Range weapons are pretty easy to juke with stance dancing cheetah to monkey for a second. Their bow draw is going to stop them for ~2 second and it’s obvious when the damage is coming.
That said, if a warrior gets close to me there’s a 25% chance my FD + trap macro is going to fail and I’m dead without having a chance. FD + trap works in its current state, but it’s a bit wonky and unreliable right now (confirmed by blue post, and I’m in leveling spec currently without scatter). I’ve had a good bit of success in my BM spec with intimidation + FD trap to gain range which is a decent substitute for no scatter.
I am level 50-52 on both Hunter and warrior currently. On this warrior if I catch a Hunter with hamstring I’ve found it’s pretty much game over…a lot of sub 60 hunters don’t seem to even have a FD trap macro at all at this level. Assuming I’m equally skilled on both, I’d rather be on the warrior side of the warrior/Hunter matchup if I’m not trapped on the first charge any day.
I mained a rogue in 2004-2005 and loved dumping all over hunters when I got the drop. The only problem ones were the equally geared hunters sitting on a flare + trap (pretty common in Arathi Basin) shutting down any chance of an opener. Other than that, there were occasional issues with crippling refusing to proc, or orcs getting some lucky resist chains.
Leeway isnt melle exclusive this was demonstarted by running forward and arcane explosioning. If leeyway us extending ranges by 15 yards it should be recorded and shown to the devs. Im aware if the current popular video shoeing an extension adding about 5 yards to the end of attacks.
This is not even remotely close to how it works. The leeway is capped. You may just notice it more considering most of us have more stable connections.
Do you mind posting the source of “works just like vanilla” for clarification?
Becaus the mechanic clearly seems broken, and some posts on this thread are suggesting Blizzard screw up the formula and the range is much higher than what it should (which does make sense).
I only mentioned it, because there are opposing views about the issue, some saying it is how it worked, others it has more range. Thus why I asked you for “evidence” that would confirm your argument , cause both arguments were mostly opinions, and I was too lazy to see if someone posted an actual link.
I understand, but there is A LOT of people on here who will act like they are some sort of vanilla expert in terms of the code and such. They are everywhere talking about how ‘blizzard messed up this code’ or ‘this glitch wasn’t ever present and it’s caused by XX’. Even IF they are right there is no way they could know that so listening to that won’t get anywhere lol.
Why would you use Cheetah while kiting anyone in PVP? Even in vanilla that was a dumb thing to do. Regardless, a rogue who isn’t using crippling poison in pvp? Surely you are joking.
You can’t scatter/trap because of the implemented DR, Feign Death doesn’t work, so all you can really do is scatter and kite to range. If you’re too slow to drop Cheetah when you see the throw animation then I don’t know man.
Pretty sure most people have the ranged talent and have a 41 yard range as a Hunter.