Rip serenity

I think speaking for everyone is a bit unfair, from the numerous threads so far for it. I would say it will be missed.

Though i do agree that SEF is looking pretty good now

Its more like WoO than serenity.

I left feedback back in the DF beta that WoO should replace Serenity but they stuck with keeping stomp in the tree. Better late than never I suppose.

Pretty sure it is just WoO

I guess it doesn’t have the mastery


It is minus the mastery.

Idk I don’t feel like serenity gamers are being compensated. And honestly Like WoO is nice and all. but the idea of changing cost just bothers me. I like nothing about the cooldown changes honestly

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I like the middle ground they added tbh. Now SEF grants a mini 5 second serenity whenever you use it.

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I mean it’s WoO is a chi cost reduction but I wouldn’t call it a mini serenity. Especially with how drastic it changes the rotation idk I just dislike the change that’s all

Edited because I came off as too harsh

Except all the monks who quit going into legion who hated the change to the spell.

MoP/Wod SEF was the superior version of the spell


You’re also forgetting they could also just ST CC the clones too

True, that also makes you do less damage then not doing a cooldown lmao

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It’s what I’ve always done. When fighting fellow monks I’ll just disable root their clones constantly.
It’s why I’ve hated the post legion version forever


That’s what I do too. Make them unable to be crowd controlled or share the same status as the original monk. But that’s been an unfixed problem for ages


I’d be ok with that compromise, but really I just want MoP/WoD SEF back


I didn’t play with those so I don’t know

They weren’t cooldowns, but instead you could target an enemy and as long as you (the main body) didn’t directly attack that enemy your clone would copy your attacks until either the enemy or the clone was killed.

One clone split was like 65% of your normal dmg and 2 clones would deal 45% or so.
Made WW basically king of multi boss raid fights and was great for cleave arena comps.

You could also use them to keep on top of rogues who were trying to run away to restealth. You could unsummon by recasting the spell on the same target.
The problem with the spell was when noobs read the spell they didn’t notice the part that says clones only copys abilities you use when attacking a different target.
So it was completely useless on ST fights or 1v1 (unless it was a pet class, but man I loved killing hinter pets with a clone).

Overall the spell was infinitely cooler than current and wasn’t piloted by terrible AI


The removal of serenity is a massive blow to windwalker for me. Storm Earth and Fire should not be a single target cooldown. It makes much more sense to just be an aoe ability and leave it at that like it was originally intended to be.

I will say though, the change to fists of fury to scale with haste is extremely welcome.


Some players preffer a powerup mode instead of clones.


He doesn’t want to see the PoV of those who disagree with him and would prefer to strawman their arguments. As you can see in his other posts.


My favorite spell is being removed. I just found out. Please don’t do it Blizzard. :sob:


I’m not a long time monk enjoyer but clones have way more flavor and therefore i support the change. Something like this would be easy to make a choice node that’s functionally the same though.

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