Rip Worgens

let’s out a long sad whine. It’s not fair! Still not fair! I want the customization option!


Trolling and harassment? You can’t select what joke happens as it’s random. Also as a mainly tauren player people /moo me constantly until I moo at them I find it funny.

Why’s everything gotta go down to the level of fear of harassment and trolling about anything? It’s not that serious. Lol


I don’t know if Blizzard is any sort of position right now to be making jokes at the expense of players;, especially over something this simple.


comfort headpats

There there. I was sad about void elves having better facial hair for awhile til we got that fixed

Could you provide a reference for these subscription numbers you are talking about? Last I checked they haven’t officially reported sub numbers since WoD


Not gonna lie. I love worgen. And I play worgen. I even RP worgen on the RP realms. But that’s funny as hell and I think calling it unnecessarily cruel might be just a bit of an overstep.


While joke is funny and as one person on Wowhead put it “EMOTIONAL DAMAGE”

I can understand those players who feel somewhat annoyed by it because it can be reasonable taken as Blizz giving that crowd the middle finger.


Then I stand corrected on that particular statement. Until Before the Storm happened I never saw the request.

As for concept art and WoW in general; if it doesn’t make it to the live version of the game it doesn’t exist. Worgen have never had tails.

It’s a joke.

It is a harmless joke.

It shouldn’t be a big deal, but of course it is going to be made into a big deal isn’t it?


well, at least they are aware that the worgen players have requested tails. Maybe we can stop having a post asking for it every month.


Yup… If that joke really is a thing, then Blizzard just invited the great Worgen exodus upon themselves, with that joke line listed as the reasoning from everyone…


Joke, sure… harmless? Not even remotely. Malicious mokery is never harmless, and if you think it is, then you need to reevaluate what you think is harmless. “Harmless jokes” like that are enough to push some people over the edge. Trust me when I say this, it is better that their is a public outcry about this now with the possibility of it being fixed, than for us to “let it go” and allow it to actually cause harm.


Yeah, this.

It can be both things: funny, and a little distasteful. In fact, many of the funniest things are a little distasteful.

Nothing wrong with giggling and also thinking maybe it’s not a great look for Daddy Blizz right now.

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Oh lord, it’s quite literally a joke about pixels in a video game. Who cares? It’s not malicious. It’s not intended to do some kind of damage. It’s a tease because, as has been iterated on these forums before, worgen do not have tails. They will never have tails because it makes zero sense to the lore for them to randomly sprout one. And because some people in the community refuse to let it go, they had a light jab poked at them.

I’m an Italian from Brooklyn, New York and I am incredibly stereotypical. I get NYC Italian jokes made at me all the time, for my accent among a whole host of other reasons.

Are you actually insinuating that a joke about worgen not having tails might cause someone physical and emotional harm in their personal life? If that’s the case, that person should seek professional help, and I’m not being rude about that. If someone actually feels that strongly, and would be harmed on an emotional or worse, physical level by a joke in a video game, that person needs to go talk to someone more qualified than these forums.


They’ve also got enough problems with the “They Removed ALL the Best Jokes and Flirts” crowd, now they’ve got themselves into a situation where there’s only L’s for them. If they keep the joke, Worgen players who want optional tails as well as players who feel the joke is a bit too over the top will complain about it, but if they remove the joke, then people will complain that they removed the “Best Dracthyr Joke.”

Blizzard can’t quite win here. I get that current staff at Blizzard prefers their werewolves to be strictly tailless (even Diablo werewolves went from having tails in Diablo 2 to being tailless in 3 and 4 IIRC), but the joke does come off as being somewhat rude since its literally been the ONLY real communication lately that they don’t want optional tails for Worgen, and especially since they are silent on why Hearthstone has occasionally let tailed Worgen slip through into advertising and card art (I know that it’s because of the fact they do a lot of contract art from non-employees, but they haven’t officially said anything about it).

As a side note, the subject of tails can be an incredibly divisive and even toxic topic among fans of werewolves. Anyone who has been paying attention to the topic of optional tails for Worgen knows this.

Already plenty of people who think this Dracthyr joke is the best ever because it confirms once and for all that Worgen are never getting tails and that people who want Worgen tails should finally just shut up about it forever.

Granted, I think that there would be toxicity no matter which side of the debate Blizzard chose. If they had chosen the side of optional tails, then we would probably never hear the end of complaints about how they’re letting furries steal Worgen away from “real werewolf fans” or whatever.

So it’s kind of a mess here. I’m not sure a playable race’s /silly line was the best way to say “We’re never adding tails as an option for Worgen.” And no, I’m not necessarily saying they should remove the line or keep it, because as I said earlier, people are going to complain that it’s in, and are going to complain if it’s removed. That’s literally why it’s a mess.

I’m not sure why they thought releasing that Dracthyr /silly line to public ears like the way they did it would be a good idea.

i swore it was a combination of hungry and angry

I agree, they were all extremely corny.

We are werewolves formed by magic. We could have an optional tail cause let’s see… Goldrinn blessed us. Blam magic gets more powerful and oh look an optional tail for those who would like the opportunity to have one. Is it going to effect your game play if someone gets an optional thing that let’s them be happy with thier character? No then let them choose. Until you pay for every Worgen account in wow your telling us what we can and can’t have is not only pathetic but also means nothing in the long term. You have your customization options we should have ours.


They can’t officially respond to every flub from a 3rd party company though. In Before the Storm, Christie Golden accidentally pinned a tail on Genn, and in post, she thought she got them all but missed one. She outright made a direct admittance of fault and clarified worgen do not have tails within Warcraft. That’s as official as official gets and should be more than enough.

Anyone who’s been paying attention to this topic should also know its overblown beyond words.

why is this a saying now? It’s so annoying. I see it all over social media. One Netflix series comes out and everybody is comparing every little thing to him.

But you don’t and you’re not going to because the lore has been formed with that narrative and biology in mind. Blam.

It doesn’t matter if it does or doesn’t. It matters that this is the established canon and we can live with that.

I am not telling you anything. I am telling you that worgen do not have tails in accordance with the lore. My opinion on it is just that, and my opinion doesn’t effect anything. This is a strawman because it puts an unnecessary amount of ‘oomf’ behind my opinion, which is unnecessary and frankly, silly.

Try again. This time with logic. And that’s not me being rude. You’re making this overly personal though. I am not a determining factor in this. Acting like I am is emotionally charged and not productive.