RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg

You realize that if minor things are seen within a few hours, obviously serious things are going to get seen faster right?

It is not. The work I do involves a lot of speaking to others, so I hear it all. It’s not that I can agree or disagree, I mostly listen. I agree with more Republican views. I understand where Democrats views come from, and some I agree with, a lot I dont. And then theres the crazy, who spew their hatred towards the others like they are monsters.

It really feels like people dont step out of their friend group the more I read this thread.

Agenda isn’t anything bad. I just mean trying to push for what you want. I disagree with your facts because they aren’t things that are irrefutable. Let’s just say you are right. A small governance will expose that fact. If one sides bad views are being held up by the other sides good views it will become readily apparent. At they point it can’t be denied and argued about endlessly. The weakness will be exposed because the consequence can’t be hidden anymore because the communities are separated to show their views can stand on their own merits or not.

I may reveal something here but I can see what you mean.

I work with inmates and one thing that fascinates me is how much they are Republican supporters here, where I work. I could write a dissertation on this I think.

I’m not really sure what you mean by this. Yes, the commentators are biased and this is an equally bad issue.


is the equivalent of “Sources: Dude, trust me.”

I am willing to admit that your logic does make sense.

But do you think that just because something seems logical to YOU, that it really ends up working that way?

Don’t just dismiss what I have to say because you personally don’t see the logic in it. I was willing to admit your logic made sense, surely you don’t think everything runs like a well oiled machine perfectly 100% of the time and everything is great and wonderful right?

Ooo so spicy.

They literally sent debate and town hall questions in advance to her campaign.

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By free, who is paying for it?

Mr. Magic in the sky? Mickey Mouse? Some random Harry Potter character?

Pray tell.

I’m not brave enough for politics because of all the sweeping generalizations. I’ve never seen more of em, then in this day and age. You make one statement and suddenly your part of a riot burning down buildings or your an anti-masking trump supporter according to a lot of these peeps.


No such thing as “free”. Taxes aren’t free. Somebody pays, even if it isn’t you.

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Like Nancy polosi ignoring her lockdown for covid? Give me a break and stop being dramatic

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When I went in for stomach pains I had a physical examination, blood tests, urine tests and an ultrasound all done in the same day. Which was lucky because I had appendicitis and was penned for surgery the next day.

When I had to return the week after because I had low blood oxygen and couldn’t breathe properly (I had developed pleurisy) - I was seen and admitted right away.

When I wanted to change my anti-biotics because they were giving me weird spasms I was seen within 15 minutes.

Throughout the whole experience the only cost I had to pay was the cost of the replacement anti-biotics, because they didn’t currently have any at the hospital. It’s fantastic.


Yes Women will be forced into Sharia law tommorow now that ginsberg died
 :smirk: how dramatic do you want to be?

I work with the public so I see both ends. I lean left myself, and many of the policies I see the right hold I seriously question - especially since many of them seem to hurt many, many people.

What left-leaning policies do you particularly object to? Which right-leaning policies do you strongly support?

but they are irrefutable. New York for example puts more money into the federal pocket than they take out - you can look this up. This actually came out because McConnell didn’t want to give more support to the blue states, and it came out that KY takes about as much more out of federal aid than NY puts in. I’m not talking about views, I’m talking about raw money. If Republican states are more dependent on federal budget - and they are - they rely on blue states to fund them.

Separating communities as much as you suggest would make the country even more divisive than it is. Also, would you support federal intervention where it’s required?

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I wasn’t aware the House Speaker had the power to impose lockdowns. When did this happen?

As someone who did a tour and sat and talked with a few, I can totally see that. Some of their points are not bad, it’s their personal life that led them their. All in all, their is just such a Stigma when you say whichever party you “belong to” that it is basically segregation. It’s sad and terrible that this is where we are at.


Lmk when. They answer? I’m hella curious as well

Don’t worry we still got Joe Rogan. That man is a beast!

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