RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Because that’s how it’s normally done for the Supreme Court. It’s certainly what Moscow Mitch did in 2016. But we all know hes a traitorous scumbag who will ignore all the reasons he said then.


And the … 28 other times? I promise you each time it’s happened each side had reasons to want to wait to their own benefit which fell on deaf ears.

Sorry, I mean, you have to do a work around with the things I said above. On this forum you have to ‘grind’ out participation to post raw links and images.

You can read the abstract but I’ll search for you…

pg 57 has the table.

In your opinion why is that?

Why just Republicans? Have they always been in control?

As someone who doesn’t actually follow politics all that much, I cant real give you the best examples. One thing I can say is I don’t get the hatred for Medicare for all. As long as people have have private if they want to, government ran healthcare seems good for people who desperately need it. I disagree on abortions. If having the child will kill the mother, that is a acceptable reason. Not wanting to face the consequences of your actions “not being able to afford it” cant sit with me. I was adopted, so I might have bias.

Just give him the chance.

It’s almost 3am for me, so I cant really think of others off the top of my head.

Keep an eye on how Senator Graham votes.

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The election is literally under 2 months out. You think the SC is going to get off their rumps in 2 months to be productive before the election?

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So, taxpayer money.

You’ve answered my question.

Yes. Taxes pay for your community already. This is not a new radical twist.


Yes you think Mitch Mconnell and Pence would enact Sharia law. Okay buddy, whatever you say.

Again, they didn’t know he had appendicitis prior to actually seeing him. So obviously, even if the condition was fatal, they only knew about it in time because they saw him quickly - even though he didn’t present life threatening symptoms.

You clearly don’t want to admit that the false belief of other countries’ health care systems you hold isn’t true, otherwise you’d concede the point.

New York was hit incredibly hard by the pandemic. Also, pretty sure most states are in debt right now - given the pandemic. I’m personally going off of the experts which say that Republican states are more dependent. This also follows previous data and articles and studies that were done that I read prior. This is one reason I said that small government wouldn’t work, as Republican states would go bankrupt.

And instead of just paying for the children, working poor, unemployed, under employed (Wal-Mart loves Medicaid), prison/jail inmates, and people who qualify for Medicare we can create a system that pays for everyone.

I agree, we would just need a path there. Overnight we cannot have private hospitals turn Government.

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For corporations that is their only commitment. F the environment, f the employee and f the consumer to get as many dollars for the investors as possible. The deranged completely free market capitalism that is going on is broken beyond belief. It’s 100% evil.

Complete government run economy 100% doesn’t work (ask the ussr). 100 % free economy doesn’t work either, ask the us and the price of insulin.



The hospitals won’t be run by the government, the government will just pay the bills and coordinate.

Just like how the military doesn’t build their weapons, they buy them from the private sector.


They would both gladly do anything to take rights away from women.

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You’re the “literally shaking” type, aren’t you?


So you are suggesting we don’t have an NHS, but a national health insurance.

That’s different.

Sometimes they get it from the private sector. The military mostly provides their own healthcare system though.

This is Mitch Mcconnel in 2016 chastising Obama for appointing Merrick Garland as a candidate for Supreme Court, before the election.

Remember this over the next month as he tries his hardest to get Trumps appointed Justice to their seat. And remember how much of a hypocrite this man is.