That’s the thing, though…

The people stuck in greens and blues because they can’t get gear aren’t even on my radar – we’ll all have relatively the same gear when arena comes out, and the better players will prevail. The people playing at my rating won’t be stuck without the arena gear LOL.

I get your point, I just don’t agree with it. Competitiveness should be rewarded in my opinion. Every other iteration of the game besides s1&2 of burning crusade had rating requirements on gear. Clearly you don’t understand or accept my point of view so you’ve attacked me and made (unsavory and incorrect) assumptions about my personality.

Paying a sub, grinding gear win or lose isnt cheese jay.

Its somewhat telling, all the people that defend buzzards… have the same spiel…

So you’re worried someone, who cant really win in the arena… will in several months get an item?

And you should be listened to for any reason why?

You simply dont want people to get the items… I dont even care why.

Guaranteed epics regardless of performance sounds pretty cheese to me. Do you get loot form a boss if you don’t kill it? You should go get the blue honor set from BG’s if you want your participation trophy. Better yet, you should just play solitaire as your main game.

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Right and you’re not here right now with your noob radar beeping like mad warning you someone in blues in greens might get an epic?

Again would it be okay if people new to the arena got gear 2? AS IT WAS…

Yep now lets look at arena participation after such changes… ahh thats right in s4 it drops off sharply… Shall we look at trends over the life of the game?
What about now in systemlands? Yep arenas are on life support…

You dont make arguments. You state clearly your purpose in very few words actually.
You’re a very small individual and you need people to trash.
Arenas is that outlet for you.
Just not in the arena.
Outside where you can bash noobs in a 15 year old game…

Correct, I’m not. I just don’t care.

Arena participation stats (arenas played vs players in the game)? Show me stats that suggest that it dropped after that change.

2 seasons later and right before an xpac? sounds like it had nothing to do with the rating requirement to me.

You know, I find this very ironic as I’d say the same thing about you. Perplexing person you are.

Because im advocating for others…
Where as you are worried little timmy might a weapon…

It’s quite ignorant to say that I “just don’t want others to get the items” as I won’t have a high rating either. But you don’t see me crying that I can’t lose 10 matches a week and eventually welfare any of the gear. I don’t care about the restriction and whether it’s in or not. I’m not necessarily defending Blizzard either. I’m just pointing out that this is a stupid thing to complain about.

Fact is, if you really want the gear, then you’ll get the rating and get the gear. If not… then that’s too bad. You’ll be like me and all the other low rating scrubs that just welfare points and get what we get. One reason I don’t care is that I know it doesn’t affect me singularly, thus I don’t act like it does. It affects EVERYONE, meaning my scrub enemies won’t have the equipment either.

Good job not linking any of the “statistics” that you made up and tried to use as fact.

No, it seems you’ve focused more on verbally assaulting me.

I already told you, and I again will guarantee to you – “little timmy” won’t fare well versus me with or without gear. Haha. You are such an unreasonable person, maybe you should go outside for a bit. The world isn’t full of people gaining pleasure from other people’s pain.

In welfare you get money and food for doing nothing.

In wow a game we pay for how we spend our time is certainly not charity.

You dont really expect anyone to believe you play the game do you?

Which tells us all we need to know about you when you cry about timmy getting a weapon you know in a couple months…

The funniest thing about this is that me AND Drain specifically stated

Yet you’re lashing out at us as if we implemented it. You are a piece of work. I guess deep down you know you won’t get a single piece if it’s rating gated. Lol.

P.S you and little timmy can autopilot to an epic weapon with blacksmithing.

Like I said, you have trash motivations…

What do you care… what gear we do or dont get big dog?

Because why exactly?

I’ve legitimately stated probably 5 times that I don’t care. It could get reverted tomorrow and I would literally not care. I said before, I think competition should be rewarded, but myself and the people I’m fighting will be in the same gear regardless (that’s how it is at the top)

gets boring sitting at wow hq all day…

Like I said you clearly state everything anyone needs to know about you in very few words.

Nobody needs to know anything about me. I’m stating my opinion about a video game on a forum. Not sure why you feel the need to keep making assumptions about me as a person.

You’re posting like a drunk schizo.

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Should I take my meds david?

Maybe you should go our for lunch then. I’m sure they’d let you.

You dont fool me.