Yeah AND?
so what… WHO CARES…
seriously you care if some guy who barely knows how to pvp is excited to get a weapon?
And this hurts you how exactly?
Hurts the game exactly how?

Because we have all kinds of data showing what happens with your proposed ideas…
Guess what arena participation gets bodied.

Try and explain it dude…
If you’re even allowed to respond…

I agree. I think, if they’re going to make this change at all, that 1850 is a reasonable benchmark for weapons. 2050, especially with how sweaty these brackets are going to be (I’m coming off nearly 2 years of pserver gameplay, trust me it’s going to be a sweatfest) is going to put those weapons out of 95% of player’s reach until S2 when they can buy them with honor.

This is sort of how it works though, yeah. The best players in the best guilds clear the content the fastest and most consistently. They get the best drops. Those drops are usually loot-counciled to the people that can best capitalize on the upgrade. Do you think [Deathbringer’s Will] went to some rando? It was given to your girthiest pumper. The top 4-6% of PvE players DO get better gear exposure than your average casual gamer, yeah.

Cool now lets check the data on what happens to the sub count with such changes…

Oh thats right it dies…

So uh why do you want these changes?

I think you responded to the wrong person.

Actually the way PVE works is similar to how no rated PVP works. Eventually the slow people will get something. Putting rating requirements in S1 content is like putting parsing requirements on T4 gear. It literally helps no one.

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Also how rated PvP works. The “slow” people can buy it with honor in S2.

The slow people I’m referring too will be getting their T4 content when T4 is the main content. I’d wager around 99% of the entire pve community will clear Kara/Gruul/Mag, it’s just that easy. More than 3% will have a weapon and more than 1% will have their shoulders. That’s the problem. When you gate gear that hard compared to easy pve content you get a dead arena season filled with boosters.

The high ratings were put into the game when Sunwell came out because of the difficulty of the content. Only 2-4% of the entire wow population completed Sunwell.


We don’t actually know what the percentages will be yet, to be honest. There might be rating inflation. Blizzard might even inflate it themselves, increase the algorithm for win points and decrease lost points. I presume they’ll be tweaking the numbers if less than 1% of arena players get shoulders - they’ll either inflate ratings or lower the requirement. But either way your point stands.

Less than that, I think. Less than 2% of the entire WoW population stepped FOOT in Sunwell. Let alone cleared it. Mu’ru was almost impossible.

You know what bro… if they dont do anything… the game had 12 million subs…
Go on not responding whilst you and other “gamers” discuss some minor tweaks that you say would be okay.

We wont take a look at arena participation over the last decade cause then you just look silly.

Unless you got a super duper gud reason to push out so many people from arenas…

So you want the full on retail version of rating but you also want to start at 1500? That looks like the implication you’ve made. Haven’t really heard that yet but alright. Guess it wouldn’t be the worst.

What hassle, exactly? If you want to play with someone new the difference between 0-1500 is legitimately an hour if you guys are good. If you can’t stomach an hour of q’s to get to 1500 you probably don’t want to play with that person very much anyway. If you plan on constantly team-hopping then you probably aren’t expecting a high arena point yield / rating any way right?

Your gonna wanna reroll away from a pally if you want to go above 1600 fam.

Thats a ton of assumptions to work through over what?
People want to play the game the way it was jay…

We see what retail is… its dying.

But yeah tell us how you are super classic guy… who advocates changes no one asked for AND you’re all mad n everything lol…
Why tho?

You obviously never played Arena in TBC with a non meta class on a small server haha.

Good luck, I’ll kick your azz in S2 when Blizz reverts the changes.

Oh, and I never said I wanted retail and to start at 1500. Use retail or real TBC, not some weak combination the devs came up with so people would they they’re smart.

If you PvP like you read, you gonna need that 1500 start. :slight_smile:


So now we’re talking about a problem specific to playing an off meta spec on a dead server? Okay, lol.

You have never, and will never play at the percentiles of arena that I have. Can’t wait.

Hope you have that same name in TBC, I’ll reply to this topic with screenshot of your loss – if you’re qing within the first week (the only time mmr will allow you to face me lol)


Quote from one of your previous posts:
“They should use the retail system or the original TBC system”

Lol. God I can’t wait for you classic egos to get chopped down when a numeric value gets attached to your skill in tbc arena.

Cool you win a game big dog much proud YAY…

Do you mind if everyone else gets to play or did you need us all in lesser gear because your soul has hooks and claws?

Hey “big dog”, did you not just see how this guy basically attacked me after I tried to have a civil conversation with him?

When did I imply otherwise?


if the 0-1500 and beyond thing is a problem for you, the only piece you’re going to get is Legs(1550 I believe?).

Yes you need people in weaker gear because you are a small tiny little goblin.
You can mask your bs anyway you want.

Simple fact is you are getting a kick out of anothers misfortune.

Not much else to wonder on about you.

Upon reading this I don’t know what do to besides laugh. I don’t know what to say to you man. I actually was stoked that there wasn’t going to be rating locks on gear in S1, but it’s going to be fine without it. It was coming in s3 regardless. What was your plan exactly if this is such a big deal to you? “I’ll get all the gear I can from s1/s2 because I know I won’t be good enough in s3 and beyond anyway so I’ll just get what I can for free”? If that’s your mentality then why do you even care about the competitive integrity of the game?

Im here vouching for everyone who wanted to TRY arena, the way it was…

The items… are an incentive… and people want them to play the damn game and have fun…

FUN man… people who didnt play till ten years after wow came out were excited to try arena for the first time…

The competitive integrity of the game is when everyone can play, and EARN…

Not when the very best gear is on the very best players and everyone else gets scraps months later.

Since skill is so gd prevalent WHY make it harder on the guys and gals starting out?

You dont get a kick out of winning a game on the ladder.

Your fun starts when you can trash someone in blues and greens…

Unless… I dont know… it would be okay for little timmy to get some gear 2?
Or does that offend your sense of competitive integrity…

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So you can’t get cheese all the arena gear… so what? Everyone has the exact same restriction meaning OTHER players also won’t have all of that gear either.