RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg

I don’t event think he knows what conciliatory means, much less how to spell it.

I mean, if folks could mind their own business…that would be great.

So right now the value of destruction by the left is over 1 billion dollars. What we are witnessing is an attempt to influence elections by violence. You OK with that?

I don’t watch FOX

interesting tactic of president trump to say the things happening right now under his reign will happen in a Biden america

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Wouldn’t be the first time.

Welcome to the US.

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“lol yep, rules only apply if you are a republican

The fact checkers have corrected that for you, you’re welcome.

No, that was in 2000, when Republican mobs gathered outside courthouses in Florida to stop the vote counting.


Local news is pretty good. I’ve pretty much stopped watching fox and cnn. It’s either they are crazy marxists or “white supremacist”


We still have to meet to figure out how to govern or solve some problems though.

Over all, I agree.

People treat politics like sports. My team vs your team. You bring your car into the Party dealership year after year, and they keep promising to fix it.

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i don’t see trump stepping down from any of his uncountable scandals that would destroy a regular politicians career, sir!


Isint this… basically is what is happening right now? Yes you can say it’s for BLM, but you cant tell me they wont do it if trump wins, or if Biden wins?

You got defensive, that’s interesting.

I only pointed out one organization that says it’s news but then when brought to court it stated it wasn’t.

I will be 60 this fall. I have never seen the violence we have now. It is beyond the pale.

You were probably too young to remember the 60s.

I didn’t get defensive. Just informing you. But interesting you went there

I am not aware of any mobs gathering outside of courthouses and threatening the people counting the election results. In fact, that would be a weird trick, since the election hasn’t happened yet.

So no, I’m not sure how that is “basically what is happening right now”.

Do you know what happened in the 2000 election, btw? Were you old enough?


She should’ve taken the route that would give her the desired outcome with 100% certainty. She chose the other option and will posthumously get nothing to show for it.

What is broken?

I agree with the first point but you haven’t made any case that the government is broken.