Rip Worgens

My favorite wow joke:

A druid, a paladin, and a monk walk into a bar. The druid yells, “LF2M for dungeon need tank and healer!”


There are some animations that are better. Like running wild doesn’t look akward. Most of their movements though remind me of poorly articulated stuffed animals.

I’m not aware of anything that has changed.

They could just add the pattern option to vulpera. Vuplera need some more skin options anyway.

Lore wise I got the warrior thing, since paladins were just advanced knights. In game though, yeah. On tails, also yeah. We always simply wanted the option so nobody got something they didn’t want.

I still have some small hope that with multiple threads now floating around there is some talk of worgen customization finally being discussed, even if it isn’t this one.

How is a joke about tail less worgens OFFICIAL blizzard news?

Nobody takes this stuff seriously until they see it on the news, then suddenly they wonder what happened. Maybe if they didn’t roll their eyes when people said they were hurt by something, these tragedies could be prevented.


i’ma give head scritches to all the Worgen i come across.

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i wish i didnt have a tail :frowning:

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I remember when they first announced the allied races. For some reason people were defending it being all “It’s a reward for playing the game!”.

Meanwhile we got new races in The Burning Crusade… Cataclysm… and Mists of Pandaria not by farming rep, but by purchasing the expansion.

I mean heck, what is stopping them from calling Dracthyr an allied race where you have to farm rep with EVERY Dragonflight starting in pre-patch?

the sheer lack of participation in any content compared to pervious expansions?

or how about “millions of players” and literally not more than 1 group in the LFG pool. and people actually wanting me to tank. that should speak volumes regarding the sub numbers. :smirk:


Give Worgen… nay. Give EVERYONE tail options.
we have magic.
we have potions.
we have illusions.
we have shapeshifting.
we have the technology (see Gnolls magically missing their tails in beta where the model clearly intended to have it attached for that mob)

We have no excuse, for the lore of the world provides everything you need to have it cosmetically obtainable later. you dont NEED to have it as a character creation option. it can be added like dragon riding customization parts. like adding a new Druid skin.
Those barbers have the skills. they know what they are doing.

maybe some alchemist mage engineer barber or group of skilled people got together and made a way to add tails as an option. seeing everyone else with a tail made them realize what a cash grab jackpot of an opportunity that would be. surely someone would have been motivated to do it by now. even if a few experiments ended up cause random mass polymorphs to become a thing

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This been going on for millenia and ain’t stopping any time soon. Once upon a time kings would execute people for the slightest thing. Pronounce his name wrong? Look at his favourite concubine in the eyes. Had a better beard than him? All of those could get you executed.

At least in the modern age no one is executing you. They just voice their complaints. Then some folks get hurt when people are voicing their hurt. But if you complained about the King executing someone you’d probably be arrested or executed too. No kings here. Just vocal peasants.