Rip serenity

Back to Classic! MoP Remix INC!

Monk lovers still play Retail?


That’s just dragonflight with an old coat of paint.


As a casual SoD enjoyer, it’s not Retail Minus yet*. Hope slash Cope MoP remix is something short lived to enjoy while they continue to butcher my boy.

My favorite Monk note was that tiger statue wasn’t removed just shifted up the tree (now it blocks the windwalking node instead of eott–almost a win, but not quite).

Also, what the heck was that fluff about auto-attacks? Did someone let the LLM write the feedback composite? Or was that a real actual live human hallucinating?

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What have they done to serenity?

Oh… what?

Same, big same. Another summon spell with buggy AI minions? I’ve hated it since I made my monk lol. Feels the least monk thing ever, even if it was a brewmaster hero ability in WC3 Frozen Throne.

Its garbage tbh, serenity always felt more fun and monk like to me


clones are a power up mode 26%+ damage

hitting a few buttons slightly faster for free while things in WWs kit already provide CDR to FoF/RSK even more so in TWW when you use Clones.

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I think i was clear. Some players don’t like the idea of summoning clones, simply put, and would rather have just a regular power up cooldown.


SEF bland… as a defense for keeping Serenity. :exploding_head:


I’m sorry for stating the truth? But it’s boring and bad like I won’t apologize for it. Serenity is way more fun even if it was a dps loss I’d run it


then just play Celestial, its a better version of serenity.

adding back serenity would set WW back by spending dev hours on reworking everything they just built. and this is why blizzard removed it. they don’t need to spend dev hours working on 2 versions of WW which is SEF vs serenity.

regular power up cooldowns? no other class allows for degenerate gameplay loops of ignoring the entire rotation and fluidity of your spec dumbing it down to a 2 button spam fest.

and the same thing i said, you have celestials now for that.

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And what did they build? The only thing that affects Serenity that they added was Ordered Elements, and that already worked back in SL when it was WoO. If you’re concerned about our Hero talent trees, odds are SEF would break with them and not Serenity. This was the case several times throughout WW’s history.

Everything else they’ve added/changed are passive rotational stuff.

BM Hunter and DH would like to have a word with you. Also Serenity just speeds that entire rotation up. The loops of our rotation are still there where we RSK after FoF. We just dont need as many globals of TP/BoK mixing to get to the next RSK.


Bro why tf are you so obtuse? All we want is a choice? How does us having a choice affect you?


how can i be more clear that some players like the idea of NOT summoning clones?


The issue with SEF design (aside from the reiterated over and over ad nauseum buggy pet AI and self-imposed damage reduction) is still encapsulated by Combo Strikes blocking on multi-sequence BoK emerging from TotM Kick Twisting – one TP every third BoK fails to optimize versus one BoK every third TP. Overcapped Chi and a counter-intuitive rotation will still be the issue, regardless of Serenity being demolished for people who prefer the double time tempo for spender CDR. Injecting more BoK for “similar” result isn’t realistic in the GCD dense design.

And that’s not even touching on the bogus statement of increasing TP cost to 60 energy to increase resource starvation to the spec, almost as if to pressure double channeling builds for energy resets. You not only have Serenity removed (the skill which made TP optional except for proccing Skytouch) but have resource glut amplified by jacking up cost of your core generator with no promise that the damage breakdown for TP (unmodified by talents) will even be changed.

Pretty standard. The class will still “work” thanks to balance tuning–it always does–but it will arrive to the same place after significant juggling and convoluting. A class that fights against itself for “difficulty” is trappings for a bad game. The 2005 Kaplan presentation where they focused on gameplay in the world first, where things felt quick but not button mashy, is a seemingly lost concept.


Please Blizzard, dont remove serenity!


I was pretty excited to pick monk up again after the rework, but when I realized the Serenity choice node was gone, man… that really took the wind out of my enthusiasm.

Counterplay issues and perennial bugginess aside (even though those are huge problems), SEF is just a boring cooldown in my opinion, and it doesn’t really fit the class fantasy that attracted me. I don’t play the martial artist class to clutter my screen with a bunch of summons, I do it because I want to kick things, haha. I accept the celestials as a part of the fantasy, but I wish that having an entire army of summons was more of a choice and less of a core element of the spec.

No issue with SEF being an option for people that want to lean into that, but why take away the choice?


Argee with this alot

If Blizzard gave us a glyph to make me and all my clones look like we have Serenity, I can get behind the ability. The clones just look stupid as they are now.

I prefer clones but I use serenity cuz I pvp and clones end up doing less than an auto cuz the ridiculous amount of CC in arena.

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Why are they removing choices?

And one of the more flavourful ones at that. Every class and spec seems to be summoning in some sort of pet or clone this expansion. Given the engine creaks at the best of time I dont think adding 3 or 4 pets to every spec is the way to go.

Anyway really disappointed in the removal, i had earmarked monk as a potential main on my new NA account and this news has pretty much killed that idea as Im not a fan of SEF at all

I’ve actually always disliked it. I’ve also always thought it was very ugly. Perhaps I would be more open to it if it had glyphs!

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