This has been the case for… 12 years? The best PvP gear has been locked behind ratings for a long time, with a few exceptions. This is also how PvE works. The cutting edge Mythic raiders that represent less than 2% of raiders and less than 0.5% of overall WoW players get access to higher ilvl gear than heroic or normal raiders.

People wont… and thats the reason for it.

When every change is unasked for… and couple guys in a basement can provide super smooth gameplay with thousands of people running around yet ZERO lag…

its not a question of cost or skill.

Its intentional.

“You think you do but you dont… and we’ll make sure of that”

We’re not talking about that, though. We’re talking about TBC.

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Also true of TBC. Less than 2% of TBC players ever beat Kalecgos in Sunwell. It was the lowest player participation of any raid in WoW history, including vanilla Naxxramas. Like 0.2% of players killed Kil’Jaeden. WoW has a long history of the top 1% of players having access to the best items.

Will it lower participation in arena? 1000%. But clearly Blizzard considers the overall power balance and gear pathway progression of the expansion more important than participation in a mini-game that they abandoned on retail a long time ago. Or are you just now realizing that Blizzard hates arena?

Okay… take your hands off your ears and your eyes… not your mouth.

now lets see what did the players in the 12 million subs era want?
Thats right the game from the 12 million subs era…

Where retail you are propping up as some metric?

oh yeeeeeeah its on life support…
Man you’re pretty sharp…

So tell us again how making the game trash like retail will help anything?

Try making points where your point lines up with sub INCREASE… increase bro…
See what im saying?
No ofc not cause you got the memo not to respond to me because you have nothing.

Honestly, you seem unstable. I’m ignoring you because you’re not all there and I’m not looking to play psychiatrist tonight.

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Initially I thought this was a bad change but thinking about a lil bit more I think this is good. This makes so PVE players won’t even bother with arena instead of forcing themselves into it, removing a chore from people’s back is always positive.

Sunwell isn’t S1, though. That’s my point. It’s the start and they want as many people playing as possible.

Which is a problem, as they’ve changed a lot more than just Arena balancing with this.

Blizzard seems to hate admitting they’re wrong ever. Though, they love arguing that old Blizzard was.


The message jay the MESSAGE…
thats what we are discussing here…

Nice adhom tho… what was it Aristotle had to say about people who attack the messenger and not the message…

hmm yeah Im unstable alright.

You need to try harder jay…
Not sure how you plan to sell people on a “why bother guys” strategy unless you dont want classic to succeed… hmmm
See now we got a motive for that.

We dont really see the players wanting less options tho do we jay?

No we dont…

That’s the heart of the problem isn’t it? The arena weapons are extremely strong for everything. They’re the most accessible and most approachable of the early expansion epic weapons. The raid weapons have an erratic and frankly infuriating droprate and the crafted weapons require a mountain of materials - those materials will be ridiculously expensive for weeks because Classic server economies are ruined (saw a Drakefang Talisman sell in a gDKP run on Herod for 44,000g) but also the paid 58 boosted bots will be camping every layer of mote farming locations. It’s going to be really hard for your average, every day player to get a raid weapon or a crafted weapon. It could be months, honestly. And to just waltz your way into a relatively powerful epic weapon for 4-5 weeks of capping your arena points with a tradechat pug? It starts to become obvious that MOST player’s first big weapon upgrade in the expansion will be an S1 weapon…

Until this change.

They were largely on par with the average raid weapons, which was good as there were a lot of good weapons that were needed missing. To the point that several classes rely on them. Hence why this is a problem.

I’d argue that’s just not true, unless you have no real concept of gold generation. The BS weapons are much faster to get. Sure, the ease of losing for several months to get a weapon is nice, but it also meant that people trying tended to get the weapons too.

This isn’t really different to how S1 worked originally.

That was still sometimes true in TBC originally.

And again, it’s incredibly stupid as it’s putting it at S4 rankings rather than S3, or a scaled down version period. It’s going to be a huge grind to get to even the first pieces of ranked gear, and that’s before you have all the sweaty tryhards and the better players - on top of the wall that exists in retail with the same system.

It’s not a good system, it’s far worse than TBC’s, and it only hurts players. It doesn’t help anyone except elitists.


Bothers you because your game sucks.
The old game is awesome and you want to crush it.
Thats a motive jay.

What we dont have a motive for is people getting less options.
At least not from the vast majority of players.

Do you know what deductive reasoning is?

We already have over a decade of changes and the data therein to look over…

So in s4 of tbc after s3 ratings requirement we see arena participation drop off a lot…
Because of such changes.

Shall we continue to present day?

The lowest participation in arena ever.
systemlands? losing subs like its the new in thing to quit a bad game…
Retail is on life support…

Do tell us… in your own words why this is good…
ill keep looking at the graphs tho…

The really hurts the PvP community…arena is gonna dead at the bottom, and sweaty as heck at the top. The middle arena ratings will suffer too.
All around terrible change.

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Hypothetically, would you have preferred them to leave out rating requirements in S1 but made the S1 gladiator weapons like i100? Like… dungeon quality? I think that also solves the problem, without feeling like it’s catering to arena elitists.

Like, which of these three would you have preferred they change and how?

  1. S1 Gladiator Weapons are SUPER strong
  2. S1 Gladiator Weapons are guaranteed
  3. S1 Gladiator Weapons require fairly little effort

And don’t answer “They shouldn’t have changed it at all” because I already know that’s your position. I’m asking you to compromise on perspective.

What problem jay?
People having fun…
Yes you have solved it.

Sure, after you explain why you care what weapons the lesser skilled arena players can earn?
Do you have anything?

S1 requirements are absurd. The main thing thats crazy is weps, if they added patterns for pve for proff or more dungeon loot it wouldnt be crazy but they legit have a system thats built on certain specs needing the now gated rating req to be competitive in t4 content. Its just dumb. Were not talking like not bis 2nd bis, were talking like next option being at most 1/3 dps of the pvp option. You had a system that forced pvers to play pvp to help all aspects of the game and have 0 options to rectify this new problem. Your going to take away the all specs are viable part of tbc and make it not a reality and with the 5/18 pre 6/1 release not so much time left.


The only compromise should be lower ratings on S1 and S2 to be equivalent to the challenge of the PVE content. Kara/Gruul for example can be pugged with no voice by people who aren’t very good. S1-S2 should either go back to the original no rating requirements or be lowered significantly.

Unless of course you think it’s fair for blizzard to also change PVE. Only the top 3% parses can get weapons in T4 and only the top 1% parses can get shoulders in T4.

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I’m pretty sure the answer is 5