RIP Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Fair point. You are right about that.

I don’t think he’ll get a nomination.

I know man. I even say I’m a Republican leaning and I’m called a traitor to my race right out the back. Heck, I’ve lost more black friends because I’ve been “taken by the white man” it’s just sad, hatred like this for having different values sucks. I blame twitter lol

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This is a big thing to me that I feel is lost on so many people. The amount of times I see a valid opinion posted somewhere and it quoted with “LOL Blocked” is really frustrating. Everyone is putting themselves in an echo chamber. It’s really sad when we have the technology to be more connected than ever, but we are now the most isolated we have ever been.


I was brought up to judge people on their character and their acts. Much better world that way.

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There’s claims, and there’s a lot of reports, but it’s not proven yet.

I tend to mention and take these things with a grain of salt - it’s not proven yet. What is proven most recently is the Trump administration siphoned 4 million dollars from the 9/11 responders health fund.

I’m hoping it’s Amy Coney Barrett

Wow. I was expecting her to survive until 2025 and then retire. She was friends with Scalia; I hope they get to continue to discuss opinions together in the afterlife.

You should check out Gorsuch’s opinions; he has been taking the liberal side when human rights come up. I wouldn’t rule out a woman being appointed in Ginsburg’s place, either; the President would do well to be conciliatory in that respect.

The rule is that the Senate gets a say.

I think it’ll be her or someone like her. She’s super young. Forty eight.

If you think just, “the left” is the one radiating hate, you’re in a bubble.

Same here. I treat everyone the same. And it has gotten me promotions, good words, pay raise. I’m still looking for the man that’s "keeping us people down":joy: just be nice to people, they are nice back

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As someone who leans to the right of politics, this 100%. Both parties are fueling this.


Seems like it’s the trend for Justices to overestimate their longevity. Breyer and Thomas might want to be careful.

The most annoying and condescending argument possible. “You just don’t understand and if you did, you’d agree with me!!” Or maybe, people who disagree with you have researched the topic and they just came to a different conclusion because they’re individuals and we don’t all think the same.

Also, the true left - the progressive Democrats - are slowly gaining more ground. The Democrats in control right now are corporatists and are far more centrist than left-leaning.

Then you have the extreme left which is thankfully not at all in power. Sadly, the extreme right is more likely to be supported by the government - just thankfully not the extreme right.

Well I have yet to see anyone on the right burn down city blocks, business, terrorized local citizens in their homes and at restaurants or block highways.

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 you should look into right-wing extremism/terrorism in the US. The FBI said they were far more of a risk than left-wing extremism/terrorism very recently.

Plus, there is the Black Wall Street incident.

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Then you haven’t been paying attention, a lot of right-wing “militia” guys have been doing all of that the last few months.


**[quote=“JibblĂ«s-dalaran, post:357, topic:648576, full:true”]

As someone who leans to the right of politics, this 100%. Both parties are fueling this.

As someone who leans left but readily has no problems challenging my own or playing devil’s advocate.

I think you are doing a false equivalency.

Even stats have shown, those who claim to be Democratic voters show an increased attitude towards tolerating those that don’t hold their values versus Republicans.

What’s been shown why is that Republicans have a stronger Authoritarian value system which makes this happen more.

Democratic voters tend to be more of “Let live” and less meddling or telling others HOW to live.


acknowledging slavery, racism, and genocide are a part of american history is not racism against whites. its learning from the past so that we don’t repeat it.