RIP Mighty Caravan Brutosaur


Not a promise but they did change their minds about not wanting to see AH mounts all over the place. Money changes everything.

I donā€™t recall them ever making that statement. They claimed, at least before it was removed from the vendor, that they wanted to keep AH mounts rare. THAT is the only thing they backpedaled on. With the price tag of the new one, they will definitely be more common, but there will still be a lot of people who either choose to not purchase it or simply canā€™t afford it.

Things like this are part of why a lot of devs are wary about how much interaction they have with the community. Because people like to dig up old posts and interviews and shout ā€œTHEY LIED TO US!!!ā€, rather than accept that things can, and are allowed to change over time.

That blue post was made five years and three expansions ago. It was true when they said it, and remained true for a long time after. Just because something later changed doesnā€™t mean you were intentionally misled.


Legends never die.

Oh looks like someone failed english. Where in that blue post did they say that the first long boi would the only one?

Because I see is them saying they wonā€™t make them as prevalent as repair mounts.

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Sameā€¦ :cry:

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Promises are meant to be broken.

Especially when they where never madeā€¦

They probably made more money in the past 2 days than they have in the last 5 years.

I fully expect more of these to come. Companies generally test to see how much they can beat their audience relative to keeping them as customers. History has shown that blizzard can sell whatever they want and game quality can be as low as it wants and a large number of people will defend everything they do blindly

If that was true then why do they still sell it on BMAH?

I mean its not really RIP, Caravan still have repair vendor while other long boi has mail vendor.

They also promised that event items from back in the days would never come back. And here we are, almost all rewards of the 20th anniversary are old rewards being reintroduced.

Massive slap in the face of people that played in the early days, their unique stuff is just given out for free now.

I am pretty convinced they will bring back a lot more, what is the rarest pet / mount / transmog / title currently in the game? Scarab Lord?

Just wait, it will come back, 200$ in the shop :rofl:

The folks who promised that a long time ago in BfA, are very likely fired/replaced by now.

The whole company is in churn like a cement mixer.

Constantly seeing ā€œex-Blizzard employeesā€ working on other games/projects, and speaking about how awful working for Blizzard was recently, or how things changed and got more corporate, etc.

Itā€™s far from unique with Blizzard though, itā€™s most ā€œAAAā€ game dev studios these days.

Ubisoft is yet another example, theyā€™re straight-up dying.

Except there was never a promiseā€¦

Not a promise, but still a statement by one of the Blueā€™s back in BfA.

It was their ā€˜reasoningā€™ to remove the original bruto.

Why is it every person mad about this needs to have their own thread to feel heard?


Aww, I love my Long Boi!

That 5mil gold back then saved me $90 now, so thereā€™s that.

Please post that ā€œpromiseā€

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And to this Date there is only 2 AH mountsā€¦ with a ton repair mounts. Sounds like they are still good on what they saidā€¦