RIP Mighty Caravan Brutosaur

There’s only 2 afaik? Or 3? Mammoth, Yak, and 1st Brutosaur right?

And we had engineers with repair bots in raids before that in Vanilla- I’ve no problem with the repair functionality honestly.

It’s the mobile AH stuff that’s more of an issue lol.

More people with this mount = Less people in the world.

It’s such a non issue. All of my socialization happens at open world events that naturally draw people to them, not in town where the clientele is afk

They never promised that. And they haven’t rereleased the mount you bought. It is a reskin. You all really need to learn lawyer speak.

I will ride my superior or cheaper longboi and there ain’t nothing anyone can do about it.

Now blizz just need to get that ghostly tiger mount as a twitch drop

That’s what their reasoning was for not leaving the original one in the game.

And I find it funny that this one is a cash-grab in the same way, it’s gonna disappear once the event is over.

They’re both FOMO mounts, in the worst ways.

I wouldn’t care as much if the game was in a better state.

As much as I hate these things, the biggest crime is just how bad TWW has been with bugs and glitches, entire guild banks going missing, etc.

If ya’lls mount collections suddenly got deleted, you can be assured Blizzard won’t help with that lmao.

Right now in PvP, if someone leaves a solo shuffle, everyone else loses 200 rating.

And in PvE, the palace raid has bosses bugging out regularly, it’s even on WoWhead. (Videos included.)

Just saying that TWW is in an awful spot right now.

As a video game. It’s partially unplayable.

I think rewarding Blizzard in any capacity right now, is just embarrassing.

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there is 4

The mammoth, The yak, the Original brutosaur, and the bear.

Oh, forgot about that shop mount that was just released like a month ago lmao.

They’re really going all-out on these things.

Considering both AH mounts cost well over 1m gold and a repair mount costs 20k, success. But don’t let that detract from whining.

It’s okay to be wrong.

Yeah, game’s buggy right now. Like I said before, though, at what point have we said what there is to be said?

It’s like you want me to paint all of my opinions based on the state of the game, but that’s not how I work. If I think the mount’s a nonissue, it’s going to be a nonissue regardless of how the game is doing in any other regard.


The dance studio is located in Eversong Forest. Unfortunately it’s only accessible by flying mount.

Continuing the discussion from Looks Like the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur might Be Unobtainable In 9.0.1 (Part 1):

The same thing happened with No Flying in WoD but was later reversed. There was even a YT vid about it:


I just read the post.

  1. doesn’t look like a promise, just a message of intent
  2. it was a message of intent by someone in no position to direct the course of the game, only to communicate the current course to the community (“community manager”)



Right? The only difference between an angry “they lied to us!” and an ecstatic “they listened to us!” is how popular the decision was.

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Ok, that’s not a promise. Where does it say “it will never be available again”?

What I DO see is the INTENT that they don’t want everyone having one, hence the $90 price tag for the new ones.

Nice try.

Are you still subbed?

Oh, I was not calling it a promise, I was simply sharing the original post. You seem pretty hostile given this is our first interaction. At any rate, the last line, while not a promise, the intent is to guarantee there are not 60 AH mounts in the city. Not sure if your Dorn looks like my Dorn… but it looks less like a titan gateway and more like Jurassic Park :rofl:

Also, just breathe. No need to be hostile with strangers.

That $90 price tag isn’t stopping folks when you can get it for about 2 Million or so in gold by buying enough tokens to put them too your Bnet balance…

so that’s a no. they did not. not even a little bit.


I wouldn’t call a ton of repair mounts now…there is only 3 other mounts with repairs …the Mammoth…the Yak and the Bear…that is 3…one more then two AH ones…

Cardinality is different from frequency

I feel like it’s a trade-off. One is still going to need another mount for full service. So if you are a serious AH trader (or just really like the look), you’ll want the new one because of the ability to seamlessly flip/pick up cancellations. If you play more of the outdoor content, you’ll want the AH and the Vendor. If you do both, you’ll most likely be popping both. (or the G.Bear)

So to many, it’s a crippled mount compared to what it could have been. I’m okay with that, I just like the look of it, and I’m happy that it’s a very different look than my Bruto 1.0.