Rip Worgens

It is a bad taste joke imo. Honestly I do think Worgen did look better in art with tails.

I do think Dranei and Dracthyr have nice tail customization though. Worgen do look weird without tails imo.


Looks like blizzard artists like to use tails on worgen concept art too.


That’s just mean… but the truth is that Worgen shouldn’t have tails because they’re descended from corgis.

You get a pet for that.


Why do you think we ask for it to be optional? We don’t want to force something on people who don’t want it. But Worgen are told all the time… ITS NOT LORE!!!1!!! Well mind proving that then? Also mind explaining why Worgen are 6’11" in game when in LORE they are 8 feet tall for the females? Its really a pet peeve when we constantly get told no. We have asked for it to be optional and for those who want a lore reason we have asked for Goldrinn’s blessing but we get attacked for even suggesting it in the slightest.


The only one on the attack in this interaction is you. I haven’t mentioned anything about lore or that worgen shouldn’t have tails.


to be honest I don’t care about the joke but if it gets more people to talk about tails uhhh

how could blizzard do such a travesty?! How horrible!

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That joke is pretty much a slap in the face to worgan players who have a 10k post thread with over 1k likes about giving worgan tails. Devs wonder why they are disliked sometimes, how about not insulting the player base.


If I came across as attacking you I am sorry. Most of the time when Worgen players get someone come in and tell us NO you cant have options its some form of Elf player be it Night Elf or Blood Elf and honestly it gets old. We are simply asking for options for the race we play but no other race in the game gets as much flack as we do. I know myself I would never say no to a race asking for something to be optional we live in a magical world where magic can effect anything. We simple want an option for a tail and those who dont want it can stay tailless. The only thing I would like that is not optional is I would like to see Worgen the Lore correct size.


Hey, we’re all just begging for scraps at this point. :blue_heart: I do know where you’re coming from. I have been in the camp of wanting worgen to have equally lore supported Night Elf models for two-forms, and have been shot down. Best you can do is just keep the thoughts bubbling to the surface and hope someone with actual power sees it.

Typical blizz.

“Of course we are making efforts to better understand and listen to our dedicated community. Because we care.”

Also blizz: “Let’s make a joke showing how we listen to the desires of the community but don’t actually care what they want.”


You can’t always get what you want.

I just want a tail man…


Is this from the same company that openly mocked Alliance players at Blizzcon?
“You think you want but dont”?
“Do you guys not have phones”?
Cube crawls?

Yeah is anyone surprised?


Imagine if it were a joke about undead never getting the option to stand upright. I don’t know if you want that option but a lot of undead players do. Putting a joke about undead posture in the game would just about be saying they’ll never get that option they want, and we all should laugh at them for wanting it.

I mean, I get that it’s just a joke, but it’s a joke aimed at and at the expense of a group of players, and that’s pretty icky.


This joke has cost them atleast one long term subscription… and I honestly hope more will follow suit and tell them how we feel about this with our wallets.


“Haha why do you get upset at words? They’re just ink/virtual pixels!” So removed from it you don’t even understand lol, it’s both what’s being said as well as the intent behind the messaging and what occurs. Acting like stuff can’t be harmful because ‘it’s just a joke lol’ is just an excuse a lot bad people use to excuse awful behavior (You included.)

Not really lol, elves get every thing they ask for. They get new customization every expansion now.


If you think I’m a bad person, then you should ignore me. It’ll save you a headache.


No, there’s another function I prefer to use over that. It’s also not a ‘I think’ situation, it’s an ‘I know’ situation given you moderated for that discord that was used to levy targetted harassment at quite a few forum users and brigade the forums. :3

Mhm. And you provided photo shopped evidence in that whole thing wrongfully framing someone who did nothing wrong. Much like I have done nothing wrong. This thread has nothing to do with that, and if you won’t ignore me then I shall ignore you. Have a pleasant one.


I’ve already proven that the evidence wasn’t photo shopped, but thanks for spreading misinformation from Moritz and Clark because you don’t know what you’re talking about~

Nah, you’ve done plenty.

Good, then I can push back on your comments without you trying to come back from it.