights…I make it up later in the week. and we call it even.

wife and kid thing. They give that magical 4 hours of me time I want to maximize that.


I can see that, and I agree that it did involve doing content, however it had two major issues - it was indeed timegated on the release of objectives and gaining reputations, and you could not do it on a casual basis. You HAD to be in a guild or in contact with people who could form raids and heroic dungeons and such. So the casual player was fairly locked out of it unless they could afford to pay to be carried.

At least nowadays the casual player has the chance to work through the timegating.

Dont get me wrong, I dislike it as much as most people but to say it hasnt been a part of the game for a long time is misleading. It has been, but in the past it was mostly so that content could be staggered in release phases to give people time to complete the previous bits and then go onto new stuff. Now its more a matter of enforcing the need to be constantly logging on in order not to feel like they are falling behind.

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he’s not offering any suggestion what to replace time gating with.

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just like please :smiling_imp: