RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Facts please. Not fiction.

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Your media information is not acceptable to me.
My media information is not acceptable to you.
Your sources citing science are not acceptable to me.
My sources citing science are not acceptable to you.

This cycle never ends.

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Not the only socialist policy America has.

Child Labor laws, Unions upholding worker rights, etc, etc. Anything that limits how much control employers have over your life, typically comes from a socialist policy.

Because pro-worker is anti-capitalism at the core of it.

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just remembered trump called mccain a loser years ago. everyone forgot. then it came up again recently and he denied it
 but he tweeted himself calling mccain a loser years ago and it was right there. nothing happened lol


First point : " I would say that a lot of the Republican party really doesn’t care who does what with their lives."

This is false with Abortion laws, against SSM (Unless one consider the US Government a Christian Government
 and sanctifying marriage
), I mean social issues alone that I could I list.

“It’s the crazies that end up on the news for taking off their masks and fighting Wal-Mart security guards for taking away their rights that give the Republicans this reputation.”

Wal-Mart is a private entity and has private property. They are not taking away anyone’s rights. If you came to my house and I said you have to take your shoes off to enter and you said no, I wouldn’t be violating your rights because #1 I’m not the Government #2 It’s my house.

hearing an opinion from someone on the right.” See the above. If I kept seeing this circular logic and reasoning, I’d get tone deaf too.

“This may be just anecdotal, but many of the people I went to high school with in the past are not open in the slightest to having a conversation.”

See the above again and how I was approaching the crazy person.

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Definitely, what we can do as a nation - as a group of nations - pales in comparison to how much damage China and India do to the environment. But I am frustrated that people in positions of power still deny the science.

I suppose you’re right. I was lumping people in with views that are not supported by facts and science.

I mean, if you only consume a specific left or right leaning media organization that is clearly biased, your information might not be entirely accurate. Those saying that violence and riots are spreading across the nation almost certainly do this.

Especially if they forget about the original Civil Rights movement, the protests against Vietnam, and other huge country-wide movements.

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Couldn’t you have just made this post on your Facebook rather than a video game forum?

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It depends on what you want the government to do, how much intervention you want them to have on your personal life.

Yes, I accuse the government for inaction, but a lot of aspects of our society are complicated. You can say, “Healthcare for all!”, but who, when, why

Okay. Here you go:


Honestly, I miss McCain and Obama. Biden’s alright - he’s polite, and doesn’t attack people to try and undermine their views - but Obama was more articulate and had more charisma, and McCain was not only respectable and honourable, he had respect for others.

That clip of McCain correcting an audience member who was spreading misinformation about Obama resonates heavily in today’s political climate.

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Imagine trusting anything the FBI says.

i didn’t like mccain as a politican but i can respect him for his service and what he went through. he was also sane and not a fear monger which is a rarity for the Right now.

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Healthcare for all implies healthcare for all. Anything medically necessary - like insulin, or heart surgery, or cancer treatment, etc - should be almost entirely covered (and can be, for cheaper than the current system) - there should be limits on how much a procedure can cost, and how much medication can cost.

Only cosmetic surgeries - the ones that actually don’t have any medical necessity or effect - should cost a premium.

I think I voted for McCain for Senate when I lived in Arizona, but that was a long time ago so I don’t recall for certain.

Everyone, preferably soon, and because access to not dying is a Human right, not something a corporation should be selling you.


Who do you trust?

I’m guessing you don’t know many women.

Wasn’t McCain accused of being a warmongerer in the 2000’s? And his female VP, Sarah Palin, a “dumb chick who could see Russia from her house”

2008 btw

I think you may have misunderstood what I meant by the Wal-Mart example. I was not saying Wal-Mart is taking away people’s rights. I was implying that people that believe this are the “crazies”.

Abortion laws at a certain point have to exist. I’m not saying to stop abortions by any means, but we have to acknowledge that at some point, you go from dispatching cells to dispatching a developing human being. Some people on the right don’t want an abortion under ANY circumstances, this is unreasonable. Some people on the left want late-term abortions, this is also unreasonable. It is about finding the reasonable ground.

The rest of the post I think may have been a misunderstanding or I am genuinely not understanding what you mean, if it’s the latter I apologize.

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Right - as with what McCain said, you can respect the individual while disagreeing with their politics.

Sadly, a lot of issues are rather volatile, like LGBT rights. Many conservatives that were religious objected to them based on religious grounds, which is absolutely not appropriate with separation of church and state.