As much as I disliked CLF+ inq back in 8.2, I can’t disagree that it was way more consistent than w/e has been going on now. Only oomph the spec has is with VoP, full crusade, vita, wings, lust, and chaining lucid procs. Just nothing outside of it.
Auras returning were supposed to be exciting, not disappointing. Ret is a spec, not a class. Our mobility was already lacking. lol, grammar.
Crazy suggestion here for ret aura…
What if it was similar to the shaman’s res totem and acted like a blanket b res (limited by how many res charges you have)? So anyone that dies while affected by ret aura can choose to take the res. Thoughts?
Well as long as it did not count as a bres. Otherwise you will have people use it instead of keeping it incase a tank or healer go down. I can hear it now sorry i miss clicked but hey i can burn all my dps cd to pad the meter before we wipe.
That is a good point.
Auras were a mistake. Seals and Empowered Seals would have been a much better mechanic to bring back.
Ret Aura should just thorns for a little damage like before or be removed. Devotion, Concentration and Crusader are niche enough to be situational utility, if Ret Aura becomes meaningful to our damage in any way they’ll balance around it which will just discourage people from using the other auras and become a net loss if we ever have to switch. It’s safer to just remove Ret Aura.
But overall Auras were a mistake.
Thats how the old ret aura was. Our version of thorns IIRC.
Yes. Was super annoying though, didn’t count as a tag.
Mobs would kill themselves from Ret Aura & I couldn’t loot them.
See they should remove SoV and return ret aura to what it was. let us have fun with Auras.
I feel like that would be real easy to fix though.
I remember fishing back in the day, going off to answer the phone, coming back and finding my pally surrounded by dead crocolisks that had died on my aura.
It was nerfed into uselessness in Wrath because of Rogue tears. They were killing themselves on Ret Aura + Thorns, and the more Haste they stacked the faster they died. It was grand, but can’t have the Rogues getting all upset, so the nerfbat was swung.
Yeah I would have greatly preferred seals coming back to Auras. I don’t mind Auras but they way they are being done is… just lame. But we should have seals like Seal of Command back (as a cleave), etc. That way they become situational again like in… MOP was it?
Dunno if you guys saw this, it’s kinda part 2 of Savix’s Ret review, made me laugh when I saw it on Asmon’s stream and thought of this thread :
Yea i just tossed it in the dk thread about SL healing for pvp
Without blessing of wisdom there is nothing our spec can do to be on a raid we are legitimately taking away a good raidspot as protect and holy can do all we can do but better.
“Bring the class not the spec” sure!
Lg a holy pally with off spec for raiding
Heroic tier ends<
-Sorry we need to switch you to dps, but your class sucks at dps so can you like sit for the rest of the tier?
That’s ret mythic for ya.
I can’t speak for mythic raiding as I havn’t done it since MoP.
But I know that mentality works in Heroic Pugging. Metas or perceived utility/dmg takes place in getting picked up. I think that is a community problem though & can’t be fixed for RET without making us the FOTM melee.
1 ret is still going to be needed in raids. The top guild will run 1
In heroic there are not limited slots raids can be from 14-24 something around depends on raid roster and missing people and so on, mythic raiding have only 20 slots nothing more nothing less as fights scale while having 20 people.
The problem is at high end not mid tier content and I’m not even talking about first of the world or something.
So you’re telling me there is a chance
1 ret is still wanted/good in high end mythic raiding. Has been for quite awhile. Wisdom is nice but it wasnt the reason. Also to the guy above me yes. Ret looks like its actually gonna be pretty good especially with the new talents.