But I thought parry somehow effects white attacks. It likes makes you retaliate and attack faster I thought.
Is that still a mechanic?
Not that white hits are particularly relevant these days.
With the Word of Glory buff we might actually have OK heals on par with rogue. They are just as op now. I’m guessing they are going to lock all the mobility of Ret behind Legiondaries we haven’t seen yet.
The lack of mobility we begged for + the insane global upkeep (if we try to stay competitive with other class DPS) makes us not even remotely close to the other classes I tinkered with for PVE raiding.
That maybe par for the course though, Castle has some melee friendly fights, but ranged will always be king at raiding.
The WoG buff is completely bonkers. I expect it to get nerfed. Blood DK tank friend got crit healed for it after a dual for 35 out of his 40k hp. Even with the 40% nerf in PVP I was able to full heal myself with wings.
So for everything but arena it’s completely broken. For Arena, we still don’t have damage reduction, so we’ll be ignored at the start, but 7-14 min in dampening will be hard enough that we will start getting vulnerable.
What do you mean with “insane global upkeep”?
savix isnt one of the best rets out their lol
It’s fine. It’s a trade off for the opportunity cost of TV since so much of rets dmg is in TV, it’s trade off for losing the group heal version, and it’s a trade off for less utility otherwise better brought by other classes.
No, I think it might actually be broken. The tooltip says 30%, but it’s 200%. I think they were too lazy to fix the spell for now, and just gave Ret the prot version. Which in itself is also insanely broken.
Something is broken. It might just be the tooltip, but I doubt it. 30% is hilarious, though. I’m ok with it only being 30% for that talent, though, as long as they also buff mobility somehow and give us magic mitigation.
Ahhh. Yea if it’s bugged it’s bugged, I guess that would make for a hotfix moreso than a nerf per se. but yea 30% I don’t know if that’s enough without compensation elsewhere.
The tooltip is whats broken, the blue said in the feedback thread that it’s supposed to be 200%. It’s intentional, but we all know it will get nerfed… God forbid the defensive hybrid have decent self/offheals.
So give us back our passive for mounted movement speed and have Crusader buff our non mounted movement speed by 10-20%
we currently have our 20% increased mounted speed on beta, it’s just a hidden passive.
They could make Crusader Aura increase unmounted speed by 20% as well, give us a reason to want to use it outside of AV, and give us a reason to want to use it personally… and it would be a unique bit of utility for us to bring.
In what world is trading 3 holy power for 3-6k damage, compared to a heal that does 14k for the same price a fair trade off? One of these is much more crazy then the other.
As its hidden want to bet it disappears. I do not trust blizzard not to remove it without saying anything.
Retribution Aura is just bad. I also agree that the mounted speed buff should be an “always on” thing for us, even without Crusader Aura up, and Crusader Aura would be for our allies. Death Knights keep their mounted speed passive, BTW.
I had this idea about a Retribution Aura rework: “Taking damage while under the effects of the aura reduces the cooldown of your class/spec’s major cooldown by X seconds/percent. Can only proc once per X seconds.”
That would make the aura useful for groups, and would be thematically appropriate as well: “You damaged me; I will strike back in retribution (with more cooldown usage over a long fight…)”
Of course it’s just a random thought, but they really should do something about that aura.
It only works that well when you’re low health. Which can easily lead to being CC’d and or bursted down dead before even being able to get it off.
Windwalkers give their group +10% runspeed. That being the case, and given that it’s vitally important that specs like Ret don’t tread on anyone else’s toes, I don’t see it for us.
Considering they get to give it all the time, in addition to an on target raid damage increase (Mystic Touch), and we have to choose between this or something else, I see 0 issues with it… Even then they could make it only be 20% for us and 10% for everyone else, if 20% across the whole raid is considered too much.
But yea, probly won’t happen, can’t have Ret get anything useful.
Was fixed yesterday I believe. Many class upkeep/burst abilities are being taken off GCD, including bursts.