It’s in a poor state compared to BFA. Another expansion stuck going Holy or Prot.
My biggest complaint is the Auras. Two of them are passives we already had in BFA, now they were taken away, put on global, and sold to us as un-pruning lol.
Totally disagree. Feels better to me on PTR than live. It feels smoother and that’s without the gear from shadowlands. The only thing I miss is vision of perfection and frequency of empyrion power procs
That said the spec still needs work. Crusader aura should be a buff only to party members while our passive remains. Either that or remove cavalier and give us better mobility options so it’s a non issue.
Ret aura needs to be changed entirely. Crusader strike needs to be more meaningful And feel better to press. Same with consecration.
Talents that have been completely dead for years now need to be changed or just removed entirely
If you think ret is in a good state, your are terribly incorrect.
Im not great at explaining but here is a video of one of the best ret paladins out there, and in this video will show you how bad it really is.
I didn’t say it was in a good state in terms of viability. I’m arguing it feels better to play, I’m having more fun pressing buttons on SL PTR than I am in live. That’s all+ some other improvements I would like to see.
The spec definitely still needs work and major tuning. Aura’s in particular are not in a good state
Can you describe what exactly feels better? From outside it seems like it’s mostly the same as BFA without good parts. Or do you mean the talents that they added yesterday?
yea auras feel great to press watching that GCD wheel roll around. Oh and longer cooldowns on all our abilities? More dead time YAY! Everyone asked for that. But we got consecration right? Which tanks will move out of usless in pvp and hits for 1.5 times a crusader strike which is mocked for hitting less than an auto attack. So what our on the ground damage over time ability hits for slightly more than a AUTO ATTACK?! BOOO@!
its gotten some strong heals recently after savix video. it helps a bit. good heals and some better damage. if only we could have a talent row with WaD movement talents because it really needs a mobility buff. that steed thing is cool but its a big give away. maybe make the steed impervious to movement impairments would be nice. it wouldn’t be op if they keep it at 45 sec cooldown. kuz that cooldown is long as frick for a movement buff that is only 3 seconds i still dont think its a big fix but its a start.
Savix in that video also pointed out something I’ve been saying for a while now. An that’s why does Prot have all the pvp talents helpful to mobility, such as Steed of Glory and Hallowed Ground.
Come Shadowlands Prot with Steed of Glory and the Soul Conduit Light’s Barding. Prot’s Divine Steed is going to have a duration of up to 8 seconds with snare and root immunity.
I mean sure Ret will have a consistent run speed increase with Unbound Freedom and Echoing Blessing combination,(so will Prot). But will it be enough? I don’t know, given every other (ranged)class has also gotten more capable.
Of course I don’t think its an effective path in having to take talents and whatnot, just to be somewhat functional. There need to be some baseline functionally, and that is something Ret is missing. As Divine Steed, Hand of Freedom and Hand of Hindrance aren’t effective tools baseline.
Slightly off topic, looking at Final Reckoning makes me want it to be a Falling Sword ability. That it would teleport the ret, even if only a short distance to the targeted zone.
Don’t forget Fury, with their 3% heal every 4.5s (before accounting for Haste, of which Fury has an abundance) just for doing their rotation. Nerfed from BfA levels, but still pretty solid.
When it comes to PVE it’s mostly fine. Even damage wise from what I’ve noticed it’s tuned ok compared to my other classes. And I really like Searphim. It’s pretty much a 35% damage boost for 15 seconds. that can be used in most trash pulls. Damage is not as high as Shadow Priest, but hopeful that will get nerfed soon.
PVP we’re trash. Retribution aura is a meme. They just didn’t know which other auras to give us so they ripped it from something we already have. It’s a nice passive in BGs and very thematic. If it’s too strong as a passive just nerf it. Maybe make retribution aura instead give people an increased parry chance. Parry is a type of retribution, right? It’s a counter.
Parry is a deflection, blocking by redirecting the blow away from you, it is not a counter, a counter would be a riposte. A counter would be the old Retribution aura that we had years ago where it just did some damage back to people when they hit you.