Rip Worgens

Honestly no one can really know if it’s malicious or benign. It’s simply how someone wishes to interpret it, and that’s what matters. If someone was already feeling slighted or felt some loss of trust with Blizzard then this might take them over the edge. For someone else, this might be a positive thing because it shows them that Blizzard has a sense of humor.

Imo this was a harmless joke done in poor taste due to the overwhelming lack of customization options in the game. It comes across as more tone-deaf than harmful.


No one cares about some trash elves dime a dozen option that means nothing to us. Go cry some more about your not being a unique snowflake and having to share your customization with void elves like most blood elves do and let others have customization options. We are paying customers too.


I hate how manly the female voices are. I want to sound like Ysera. Hopefully they sound different in their visage forms.

Edit: They do

You pay for a working log in button to an established universe with established canon and lore. You do not pay for the creative rights to a specific race. Neither do I.

Again, you’re coming off incredibly emotionally charged for no real reason. It’s a joke in a vidya game. Take a breather.


What lore show me where Blizzard themselves say Worgen can’t have tails. And no Christine saying whoops means nothing she is simply a paid author who writes stories she is not a cannon lore writer she’s even said that herself.


EMOTIONAL DAMAGE is a meme of Steven He

Well, part of it would be the fact that biologically speaking, no worgen in a canon universe within WoW have had tails. And part of it would be that, regardless of whether or not you like it, Christie Golden is an official blizzard employee and her comment confirms that.

Look, nothing I say is going to do anything involving a discussion because you don’t want to hear it in the first place, and you’re acting illogically. Just have a nice day, you know? No reason to get so bent outta shape about something inconsequential.

Further, I will not insult you as you have me. I’ll say have a nice one, and cease engaging with you from here on out. Have a good day!

Just like you I am a paying customer of a game. I don’t know how long you’ve been here if you’ve been around for some time welcome to the club I’ve been here since 04. That aside yes I am emotionally charged when it comes to the race I play just like others are. I want more customization options to bring my race up to par with other player options and when someone who doesn’t pay for my account tells me no I can’t I get annoyed as I would never tell someone else asking for something no. Worgen get a special treatment foe this as most only see Worgen as a group of furrys and are mad at the idea of them getting even a simple opinion that would make people enjoy the race they have chosen to play.


You pay for the same thing I do. A working log in button and access to content. Nothing else. You should be clear on that.

And I didn’t do that. No where did I say: “No you cannot have X”. I said in accordance with what we know, worgen do not have X, and it makes no sense for them to randomly sprout it. Read what is there, not what you think is there. I am totally fine with worgen getting tails if an actual quest or something like that is put in place and if you go through my post history, you will find I make that comment more than once.

Stop attacking me for saying what is established. That’s not a crime.

Thought you were done talking to me or are you one of those I have to have the last word in my pov or I’m not happy people? Cause frankly your closed mind just makes me put you on ignore and find players who want a real conversation rather than your blank statement of… BUT MY MADE UP HEAD CANNON LORE!!!1!!


Fair enough. I was trying to clarify something and show you that I am fine with it if a quest was put in for the sake of context.

But you would rather be angry and volatile. So, never mind. You right. Have a good one.

I was laughing so hard when I heard that

:dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Blizz needs to understand worgen need tails. Running wild on a sunny day without a tail…we…

WE GET SUNBURNED BUTTS! There i said it! The truth of our plight is public! D:

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Might want to recalibrate a bit.


No. I stand by that statement 100% if you come to tell me that I can’t have options for the race I play and you are some elf player #5763246757885312466776533 then you are nothing to me other than dust in the wind. You will not change what I want for the race I play and you’re opinion that I shouldn’t get options falls on deaf ears. I would never tell you, oh blood elf shouldn’t get X and you (not you personally of course) coming in to tell me what I can and can’t want for the race I play is kind of sad.


nods understandingly in Arizonan


This, I have been supportive of Worgen getting tails but those types of people attacking others in every thread just because we comment are making me feel less supportive because there’s really no need for that, everyone is entitled to their opinions, it’s a public forum and well we don’t make the decisions Blizzard does.


I mean. The worst part about it is I even said:

They just wanna be upset and they’re trying to use me as a punching bag. It’s fine. Quite frankly, all things come around eventually.

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I think this is the first time I’ve seen genuine Tail envy.

I’ve shown my support for it in the past (I think I’m in that thread on the front page, or maybe one of the older ones) :dracthyr_shrug: I do actually play Worgen, so it’s not like I don’t also have a stake in the game.

I see it both ways. Players want to see their character how they desire them, and Blizzard wants to maintain their artistic vision for the race. In the end, this is a silly joke and the levels of fursection are off the chain…

I’ll see myself out the little doggie door :dog: