I predict most Rets will reroll into DK or Warriors!
This one definitely is. Especially now with the GCD changes
100% this lol. Already got my war rdy for prepatch. I love ret so much, but the specs an utter dumpster fire atm with us losing more than were gaining lol. Rip ret pally for SL.
Watch this lol puts it into perspective.
This spec needs a rework so bad its not even funny. So many stupid abilities auras and choices bliz made for ret.
Looking at your pvp, he’s a whole lot better than you are so we should take his word when it comes to pvp ret pally over yours. He’s been playing it for 15 years and, again, has much better achievements when it comes to ret pvp. Yes, he’s one of the best and one of the most known ones. Don’t be so salty, though.
I can’t get into Dk and my cousin plays warrior so I’m looking at rogue. It will be really rough to give up that tank spec. I wish monk had cooler covenant abilities though.
Did Avenging Wrath get nerfed? Didn’t it give TV 1 guaranteed crit on PTR/Beta last week? No longer the case?
Not that I’m aware of. It gave a guaranteed crit to the first damage spender like on live, and now it doesn’t.
They removed the gcd from AW that’s why you don’t have the auto crit from it anymore.
You clearly didnt do your research. As I havnt arenad last few seasons. You can easily look up all the stats of previous seasons/expansions. It’s not even close. His first 2700 was in 2018 lol. But If you did a little more research youd see your wrong. I’ts cool your his fan though. He makes some funny youtube videos.
Did you watch his honest ret review it was embarrasing. He literally played that 1v1 in the beginning terribly. He was complaining about wings heal being trash when he was specced crusade which doesn’t increase your healing. And is a horrible talent in early slands he should not be using it atm. And it doesn’t increase your healing like regular wings it provides damage and haste only. He ran straight across the open with a lock free casting. And casted crusade when he was lining having 0 benefit. If hes going to critique ret. He shouldn’t link a video of him playing like trash. He literally doesn’t even know how crusade works. I’m not saying ret doesn’t need fixes. But to say savix is a god ret is hilarious. And if your gonna compare. Id say my ex top 10 US ret pve exp. And 10x glad 2900 arena exp is a good indication of ret skill. Enough to acknowledge when someone’s not one of the best rets in the game. Ret could use a lot of changes 100%. And Some of his proposed ideas are really solid. But his perceived weaknesses he showcased. Was him playing like crap saying the enemy was playing bad. It would of been better if he linked a game where he played well and lost at the very least.
it makes your next white swing faster, used to be a big deal, not so much anymore.
Just FYI, that windwalker buff sucks.
10% is negligible and it doesn’t stack with any other movement buff whatsoever.
I think lots of wind walkers never even think of it
Well, you don’t really pvp much. Savix’s perspective is 100% based on 2400 lvl arenas.
He’s playing a different game than most of us and needs different things from his class
For PvE Ret is in a much better spot than in that video and honestly, seeing it posted over and over, as evidence of Ret failing ik PvE is disingenuous.
Well they should, because it gives quite a large mobility buff to certain members of their raid - like the Paladins and Death Knights.
Aura’s were that much of a sell for you that you’d ditch your class cuz you can’t mount 20% faster baseline? That’s your biggest complaint? lol bai.
My problem with Paladins right now 100% is Holy power. Second problem is that we do not have a charge or leap. 3rd is that when we are not in wings our damage is akin to a wet noodle. And losing vision of perfection is going to make that more obvious.
I love paladins theme and concept but how we are right now. And from what I see in SL just no. Not even looking at pvp.
Yes we have a 5 min immune, yes we have a full hp heal, but use either one and you have to wait for the other for 30 seconds. This wouldn’t be as bad but yea. I just am frustrated with paladins. When we are not in wings our damage is lol. And we do not have a lot of utility to bring. if we at least had buffs we could give then yea we would have some utility.
I still want a leap ability like a “falling from the heavens” look similar to what crusaders have in diablo.
A off gcd mobility option or instant gap close would make a huge difference for ret.
I think if we have the vision of perfection use inside the Talent Row could be a big improvement, like we are nothing without those wings and that will help us continue as BFA but somehow better with some new thing, and Auras are just garbage in the GCD, imagine someone inside the raid is going to die, have to put Retri aura (that was a passive), to get that buff up, but wait is in GCD, and then you lose it. Is just insane.
Vision of perfection is garbage/unhealthy for competitive pve. The Varience of dps in nyalotha can be a 50k+ difference. It’s a horrible essence design wise. Nothing should have that much variance.