Yea the cross realm thing would be the only change to pvp that would be welcomed.

Pretty sure kevin Jordan flagged these exact issues when some changes were announce

Have u tried gitting gud?

I will be selling carries is that what you mean by gitting gud?

I don’t want dead seasons in TBC and thats what we’re looking at with these changes.

Have you tried to graduate high school? No? Go back.

Subs were higher in late TBC which had arena ratings than early TBC which did not.

Wrath had arena rating.

So, based on sub, arena ratings on gear is better?

Or is using subs a stupid metric?

Subs were up in S3/S4 but arena participation went into the gutter in S4.

Sunwell arena participation died because of the 2050/2200 requirements. On some battlegroups it was actually impossible to get 2200.

Wrath had arena ratings that actually made sense for the gear.
S5 Wrath
Blue set - No rating
Hateful set - Minimal/no Rating
Dreadful set - 1930 weapon 2050 shoulders

S8 Wrath
Previous season - Honor
Wrathful - 1800 T1 weapon, 2000 shoulders, 2200 T2
This made sense. Not only did 10/25m raiding exist but Hardmodes also existed.

T4 PVE is trash tier Heroic Dungeon level of difficulty which shouldn’t require the PVP equivalent in gear to be only the top 3% of the entire ladder.

My god what is going on? My dude A SIMPLE google search and a little effort put in would bring you to the FACT that S4 had the LOWEST arena participation in TBC, you know, the end of tbc…

WOTLK subs went through the roof when they made RET Paladins literal gods in pre patch. Don’t even get me started on the absurdity that was S5 DKS. Death Knights in S5 were probably the most OP class in any period of any class in wow’s history. Nothing will rival how OP DK’s were for that sole season.

So TLDR, You’re incorrect. S4 had the lowest arena participation of TBC.

So when you said subs you didn’t actually mean subscriptions I guess?

I don’t even want arena ratings on season 1 and 2 gear because they weren’t their originally.

Subs/ subscriptions did not increase due to arena. Arena participation went way down in S4. Arena players want equal footing and good class balancing.

1 thing of those 2 is a very very easy thing to fix. Equal footing/gearing.
Balancing is obviously a massive amount of work. But they can’t even figure pvp gearing out so here we are with 2050 rating for weapons in S1 when any potato can collect gear in pve.

Subs went up because wow was finally taking off. I had friends that were into gaming and had never heard of wow during burning crusade. The marketing really took off mid TBC and word of mouth was blowing up.

I loved TBC and still think its the best of wow’s history but a lot of people prefer wrath.

I think so!!! I think the INTERN that makes pvp changes took about 4 minutes thinking this arena change over and said ehh lets do it.

There were rating requirements on more than just weapons and shoulders and wrath.

Season 8:
Helm - 1950
Chest - 1600
Legs - 1500
Shoulders - 2000
Gloves - 1400
Boots - 1400
Belt - 1300
Wep - 1800 / 2200

I’m well aware I’m just listing the important pieces. Since 2050/2200 is what I’m referring to in TBC.

Lol so like 85-95% of players then? Who won’t be getting weapons lol. Or the 75% who won’t even get 1600?

If that’s what arena players really wanted they’d be asking for gear normalization in arena not just removing the rating reqs so everyone genuinely would be on equal footing gear wise.

No, we want common sense gearing. My buddies are 1500 heroes. THEY WILL not participate in arena if they cannot obtain weapons through pvp.

We need those players at the base of the foundation bud. I’m not saying they should have the same exact weapons as a 2200 player but they definitely need some type of weapon to work towards.

Not that having the same weapon would matter because they aren’t beating a 2200 team but still

Okay so it’s not about being on an equal footing, it’s about being able to get gear just for showing up.

And if they actually cared about winning they wouldn’t be prioritizing the weapon first at that low of a rating. The points would be better spent on the non rating gear and getting the blue gear to fill in.

No you couldnt

the biggest upgrade to a melee character is a weapon.

If you take that incentive away to a majority of the people doing arena what do you think is going to happen to participation?

The blue weapon + however many non rating S1 pieces you can get for the cost of a weapon is a bigger upgrade for pvp purposes.

Arena Season 1 PvP reward, and could be purchased for 1630 from [Vixton Pinchwhistle] in [Netherstorm]. As of Patch 2.3.0, it was changed to an honor reward.

2.3 was Zul’Aman patch, Season 2. It added Duskwallow marsh quests, guild banks and many other quality of life improvements. It released November 13th 2007.

YOU COULD NOT buy a s1 gladiator weapon during s1 for honor.

You could buy a S1 weapon for honor after s2 started.