You’ve never heard the term dad gamer…?
No. But paired with 2014’s word-of-the-day: cringe-- I can’t wait to google it.
Calling someone cringe and then actually being cringe is one hell of a double standard. Maybe instead of being CasperX’s shadow you can go develop your own personality it can even have a push-up bra like your Avi if you want.
If you don’t want to be constructive that’s fine, just do it somewhere else.
No it’s like me and Caper have both played the spec above lfr tier and have a decent understanding of things and how it fits into the meta.
Literally the epitome of male human ret btw
I don’t think you have a decent understanding of Gamer Dad. Or Google doesn’t, as I still don’t get it the way you used it.
Think of it as “ok boomer”
I’m so proud that you played a spec for 2 xpacs but are talking about it like you’ve been there the whole ride.
Must hurt that other people are allowed opinions right? God forbid other players have the ability to point out whats wrong with the spec.
10-4 Dinosaur
Your opinions are poorly informed. In two expansions I’ve played the spec at a higher level than you ever had
“Hur dur I checked your armory link I know everything about your account.”
If you think I give a crap about your opinion of me you’re wrong about more than just what ret needs.
edited and added quotation marks so some people coughBramotcough can comprehend the troll.
Ur rlly cringin me out here. Achievements are usually accurate reflections of someone’s accomplishment in the game. Idk what else to tell you here
Actions don’t show it. Or maybe its just evolved form of hybrid tax. Don’t think there’s a coincidence that ret, feral, ww, enhance are no where near meta for anything ever?
I mean I can understand it in some ways. There’s always shortages of tanks, and healers. So if ret, feral, enhance start a group and LF tank/healer becomes a norm, its probably a problem for the game at a high level. Lets say, tanks/healers were far more popular than they are today, I’d think there’d be more leniency towards hybrids. Kind of a tin foil hat, but maybe there’s some truth to it behind the scenes.
Feral is A tier rn for 3s with jungle being an S tier comp while WW is an S tier 3s class wdym
I always thought this at even a higher conspiracy. When population of a class gets too popular (Wrath DK) they make it undesirable to “balance” things.
Achievements can be bought. In the case of someone from moonguard of all places talking about arena cred, I am skeptical.
Dismissing someone as cringe and then trying to flex with achievements=double standard.
You’re arguing with a toon/player that didn’t even play all of BFA because it was so god aweful and you’re looking like a fool while doing it.
“This guy has way better achievements than me and he plays on moonguard!! Must have bought them!!”
Not flexing it’s stating a simple fact.
BfA is bad I agree, but you didn’t do anything in the good xpacs
“LMFAAAOO” wow, cringy bro.
And you’re right, I have been a pretty casual player, doesn’t mean I’m wrong. and your ratings, at a mighty 52% win doesn’t make you right just means you ground really hard for a really long time.
A DH/rogue/Mage/any other spec would have done it better in half the time. the fact you can’t see that that is a problem is why you are wrong.
Rogue mage has been the best comp in the game since the dawn of time. Of course. And the thing is, I’m not even claiming to be good/great. Just better than you.
Pretty sure you’re a little delusional on how bad you think ret is going to be.
I’m not delusional. I’m making informed statements based off of knowledge I’ve gathered from multiple sources and experience seeing this happen time and time again. We were great in s1 wotlk then got nerfed until the end of Wotlk. Great in Wod, nerfed. Great in beginning of BFA nerfed. Not even great right now, just okay. and we will be nerfed.
Much like you, blizzard repeats itself.
I would make the argument SL ret looks really great in terms of its numbers rn. Maybe not for pve, but for 3s looks solid, and for rbgs it might be even better than legion.