Rip serenity

Back to using clones that bug out and don’t copy abilities or get instant aoe rooted. Dark times ahead for us, I love this class more than any other but I hate that we have to be centered around SeF, serenity is always more fun. People like seeing bigger numbers, not a bunch of little ones divided up by pets. It’s also just a more interesting cd for the cd reduction on rotation abilities and the cost removal, SeF doesn’t change the playstyle at all except for inconveniencing us when it doesn’t work :\


me as well, i hope this does not happen. its a typo right… RIGHT


it wont be missed, clones are far more enjoyable to a majority of monk players

During Storm, Earth, and Fire, Rising Sun Kick reduces Chi costs by 1 for 5 sec and Blackout Kick reduces the cooldown of affected abilities by an additional 1 sec. Activating Storm, Earth, and Fire resets the remaining cooldown of Rising Sun Kick and grants 2 Chi.


I haven’t used Storm, Earth, and Fire in forever. I enjoy Serenity much more.

It will be missed. Especially in PvP.
Make the clones only be CC’d if the Monk is CC’d, and we have a deal.


Did they remove all the awful ToD talents from the spec tree too? I don’t see it on the talent calc for TWW.

Serenity’s removal alone has me interested in WW again.

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These are good changes to SeF but I don’t think you can find a pvp monk that prefers SeF over serenity


“Trust me, bro.”


Absolutely not. They are instantly aoe feared or rooted and it is demoralizing. There’s nothing enjoyable about it.


lets be honest… most players PvE

and the state of PvP is very disappointing in the first place, you’ll survive unlike plate users.


Even if true, so what? It’s cool to just dump on a relevant group of people because “majority?”

Huh? Are you in the monk forums shrugging off potentially bad design decisions because you don’t like changes to your class?


Most of the terrible tod stuff is gone. Mini serenity is baked into SEF. Monk doesn’t have to talent its second roll anymore… WW and Brew no longer need to talent a heal they will never use… there are so many changes that are huge wins for all three specs its hard to know where to start.

This is absolutely true. Serenity clashes with Energy big time and makes for awful 2 minute builds no one enjoys.

As PVP unless they change something the class talents are looking busted for Monk in PVP. The number of snares, snare removals, snare reductions and general mobility options is crazy.

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Good riddance, Serenity was an awful CD that felt bad to use just sitting there capped on resources while spamming abilities.



It will be missed. Blizz never did explore the ridiculous potential Serenity had.


How do you figure? I think the animations look way better on serenity. and the ability to just spam spenders and recharge your energy is so nice.

edit: wouldn’t mind it nearly as much if they kept the serenity animation on my main man and then had the other clones existing. But I love love love that serenity animation.


a lot of people hated being locked behind 2m cooldowns. additionally serenity was a very minor DPS increase over SEF over the years prompting you to take WDP over serenity to keep the reliability of having cooldowns whenever vs every 2mins.

now the only problem with WW as it stands is the reliance on Xuen because of Invoker’s Delight giving 33% haste for its DPS windows.

and ever since they fixed the “bugs” for SEF which were DPS increases mind you. now PvP you just take serenity 100% of the time because SEF was nerfed when they removed FoF clone clipping.

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People hated being 2 min locked? you still pumped outside 2 mins. Even still clones are proned to getting feared and rooted and “whoops there goes my damage” If clones aren’t cced when the original monk is sure. But I think serenity is fun and looks gorgeous.

Not to mention that Chi spenders come off cd way faster too. SotWL > RSK > FoF > RSK > BOK > RSK > FoF > RSK is fun and just pops people. You say its a damage loss. and you may be right in terms of percentages 124% vs 115%. But the chi spenders and not having to generate 100% make up for this.


Skyreach, soon to just be Skytouch, would like to have a word with you.

People take Serenity for PvP because clones get dunked on by literally most AoE CC, and it’s just flat harder burst. Also people took SEF back in the day for PvP because Serenity was nerfed to hell in PvP. I still remember in Legion where Serenity was like a 45% or 40% amp, but it got reduced to something like 18% in PvP.

You make that sound like it’s Serenity’s fault and not because Blizz NEVER developed the ability. I don’t think Serenity has ever been buffed or developed outside of borrowed power amping it in some form.


It is so funny when I’m on any class with any AOE cc such as warrior and the other monk is running clones for some reason. Just there goes your whole go attempt lmao


Yea don’t you just love it when your 1.5 min CD gets absolutely crapped on by a 30 sec CD mass root?


God its my favorite. not to mention now your main character only does 40% damage because the other 2 40% damage parts of you are stuck in a root

edit: serenity also fits the theme of monk better and it matches ROP and Tigers lust animations :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe if your clones couldn’t be CC’ed and you could call both sets out at the same time for a giga cc that would be sick.