you guys are arguing so much, I expect you to become friends and form a guild after this.
You played literally almost 1000 games of 3v3 this season to scrape a 2437 rating. that’s not even calculating all the other pvp you did. I bet there are other classes that did that in less than half the time with way less effort. THAT IS A PROBLEM DUDE. I’m not saying you’re bad. I’m not attacking you, I’m saying that sucks you had to grind that hard. how do you not understand that?
Ya we will be bffs when he realized dooming and glooming isn’t really the best mindset for playing the game
I mean there are a lot of context here that I would absolutely not take at face value.
I actually know people who have played more meta specs to my rating with like double my games played (it’s pretty wild I know)
I also messed around the majority of the season helping some people get their first 2100 or whatever. The main issue with games played is because the seasons in BfA are so long it literally doesn’t matter if u spam q and games played doesn’t matter. Especially because glad is baseline.
it’s pretty messed up that ret doesn’t have issues fixed that have been around for several xpacs.
As for covenants, -having- to choose something takes the fun away from getting a choice in the first place. Double bad when aesthetics are tied to that choice.
I would agree with you the idea of covenants and the philosophy behind it is absolutely terrible. However Night Fae/Final Verdict helps a lot with mobility issues
i feel that ret is smooth to play and amazing in pve situations, i feel that most of these complaint threads are based on. well pvp
Yeah ret utility and pve design ie priority targets makes rets niche good to bring for that. Now whether you like that niche or not is another story.
In pvp however its not that simple. Your telegraphed one trick pony. Can it work? Of course. Could those teammates who WILL have to compensate for your glaring weakness have an easier time achieving the same results? Yes, yes they will.
Yeah but then you have to deal with blessing of seasons.
That thing really needs a complete overhaul.
It’s not that bad tbh. Kinda aids to micromanage but could be fun, certainly is useful at the least. Also the idea of the fact blizzard trolled me by making our mobility band aid turning us into some furry degen thing that those freaks who play feral would like makes me want to vomit.
Chill, bruh.
While true, that doesn’t mean some (if not most of us) don’t want the mobility for all other aspects of the game. It would make ret, dare a say it, more fun in all forms of content. Tisk tisk now I’ve gone and done it.
You ever meet a feral above 2k? Always furry degens
fair :0 i often find myself carying those 50% increase speed potion to get some extra speed. i wouldnt mind a longer horse duration or speed of light back
Regarding Movement, there is a conduit ability called “Light’s Barding” that increases Divine Steed duration by 50%. Also in the Night Fae Soulbind tree in row 7 you get a 20% movement speed buff for 2 mins after killing an enemy plus along with Night Fae’s Soulshape you get a 50% move speed plus a teleport lol. Now whether Night Fae and juggling Blessing of Seasons is your thing…that’s a different story. I personally like the Kyrian’s Divine Toll better, more aoe can’t hurt.
In Beta I feel that Ret is playing super bursty depending on the talents you like. When my smaller CDs are lined up outside of Wrath it feels good, then when they are all up with Wrath it is nuke city. Where as in BFA I felt like Wrath was my only window. The rotation is super busy though, which I can see a lot of players not liking, very different from BFA. The bursty feel may help peeps get over that though lol. Plus with Mythic plus season affix Prideful, burst single target damage would be a good thing imo.
I agree with how outta sorts Consecration feels, I find myself rarely using it. I eventually find more of a reason to use it once I tried out the Endurance Conduit giving it a healing bonus, at least its something.
In all definitely having fun playing Ret in Beta.
Having to sacrifice conduits and and covenant choice to fix the gaping hole in our class is not ok, Punkafide… Others don’t have to make that sacrifice, we shouldn’t either.
That isn’t good in arenas bud. You have to clutch a kill first which if you’re perma slowed might not be so easy.
I just think Ret’s problem is movement overall. If they could get more passives that alleviate snares and roots, then Ret wouldn’t be that big of an issue.
The next problem is Ret’s off-healing and utility. Either make Word of Glory worthwhile or buff the crap out of selfless healer or give us a Healer Cleanse.
10 mythic kills isnt good especially this late into the tier. You entire post is complete nonsense and again proves you didnt read anything I wrote. You also failed to respond to the fact that the top 2 guilds in the world each run a ret for world first races every tier. Which they would not do if not for the reasons they outlined. You have already proved you dont know what your doing based on gem /enchants. Ret has some issues for sure but none of them counter any of my arguments/reasonings.
right? this guy doesnt know what hes talking about. ret pvp is gonna suffer but pve, ret looks like theyre in a pretty great spot. mobility issues are still present, but i think imma have tons of fun with my pally in SL