Arena gear wasnt available for honor until S3 when you could buy S2 for reduced points or S1 for honor

Yes and youā€™ll be able to buy an honor weapon starting in S1 this time around.

You made a lot of good points but youā€™re wrong here. ZA /2.3 was S3.
S2 for reduced cost, no rating
S1 for honor

In s2, S1 glad gear will have no rating requirement and a reduced cost but will still cost arena points

Tiering actually went like thisā€¦
Current Season - Lots of Arena points
Previous Season - Discounted Arena points
Two Seasons Ago - Honor points

So S1 arena gear went for honor in S3 and S2 arena gear went for honor in S4.

The dates are close, so I understand your confusion. You could buy S1 arena gear for HONOR on November 13th, 2007. Season THREE did not start until November 28th, 2007. Thus you could, in fact, buy S1 arena gear for HONOR before Season 3.

roflmaoā€¦so you double down as there was a 2 week calculation period between seasons. In other words everyone else is still right and S2 ENDEDā€¦then the gear was buyable. So this was season 3, it just wasnā€™t the part of season 3 that people were allowed to play each other on.

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Technically correct is the best kind of correct.

You are incorrect. Hereā€™s the timelineā€¦

Season 2 ended
Season 2 games can no longer be played
Season 2 calculation period starts
Season 3 starts
Season 1 gear can be bought for honor
Season 2 calculation period ends and rewards and titles are issued
Season 3 games can be played

The limbo period IS the next season, just arena games were not being played then.

November 13th is before November 28th. This is derailing the thread.

There are a lot of bad players who wanted to enjoy the arena. Now its just a waste of time.

You are a troll. Using this logic, the TBC Prepatch is actually Vanilla WoW since TBC technically didnā€™t start.


I said that you could buy S1 arena gear for honor before Season 3. Thatā€™s absolutely correct. S3 didnā€™t start until November 28th and you could buy the gear on November 13th. How are we even arguing about this? Because youā€™re considering the 2-3 week lull between seasons as the start of the next season?! Why? Semantics?

I wonā€™t be responding again. Believe whatever you want, I guess. But if one of us is trolling, itā€™s not the guy that can read a calendar.

That was pretty clearly incorrectā€¦ Season 2 had already ended. At best, its pre-S3 or Post S2ā€¦ But thereā€™s no interpretation where youā€™re correct in saying that itā€™s buyable for honor in Season 2

Thatā€™s pretty clearly not what you said, lol. I meanā€¦ we only have to scroll up like 10 postsā€¦

Season 2 had ended. No more arena games were able to be played. Clearly not S2ā€¦

thats definitely not true. theyre two completely different styles of gameplay, and theres ALOT of old school pvpers who have been waiting to go back to tbc/wrath. alot of people that i know are going to leave retail and go to tbc for pvp because retail has been a shtshow for pvp ever since wod came out and they change a shift in class design.

when all of those things existed, pvp was at its highest point ever. thats an extremely weak argument to ā€œparticipation being low.ā€

This. Iā€™ve seen a lot of the same. A lot of the hardcore retail guys who turned their nose up at Classic are coming back for the PVP since most have such fond memories of TBC arenaā€™s and retail is kind of a $#@$show right now

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yeah, plus alot of pvpers are old school players anyway, who started back in tbc/wrath etc who know the difference between the two ā€œstylesā€ of pvp that blizzard has had.

This + the changes to blacksmithing :sob:

Poor enhancement shamans.

I mean, no one was bringing them for their personal dps anyway. :stuck_out_tongue:

You are using arena participation over 12 years ago to conclude arena participation will be active in TBC:C? Talk about extremely weak.

Back in original TBC, WoW had over 10 million subscribers. TBC would be lucky to break 2 million, if that. Once all the retail players bail who are used to instant queues, personal rating, cross-realm groups, easy epics, and the LFG UI, that number will drop even more. Iā€™d be shocked if there are more than 10,000 players total in the entire US and EU brackets by the end of the season.

Throw in the fact that raiding gear is just as good, or better, than a lot of Arena gear, and warriors and rets will craft their weapons, there really isnā€™t any incentive for casual players to PVP in S1.