Rip Worgens

Concept art of worgen had tails, indeed.


Yeah it’s just tone-deaf more than anything. Blizz has already lost a lot of goodwill from how it’s treating the playerbase, so I feel you.


I’m not mad about it, but I find it kinda funny that so many of Blizz devs just… can’t read a room.


It feels to me like the joke is that players have this great ability to decide that something needs to be some other way, without justification to support that, and get mad that it isn’t.

You didn’t, but you reminded me that people do think that.

I am, however, curious how adding a tail to a Worgen suddenly makes them “cutesy dog things”.


Maybe those wanting optional worgen tails need to do what the high elfs did and constantly complain and demand and whine until Blizzard caves I mean who knows it worked for them and they got their fake void elves.

Yep. And it was left out. Thank gawd.


Anyway, I shouldn’t have gotten involved with these threads. That’s my bad. I’m glad Blizz made it official that there won’t be tails. Sorry to those who wanted them. I’m going to mute all of the tail rage threads now, because there’s enough fighting around here and I need to stay out of it. Have a good one, all.

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Cata concept art:

Hey look Tails!



And it’s sad: Instead to just say “yes”, “no” or “maybe” - a thing called “having communication with your customers”, the only thing we got is a joke to mock us.

It’s like one of Umbris voice line: A joke breaking the fourth wall and directed toward specific players who wanted the high elves at that time.

I’m not playing all the races so maybe there’re other jokes breaking the fourth wall like this in the Horde side.
If not, then why Alliance players have to suffer such jokes where an idiot pretending to be a responsible dev voices his opinion through said joke?

I didn’t get offended by the joke of the Vulpera on the Gilneans because it’s not a joke breaking the fourth wall, the female dracthyr joke is and this is the problem.

The female Dracthyr could have boasted to have better claws and fangs than the worgens, or that her scales make her more robust than the worgens.
Who would have been offended by lines like these? Nearly no one i bet.


Do not rip the worgen.
Lest the worgen rip you.

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WE want HIGH ELVES for the ALLIANCE. NOW. BLIZZARD. Why are you not listening to this! It’s a slap in the face.

Edit: Oh no wrong cosmetic complaint spam thread im sorry


In the defense of Worgen players currently “spamming”

They had a singular, detailed thread of changes they’d like to see they kept going for years. It was pretty concise and bumped regularly and updated as changes they asked for were made.

The only actual acknowledgement it got in recent times (or ever?) was an off handed joke on a race a lot of players are dissatisfied with.

They’re way less annoying than the elf spammers IMO and a good deal more justified.


Sort of yes, sort of no. Remember the high elf joke existed before the pink skins rolled out for void elves.

This right here is proof this joke has no baring on any future customization update. Worgen can get their tails when Blizzard wills it.


That’s true.

I keep thinking of that and forgetting to add it.

Blizzard often jokes about things players want and then adds them after. So we could see that.

Which is why my original comment was “Really they should learn to read the room.”

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That’s the takeaway I get from this. Not so much a slap in the face to Worgen players but more of an indication to how seriously Blizzard takes player’s requests for customizations. They said there would be no new customization passes in SL and were willing to stand by that until subs dipped last year and they had do a quick emergency pass for Allied races. I’m guessing we need to see another drop off for them to give another pass and to finish up Heritage armors.


Bro the amount of people in this thread who are ACTUALLY triggered by this convinces me that Blizzard made the right call by adding this joke.

Y’all DESERVE to be mocked at this point.


Also, how is this joke somehow any worse than the Tinker Leaker class from the April Fools patch notes?


I will be honest. I never really cared. Personally, I liked the pre cataclysm worgens the best. That model was alot cooler.

The lore behind worgens back then was better as well in my opinion.

I just want a sly cooper raccoon style race. Knowing blizzard, they will mess it up. Probably including a long list of bullcorn required just to unlock a skin. I still think the allied races are to annoying to unlock currently. Used to be you would click the toon you wanted, gave em some custom options, and boom you were playing the race.

It is insane. Some things are unbelievably easy, and insanely casual. But then other things are so annoying or so hardcore it isn’t even funny. Like how there are 2 fomo mounts now, and season 4 has nothing else really for people who don’t raid or pvp.

With the lack of worgen tails, it just never caught my fancy. Come to think of it, they are the only race of that nature that doesn’t have a tail as well. The alien lookin dudes have tails with the dranei. Taurens have tails because they descend from cows or some bullcorn. Vulpera have tails because they are foxes. Pandaren have tails because they are bears.

Blizzard is telling me that werewolve humanoid descendents of like wolves and worgens, do not have tails. Makes about as much sense as a blood elf not being able to be a warrior. Or a human not being allowed to be a hunter. Like it just doesn’t make sense.

Regardless of what other people might tell me, but, more options, in both customization and playstyle is always going to drive more people to playing the game. Alot of folks did want tails for worgens. Used to see the forum thread pop up here and there when I would load up the forums.

While I think it would be petty to quit the game over it, I can understand race changing at that point. Because you are playing a race that simply does not look cool to you anymore. And would look 50 times cooler with a tail. I mean, i can definitely see the worgen population dropping off a bit after this.

While I don’t believe blizzard will dig their own grave because of this, although I do wish they would already. I want a company to actually pick up wow and make intelligent decisions that don’t alienate their playerbase every other week.


At the same time, why not add the worgen jokes back in. Add all the original jokes back in to the wow toons.

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