RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I have seen dozens of political forums where people “debunk” someone else’s talking points exclusively off the fact that their sources weren’t acceptable.

It’s been happening more and more and eventually will be the ultimate stalemate when it comes to discussing politics. It’ll happen more and more until that’s all the discussion is.

You just asked someone where they got a source of information, and I am just gonna assume that when you find out that it’s Fox news or some other right-leaning publication you’re going to handily dismiss it outright just like that, continuing this cycle.

If you’re NOT a hypocrite and do in fact consume both right leaning and left leaning political content then I promise you that you notice much more right leaning people encouraging you to do just that - consume BOTH left and right wing media. Versus how many people on the left encourage the same thing.

Brian Steltor in fact explicitly encourages people to watch CNN exclusively.

Every argument Rahkeetaph has ever made is based in the “Well not in my experience.”

He’s the pinnacle of “My black friend lets me say the N word, so i’m not racist.”

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This is legit why I joined the forces. Wasn’t the best of lives, but at least I got decent basic human rights without going into fifty thousand dollars in debt.


This hits home big time for me.

I’ve had insulin-dependent diabetes since I was a kid. And I’ve watched the price of a bottle of Humalog go from $20 in the 1980’s to $275 today.

The same drug, from the same manufacturer. And the price keeps going up and up and up and up and up.

And that’s not inflation, adjusted for inflation that bottle would be $41.

Isn’t the private sector supposed to provide a good deal for consumers? Because it’s not.


being a warmonger doesn’t really make him stand out that much in american politics. there are A LOT of hawks in washington. even obama was very hawkish.

palin did ruin any chance of him winning in 2008 though.

So an article by Roger Stone to the President. That’s it? Personally I think the Insurrection Act needs to be used. But it is clear you will believe what you want and I will not waste my time any longer.

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Well I for one do not think it’s broken.

I think due to political dysphoria our government is closer to dysfunctional on a FEDERAL level and mostly Legislative and Executively. States are functioning well and why I am still a big supporter of a federal government. I do see one party as more responsible for this as they are manipulating to keep in power rather than generate new ideas or policy ides but if people keep supporting and voting for them, I have no control over it.

The issue you bring up is one I (and many Democrats btw, see primaries) contend with. We could not overnight do a NHS like Britain/UK. Do I agree and think we should move that way? Sure. I think we should follow Germany’s system right now though.

^ Is having a point though and when one side just says “I’m against” and offers no plan, doesn’t even say no change, or offers anything… we have radical/reactionaries who will (as history has shown) tear down a government/nation.

The government and the system to me is not broken.

I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone on the left - as a politician that is, not radicals - asking for late-term abortions that aren’t medically necessary.

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We’re almost up to 200k dead from Covid-19.

We have a leader who lied about it and it’s on tape for you to hear. Oh and that ‘leader’ had little to no issue with armed people protesting having to wear some kinda mask as ya know… Muh Freedom. But god knows some people protest over Police shooting a man and good lord!!! We need to start sending Troops into the cities and shoot anyone protesting! This guy is using his on Department of Justice to protect himself from a trial. He’s been impeached. He’s pretty much ignored a number of wild fires and tells experts he knows more then they do.

Glad you are okay with that.

The article wasn’t written by Roger Stone.

But since it is clear you didn’t bother to read it, I will note waste my time any longer with you.

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No. The goal of a company is to provided a return on investment for their investors.

Not trying to be evil, but that is their purpose. If they can do that while getting a good price for their consumer, great. But for most companies, investors come first.

This thread has no business on the WoW forums. It has no bearing on the game or the Blizzard company.

Remove this thread mods.


An utterly immense amount of money is lost to the middle-man - which is completely unnecessary with single-payer health care. Which is why studies have shown that it’s cheaper in the long run to have a single-payer health care system which covers every American than it is to have the current system.

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Anyone who thinks Trump is a good president hasn’t watched any of his speeches.

“He is a bad president, very bad president. I said he was bad all along and everyone agrees he is bad. He might even be the worst president of all time, he is just that bad. We will get a good president in there and they will the be the best president we have ever seen. Fake news wants to make you believe he is a good president, but we all know the truth of just how bad a president he is. Crooked McConnell and his do-nothing GOP just want you to believe he is a good president when in reality he is a very bad president.”

Roe v Wade.

That was decided and laws are in place for that.

I don’t agree with the Republican’s approach by closing and restricting access though. This isn’t letting people decide and make their own choices.

I agree that much of the right is painted that way, it doesn’t help the current leader of the party comes off that way though.

This is the most hilarious thing about trumpers, imagine actually supporting total control by ANYONE. Not only is it as unconstitutional as you can get, legit nobody should have that power.


Oh, I get that.

But defenders of the corporate economy always try and sell us on “well the private sector provides a better deal for the consumer, in the long run”.

When that’s clearly not always the case.


She was a groundbreaking activist who led an incredible life. Of particular note is that she maintained longstanding friendships with people such as Scalia, who held drastically different interpretations on the law of the land. It’s heartbreaking to see this country lose the ability to be civil to one another unless we are lock step in agreement on everything.

Socialism has no unions. The State does not share power.

Socialism doesn’t care about child labor if it’s in the collective benefit.

The only reason employers don’t have as much control in a socialist country compared to a capitalist one is because the State controls everything instead.

Pro-worker is closer to capitalism than socialism because capitalism provides a ladder for hard work to pay off. For in demand jobs to demand good benefits because multiple employers compete. The 5 day, 40 hour work week, and the livable wage are all products on capitalism.

Typically, the only well paying jobs in socialist countries are the government jobs, which are usually handed out as favors for the ruling party’s supporters.

imagine how many needy children could be helped if the right invested as much time and energy into it as they do trying to overturn roe v wade.