The core idea of Ret is a bit wonky. Warriors are supposed to be offensive, Death Knights are defensive, and Paladins should be the Middleman.
Ret has gotten to a point where, we’re so concerned about keeping our Utilities for ourselves in order to move that we can’t use that function as much.
I for one would love to use Unbound Freedom on someone more than myself.
Man I hate you you said what I really tried to avoid and look up, I did the research and I tried so damn hard to find another choice but night far is like… The fix you can call it to some ret issues and it’s dumb because that not a choice.
Worse is you have to play pvp or pve not both before you all kill I gotta say that in bfa and legion you could farm your weapon/relic and essences/azerite/corruptions for both and that was better.
I know I’m saying big BS but even with the endless grind gone andt itanforge/corruption gone(which is great) we could build for pvp and pve… Now I need 2 pallys or take weekly breaks to pvp/pve at max potential…
Second sir during the mythic race they stated the value of immunity’s and the reason how rng mechanics on ret/mages could be “good” as 1 button solution and less dps loss overall take note during mythic race echoing void was super strong and corruptions had not tuning/nerfs and also they were more scarce.
They run 1 ret for wration(w.e dragon is called) freedoms and bubbles not for their amazing burst in single target and not for their “defensive cd” which our damage is balance on sov which pops with 1-2 ticks of mental decay or 1 tentacle smash during destregath and all the other raid damage keeps hurting us.
Look up at the interviews or the old videos during the mythic race they even doing puns of the horse of shame/steed of shame.
And look up at “uther’s gathering” best pvp/pve rets are giving their feedback calling the issues and a ret (vanguard I think) multi glad ret, number 1 ret computer at blizzcon that guy got No BETA.
Because obviously he can’t provide any feedback, kappa.
Look dude I get you edgy but ret it’s bad and everyone here just want to make it average or good if its not asking for too much not A tier not triple SSS.
And I said it enough times only reason they bring him was for freedom and bubble.
People tend to forget that you have azerite armor which gives passives that will be gone in SL. With current endgame stats the spec may feel fine…wait til you are 60 without haste.
Also “having no downtime” doesn’t fix our mobility and defense problems.
And auras are plain bullsh*t.
People also forget that this is normal. Because as we gear up once again, for another expansion things will just smooth out again. Same old thing every expansion.
And I think that from a PvE perspective our mobility blows and that SoV is a terrible defensive and losing Divine Protection and being given SoV in its place was a bad thing.
Saying ‘take the Night Fae’ and that fixes mobility is not a good answer.
Firstly it’s saying that we’re forced to take a particular covenant to fill a huge hole in our toolkit, and if it turns out to be a terrible choice for DPS, we have to choose between mobility and DPS unless our DPS is so good we can afford to leave damage on the table to buy mobility, but what are the odds of that happening and staying unnerfed?
Secondly, going Night Fae is only a partial fix anyway, because it’s on a moderate cooldown, so most of the time we’ll still be waddling around at 100% movement (or less if there are snares, and there’s a fair amount in BfA dungeons, so unless there’s been a major change in design, there will be in SL instances too).
In PvP, well I don’t have any real recent experience of that because I found the experience in BfA so bad I just haven’t done any.
I looked at the soulbinds, and by and large if you want mobility you have to take a route through the bindings that costs a chunk of DPS. So we’re being forced to make a choice of DPS vs mobility, and we know how those choices come out (in PvE at least - in PvP sometimes utility beats DPS).
This is one of the things that baffle me: if I’d take the soulbind traits which I find (from reading) attractive I have to skip quite some potency conduits…shouldn’t soulbinds “complete” our characters?
It’s odd, because it’s been shown time and again that DPS characters will always be expected to take the top DPS option, and even when you could argue that a mobility choice would give more time on target (and thus more DPS), the ‘safe’ option is always the direct throughput choice - you don’t have to justify that to everyone.
Hell, Blizzard’s design of the azerite rings reflects this - the inner ring never has a DPS option, but is always defensives and mobility (often a really poor set of abilities, but that’s another issue), and at least that can be a choice - when you think you gear is good enough that you’re not needing all the defensive choices you can take mobility instead, for improved quality of life.
OG Retribution paladin here. Way back when you young whippersnappers were still in elementary school, I was bottoming out on damage meters as a level 60 retribution paladin. We’re SUPPOSED to be an “E” rank at 60. The FOTMers will leave, the realest will stay. Welcome to 60 ret boys.
I’ll play ret again when exorcism is returned, judgement is reverted to its old superior self and they get mobility back. (never playing ret again obviously)
Yellow CP ruined this spec for me but it was at least playable until Legion rework destroyed everything
its nice to see all the love for exorcism in this thread, I too vouch for it, I just want to also say blade of wrath/justice is cool too guys, exorcism should exist side by side with it, light construct weapons have a place together not apart, if anything more interesting talents like light spears, light axes, etc should be a. thing, maybe a glyph to turn blade of justice into a spear? or other moves I dunno
i honestly beg to differ, i feel SOV is a nice hybrid defensive and dps button. so agree to disagree there, but we can agree that our mobility blows, but honestly…playing dk too. i like having 2 charges of horsy instead of slow as dk