Rip serenity

simple fix, they just make so if root breaks on you, it breaks on clones same with fear and all forms of CC.

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How long has that been a problem for? like do you actually expect blizz to do it? honestly they will just say “its counterplay” and then WW monk in pvp is dead.

I don’t think they’re gonna do that for WW. Just a feeling.

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Agree. I have always used SEF. even when it was bugged out haha. It is just more thematic and more fun. haha

id rather have the problems of niche counter plays from war/priest/druids on my ww than the state of war/dk/paladin in pvp right now.

Niche counterplays? you want me to list the niche counterplays as its more than niche.
List of things that destroy SEF way more than Serenity
Mage - AoE Root + AoE Slow + AoE Freeze
Warrior - Fear + AoE Root/ Slow
Paladin - AoE stop
Druid - AoE Root + AoE Vortex
Priest - AoE Fear + AoE Root
Shaman - AoE Knock + AoE Root + AoE Slow
Monk - AoE Sleep
Evoker - AoE Root
Hunter - AoE Root AND slow

Yes very niche, when it is easily countered by 9/13 classes in addition to all the other stops that exist these are just ones that affect SEF disproportionatly more than Serenity


according to blizzard that is niche.

also these problems have only really come up after the talent tree rework allowing people to easily talent into utility to counter other specs.

so itd be safe to say blizzard SHOULD rework SEF in PvP to have some sort of CC immunity so you dont have bs situations happening by losing all your dmg from clones.

instead of asking for Serenity back submit feedback in the ways blizzard can improve clones in pvp.

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But what if I’d rather have serenity back. You can’t just say “don’t ask for serenity back” when honestly it’s the more fun cooldown for some people. I dont like having to generate in my cooldown periods, SeF feels bad. It’s more fun to spam your spenders than getting to max chi then doing your regular rotation. I want to keep serenity not SEF. When I have to play SEF I just don’t play WW past the minimum needed for transmogs if I can’t get them on MW.

Generating during CD’s feels bad not just for WW but also my ret (and all classes frankly). I take judgment generates 2 HP, blade of justace generates 2hp, short wings, and divine toll + ringing clarity all to just spam spenders during that time period.

Not wanting to have to push tiger palm in my cooldowns felt great. I hope it goes back to a choice node.

Edit: and dont give me that “they baked serenity into sef with the chi cost reduction” its not the same and also changing costs outside of making it free is awful design imo. Let’s just change costs so people have to generate and spend differently then outside of cooldowns without making it totally just spenders.

Makes perfect sense /s


Dude, countering SEF with literally any AoE CC was a thing before the talent tree rework.

Blizz had the option to just make the clones magic immune since their inception, but they didn’t. And it wouldn’t be off brand to make them magic immune either.

Countless feedback was given for ways to improve Serenity. None of it was taken into account. Blizz likely will not listen to feedback to improve SEF in PvP because that horse has been beaten to death too.


I honestly don’t understand the love for SEF. It’s just so bland to me. Nothing changes your just doing the exact same thing you would have done before except you can’t push the fun buttons as much.


Aesthetically, you have more to work with in SEF than Serenity. In practice, SEF comes out on top because of the two charges thing which adds a lot of flexibility/wiggle room. Serenity was also never developed.

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I mean I guess so, I guess I meant more along the lines of idk why anyone wouldn’t want to push spenders more for 20 seconds straight. Because I think spenders are the most interesting part of any spec that has them.


A lot of people’s gripe against Serenity is that they dont burn energy and just overcap on resources, which is understandable. That said, I’m disappointed changes weren’t made to Serenity to make the overcap on resources worth it.


The reason that people won’t tell you is that it’s the easier option. SEF automatically applies mark of the crane to everything, you don’t have to think about it too much and it looks kinda cool.

I prefer serenity too now with the new set, I think the constant 400k blackout kicks are really fun, I also like serenity as a resource replenishment tool, but I get the people that feel the opposite.


I mean is that really an issue though? There are other classes that do this such as frost dk.

Idk for me big impactful button that does big dam gets pressed more = more dopamine for lizard brain = me happy :slight_smile:

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Personally, not really, but other people feel different.

It used to be a lot more bigger dam. It strikes me as odd that Blizz never let WW go infinite with Serenity. The pieces are all there. Serenity is infinite Chi. Drinking Horn Cover lets you extend Serenity by burning Chi. All we need is a sufficient change to the GCD while Serenity is active for it to go infinite. We had literal INFINITE damage and UNENDING Serenity in sight, and Blizz never even let us get close. There wasn’t even experimentation to try get Serenity to last a minute.

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Like I get this in some cases, but when you have an ability that allows you to do that and it wrong then just push buttons and be happy. Honestly I treat serenity like a resource refill. I almost never just go in and blast CD’s esp in pvp. More than happy to wait for some good cc or a trinket/enchant proc while burning my energy so I can get a full bar of energy when I come out of it.

But idk I guess enough monks and max disagrees apparently so what can we do. The devs won’t change it most likely. And SEF is dead in the water in PvP and generating isn’t fun for me in CD’s in either PvP or pve. So idk guess I just mistweaver my way to monk mogs and drop the spec after. Real shame though, I was enjoying popping people in PVP.

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I dont get why we are going from having a choice…to not having a choice…i mean didnt we just make new talent trees so that we can have choices? Use the one you like…seems good.


Because god forbid the top 1% meta slaves be forced to take a the version of a cooldown they don’t like. Nothing in this game outside of cutting edge content, which lets be honest here none of us are doing, requires optimal talents.


Removing serenity choice node sucks.

Removing flying fatal guillitine is awesome.

Removing bonedust brew is awesome

Removing essence font sucks.

So hit and miss for me in the reworks. I mostly play MW and it’s largely unchanged except for removing essence font, some tweaks, and I enjoy it right now so I guess I’ll be good with that. Losing essence font is going to be rough for raid healing.